Rifleman's Roost Open 24/7: Perpetually Perplexed

I'm glad this journal is still in progress, so I don't feel so bad about replying to a random post (even though it's the most recent one I've read so far, and appears to be about 300 posts behind - but I can blame that on your immense popularity ;) ).

Quitting alcohol and smoking cannabis all day turned that around. I'm a just slightly pudgy 180 now. A million dollar idea waiting for the Feds to deschedule....

"The All New Get the Giggles While You Lose Weight Cannabis Smokers Diet. And now for you nonsmokers the All New Cannabis Patch Diet !"

More like redefining the "Fat Farm." :yummy:

Of course... The way the past two weeks have gone here in my own little world... You'd better just put me in charge of a turnip.
This perception that we're all stoned-out potheads, incapable of being productive and socially acceptable is

...because of INDICA. Give the world the antidote (sativa, lol).
OtOH, it just occurred to me that the things I'm reading for the first time - and replying to - have probably already been discussed to everyone's satisfaction, and I'm being slightly annoying.

But, hey - I can live with slightly ;) .

(Seriously, though, if it gets to be annoying, let me know.)

Are you adding any water to the reservoir during the week? Here's how I judge how much my girls eat vs drink. After I start a fresh reservoir I take a ppm reading while it is fresh and full. That's my base number. During the week when I add water I add it plain, no nutrients, and fill the buckets each time. I then take another ppm reading. It should go down some each time if your girls are eating. For instance; Day 1 ppm 1000, Day 2 add 1 qt ppm 950, Day 3 add 1 qt ppm 900, and so on. The readings won't be as precise as that but you get the idea?

Indeed when the ppm number is getting higher and the water is decreasing, the solution is getting more concentrated and can lead to burn. It's why I try to keep my buckets topped off every day. In deep bloom it's sometimes twice a day.

I keep detailed records on how much each plant drinks, and do weekly summaries in my notes. It helps when I get a chance to sit and read my notes to have a better idea of what's really going on. Sometimes I can't trust my memory or knowledge , but the written data is hard to ignore.

I'm not sure if you've seen this but here's another chart that I keep handy.

I seem to remember "pH tanks overnight = Emergency! Emergency! Danger, Will Robinson, DANGER!" lol. Your reservoir has been invaded.

BtW, after a person runs the same nutrient line for a while, they kind of get a feel for things in DWC - especially if running the same strain multiple times, too. You get where you take a quick read and look, and throw some more water into the reservoir, maybe a touch of (for example, if running GH Flora Series) Bloom, and you know it just brought your pH back into the sweet spot, and then one day you realize that your once/week reservoir changes have become once per... Hmm, when did I change it, hee hee?

Your EC meter can tell you that your plants have been eating, but only experience and learning can help you predict what they've been eating.

Unfortunately, ^that^ was me, IDK, prior to 2005 or so? Even back then, I kept one of those tiny little notebook pads for the days when the brain cells were in a coma. Apparently... Life support has since been discontinued :icon_roll. I'll need to buy a pH probe for my meter just so I can pretend I won't make some bonehead moves. Which is kind of sad, because I pulled a "few" harvests when I was still married and working two 40s/week plus and didn't even have time to sleep, that I barely even picked a meter up for.

It used to just be short-term memory. Walk through a customer's house to the bathroom, get lost going back to where I was working... kind of thing. Now I'm noticing holes in the foundation. <EEK!>
Besides, I find it hard to imagine a judge throwing the book at someone for small-time cultivation in this day and age.

I find it hard to imagine, too. Sadly, I do not have to - because I can turn on the evening news. My area is much more <WINK> <WINK> <NUDGE> <NUDGE> than many, but even here, sometimes...

If I ever get popped I plan to assert an "affirmative defense" as spelled out in the law of my state, which allows special dispensation for cases where someone grows for personal medical use even though its illegal.

THAT is a good thing to have.

I don't sell the weed, so nobody will ever testify in court that I was their dealer and that makes a difference obviously. In non-legal states, if you routinely sell what you grow you are taking the biggest chance because you couldn't make the case it's all for you.

Yeah, but people who routinely sell product have $5,000 to $25,000 stored with someone against eventual need for legal representation (at least the reasonably intelligent people who sell do). Or If they're aspiring to Howard Marks (in his heydey) level of business, have at least one top-shelf lawyer on retainer. Those of us who don't sell not only don't have the ability to do that... the "hobby" (for want of a better word) costs money.

But the rewards are still self-evident, lol.
. Those of us who don't sell not only don't have the ability to do that... the "hobby" (for want of a better word) costs money.

But the rewards are still self-evident, lol.

It impresses me how the cultivator who grows for a friend or family member has no desire to gain financially. Everytime someone asks "How much do I owe you?" I laugh delightedly and turn it down. It's one of the cosmic laws that what you give out is what you get back, and in my life that translated out into the more I share what I grow the more my garden and the finances to expand increased.

They're looking for marketers of cannabis, but you're always up against the letter of the law and the reality that justice in our judicial system depends largely on whether the judge got any the night before or this morning before he left home. :straightface: I figure I'd have to plead guilty to the letter of the law and make a lot of noise. I mean a lot of noise.

At 63 I have so little fear left in me I don't even concern myself with it, beyond keeping the garden a secret from the community.
SIP rootporn. And you don't even need to remove the plant from the SIP to see it!
BtW, I forgot to mention: Nice seed haul, Chuck! I can't believe you actually counted them, LMAO. I might have counted a gram's worth, then weighed the remainder and did a little multiplication.

Or simply have gone with Tead's guess ;) .
Howdy y'all. I thought I'd pop in and tell you about my brownies I made Monday night. :)

27 oz coconut oil, 6 tbsp sunflower lethicen, 112g Auto Jedi Kush bud and 57g trim from DDA and AutoUltimates. That gave me enough oil for 5 batches of brownies. First batch was baked in a 9x9 aluminum pan. I cut a 1x3 inch piece yesterday morning for breakfast at 7am.

By 8am I couldn't walk straight and was having trouble keeping my eyes open. I did NOT smoke anything, nor feel the need to, until after 6pm. Yeppers, I was as ****** up as a football bat. :loopy:

Maybe just half that much next time.....:rofl:

:laughtwo: I like the way you think Mr. McCain. :high-five: My regular brownies carry me all day too, at 1/4 the plant material. :rofl: Maybe cut them a little smaller? Lol!
If I could give you reps twice for that I would. :laughtwo: Ahhh....... a 1x3 piece. Lol!
Thanks for the recipe. Sounds fun. Haven't heard that quote since my days at Fort Polk.

Howdy y'all. I thought I'd pop in and tell you about my brownies I made Monday night. :)

27 oz coconut oil, 6 tbsp sunflower lethicen, 112g Auto Jedi Kush bud and 57g trim from DDA and AutoUltimates. That gave me enough oil for 5 batches of brownies. First batch was baked in a 9x9 aluminum pan. I cut a 1x3 inch piece yesterday morning for breakfast at 7am.

By 8am I couldn't walk straight and was having trouble keeping my eyes open. I did NOT smoke anything, nor feel the need to, until after 6pm. Yeppers, I was as ****** up as a football bat. :loopy:

Maybe just half that much next time.....:rofl:

Beware edibles.

I only eat pot-things if I have blocked out the entire day for stumbling around, and laughing hysterically at absolutely anything.

Don't do that too often at my age. The bruises take too long to heal. :trance:

Peace, Hyena
Beware edibles.

I only eat pot-things if I have blocked out the entire day for stumbling around, and laughing hysterically at absolutely anything.

Don't do that too often at my age. The bruises take too long to heal. :trance:

Peace, Hyena

Damn Blood Thinners!
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