Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: At your "Bug Porn" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
A VERY good day to you my Friend.

Glad to hear that KC-45 is good, i have been waiting to hear what it came out like...are you gunna give us a full smoke report?

Things seems good here in your garden that girls look green, Sending lots of green karma to your garden!!!

Best and Blessed to you!!!

Good to have you pop in Rooster, I know those meds are doing you right :passitleft: KC-45 is real intricate and interesting. Kind of a sour flavor with hints of lemon and spice. Pungent for sure, but not overwhelming rank. Doesn't quite stink up the house like the OG does. It has a real good high to it, euphoric and upbeat onset with hunger, and then levels out to a mellow and tiring high. Has a great lemon flavor on the first exhale. It's a flavor I've never had for sure, real interesting how delicate the flowers come off such a hardy strain. Definitely a pure lemon flavor during flower and then attains that mature "spice", a real interesting combo between lemon and spice. Even though it's got a lot of leaf, those leaves are crystallized, so all is good for grinding up for the vape. I enjoy not actually smoking, the vaporizer is my favorite ingestion method :circle-of-love:

Thanks for the good karma and kind words. Be Well Rooster! :high-five:

Hey Brotha Hope you had a Great day :thumb:

Mahalo my Brotha, hoping you had a great day and have a relaxing night followed by a better tomorrow :thumb:! Aloha buddy :ciao:
Good morning Lester,

Had some time this morning, so me & Ruth, decided to slowly mosey on over to your yard. After we're done visiting here, I'm going to show Ruth the Veggie Garden. I think she'll like your tortoise & I already told her bouts that Black Panther roaming around!

Looking lovely! Have a Great Day!

Good morning Lester,

Had some time this morning, so me & Ruth, decided to slowly mosey on over to your yard. After we're done visiting here, I'm going to show Ruth the Veggie Garden. I think she'll like your tortoise & I already told her bouts that Black Panther roaming around!

Looking lovely! Have a Great Day!


Good Morning! :hookah: Beware, Black Panther On the Loose :rocker:

You wouldn't want the tortoise to nip you in the bud either, hes got a mighty fine beak.

Weather is much cooler these couple days with more clouds, not so good for my germinating seeds, but I'm sure I'll get most of them to pop up. We should be back to regular clear and 80 degree temps this weekend or next week though. Been harvesting a lot of strawberries lately, like 10 everyday as they mature. Gotta love those sequoias :nomo: Great day to you Festus! :thumb:
Good Morning! :hookah: Beware, Black Panther On the Loose :rocker:

You wouldn't want the tortoise to nip you in the bud either, hes got a mighty fine beak.

Weather is much cooler these couple days with more clouds, not so good for my germinating seeds, but I'm sure I'll get most of them to pop up. We should be back to regular clear and 80 degree temps this weekend or next week though. Been harvesting a lot of strawberries lately, like 10 everyday as they mature. Gotta love those sequoias :nomo: Great day to you Festus! :thumb:

Hi Lester -

I'm jealous of your "cold" days. Spring is late on Cape Cod, because the water is still cold. We get it back in the fall, though - frost as late as Thanksgiving. Two little ones spent their first night out, and it went down to 39. They seem fine. We haven't hit 70 yet.

Yours are looking happy and healthy!
You just have those young girls running around all over your property Lester. What is that, Lester's Playboy Mansion?

the tortoise? u should see him run, Lester's got all kinds of activity goin' on. reminds me of chron, just under the sun here:circle-of-love:

Lesters Mansion of personal Molester girls.... That molest him with the most intense "Euphoria" one can ever imagine..... Therapy + meds = unbeatable life combo DAYAMN!

lol, WRBud, molesting & restraining girls is 2 doors North, lol

GREAT UPDATE pics Les :goodjob: i gotta go back and see if you "thumbed" the molester reference, lol

looking good Les. I saw a Hawk/Sphyx moth the other night, he came out just before the undesirables, shot by me at top speed!

any recent shoe-kills?
AT the bug porn again!! I do have a question for you?? If I may, I went to 18/6 on Monday night and today (2hrs.ago) noticed these!! Have you ever seen one show at this size and she is perfuming out a lemon~ pine .....almost like furniture polish smell. Hope you don't mind me crashing in just stoked!! The rest are on my page. Thanks!!! ...Peace.....



:Namaste::Namaste: :420: :Namaste::Namaste: :thanks:
it might be an auto which starts flowering no matter the light schedule around week 3 of life. what kind of lighting do you have her under?
KC-45 was an incredible success, the high is spectacularly amazing and riveting. Although the flower structures are not optimal, and it is a little leafy, the medicinal quality is profound. These are some really interesting flowers. :thanks: Mother Nature

In the future I'd try Light Addict's Back Building technique. You won't lose anything weight wise. Most likely it would truly help the final bud structure.
In the future I'd try Light Addict's Back Building technique. You won't lose anything weight wise. Most likely it would truly help the final bud structure.

The flower structure of those particular 2 plants was heavily influenced by the wild swings in phenotype I experienced. On top of that, at the same time they went into reveg in mid bloom, they also showed small signs of hermie, which went hand in hand with the revegetative growth. Luckily I got to them in time and force flowered a reasonable product. I would say that the strain genetics of KC-45 are inconsistent and finicky, yet interestingly unique if one can put up with it. We will see with the new batch the true nature of the flowers. I guess I also can't expect perfectly optimally tight buds that started flowering in the winter. Every other strain I've ever grown has had a much tighter bud structure, which has its gives and takes given my natural environment in high humidity. I can see how the KC-45 would really thrive in my environment because of these "airy, and lanky" tendencies. Depending on the weather, a dense patch of bud could quite easily turn into a patch of moldy bud, so it's all a give or take in one respect. Unless the weather is dry, usually I'll find pockets of mold in dense colas, which if I'm growing a small number of plants is unacceptable. Not looking to fix something that ain't broke, but I'll check out the technique your talking about. :thumb:
Good evening weed my friend. I am sitting here vaping a little Pakistan Chitral Kush/Afghani Bullrider. Pain is disappear and I wish it was warmer I would go out and stare at the evening sky. First really good buzz I have had in years, 25 to be exact. Happy Tokerday Lester
Good evening weed my friend. I am sitting here vaping a little Pakistan Chitral Kush/Afghani Bullrider. Pain is disappear and I wish it was warmer I would go out and stare at the evening sky. First really good buzz I have had in years, 25 to be exact. Happy Tokerday Lester

I hope you thoroughly enjoy every minute of it Bill!!
Hi Lester -

I'm jealous of your "cold" days. Spring is late on Cape Cod, because the water is still cold. We get it back in the fall, though - frost as late as Thanksgiving. Two little ones spent their first night out, and it went down to 39. They seem fine. We haven't hit 70 yet.

Yours are looking happy and healthy!
Hey thanks buddy! :high-five:

the tortoise? u should see him run, Lester's got all kinds of activity goin' on. reminds me of chron, just under the sun here:circle-of-love:

lol, WRBud, molesting & restraining girls is 2 doors North, lol

GREAT UPDATE pics Les :goodjob: i gotta go back and see if you "thumbed" the molester reference, lol

looking good Les. I saw a Hawk/Sphyx moth the other night, he came out just before the undesirables, shot by me at top speed!

any recent shoe-kills?
Nothing lately.. :tokin:

AT the bug porn again!! I do have a question for you?? If I may, I went to 18/6 on Monday night and today (2hrs.ago) noticed these!! Have you ever seen one show at this size and she is perfuming out a lemon~ pine .....almost like furniture polish smell. Hope you don't mind me crashing in just stoked!! The rest are on my page. Thanks!!! ...Peace.....

:Namaste::Namaste: :420: :Namaste::Namaste: :thanks:
Nice!! :thumb:

Good evening weed my friend. I am sitting here vaping a little Pakistan Chitral Kush/Afghani Bullrider. Pain is disappear and I wish it was warmer I would go out and stare at the evening sky. First really good buzz I have had in years, 25 to be exact. Happy Tokerday Lester

Good Evening Herb my friend! I'm about to grind one up for the vape, actually when I read your message I was holding in a big hit. Glad to hear your enjoying those exotic herbs, that must be a real good strain to give you a buzz like that! :hookah:
I hope you thoroughly enjoy every minute of it Bill!!

I totally concur! :circle-of-love:
Your "catch 22" situation has finally sunk in. High humidity, nasty "High Fliers", nature has her odds stacked against you.

But you are able to adapt to your environment and grow some of the nicest looking meds that I know of. That alone deserves more praise than words can ever possibly express.

I agree with your thoughts concerning outdoor, especially in your specific latitude and geographic local. Can't really beat that. I guess, what I'm wondering, have you considered going indoor? I'm always available via PM for advice. Not that much of an investment.

Just my two cents . +++ much love.
Hey Brotha Happy Tokerday to ya man :thumb:
did I miss some pics? agh and ill have less time to be on when I start back to work
Einen schönen guten Morgen Lester!

Your "catch 22" situation has finally sunk in. High humidity, nasty "High Fliers", nature has her odds stacked against you.

But you are able to adapt to your environment and grow some of the nicest looking meds that I know of. That alone deserves more praise than words can ever possibly express.

I agree with your thoughts concerning outdoor, especially in your specific latitude and geographic local. Can't really beat that. I guess, what I'm wondering, have you considered going indoor? I'm always available via PM for advice. Not that much of an investment.

Just my two cents . +++ much love.
I thank you so much for this ultimate wonderful comment. Finally, we have painted a picture that relates to me and my little backyard grow. I like how you used the word "Catch 22", because I totally agree that is what it feels like. To answer your question, on one hand, I am one of those people who is slightly envious of the folks who can grow indoors (as crazy as that sounds), it would be great to have that type of consistent income of medicine, because as you know outdoors it's hit or miss. However, unfortunately growing indoors is simply not an option for me at this current time in life. For one, my plant limit is only 6 budding plants, and with the layout of our little house, there is literally no room to put any kind of growing area other than the small vegetative area that's for the winter in the garage. The cost of running lights, and whatever other costs it entails for growing indoors would simply not overcome the size of beautiful plants that I can grow outside for virtually free by the time its said and done. It just simply is not an option given the situation so like I said, I just make due with what I got, and luckily have been able to fine tune it to consistent point where I can obtain the finest possible medication for the cheapest possible price. So to be quite honest there is really nothing like seeing cannabis plants grow their whole life in the Sun and transform into these different stages of life right before our eyes. In some spiritual way, I truly believe it is one of the most fascinating ways to honor the laws of physics which our Sun is governed by, and ultimately us as biological entities living on this little planet. I guess what I am saying is I am truly fascinated by plant science and the Sun in general. But one day if I end up moving up North for any reason I would definitely dig into the higher plant limits and a new house to establish something else. For now I will enjoy the ancient aspect of life, and really admire the beauty of outdoor organic ocean grown medicine :Namaste:

Again, thank you so much for this comment Josh - what you said ment a lot:circle-of-love:

Hey Brotha Happy Tokerday to ya man :thumb:
did I miss some pics? agh and ill have less time to be on when I start back to work
Hey my Brotha that's great news! I hope everything works out smooth for you :surf: I don't think you missed any pics, haven't done an actual update in awhile and the next full new update will be tomorrow! Great Weednesday to you bro!:thumb:

Einen schönen guten Morgen Lester!


Hey Good Morning Ole Festus! KC-45 is a super sativa! :hookah: :woohoo:
I agree nothing a great as letting nature take its course!!!

Looking forward to the update!!:high-five:

Keep it green, happy growing:peace:
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