Sauga's First WW Indoor Grow, LED Style

I didn’t realize that was mitey girl!! Well....she ended up giving you far more than you imagined she would. That’s awesome! Congrats my man!
Ya I owe her big time. I think in a few weeks I'll take her downstairs and smoke the living daylights out of her. She'll like that.
So we've had lots of rain the last couple of days and I haven't been able to feed the outdoor girls. They are living off the rain water right now but don't seem to mind. My soil isn't that hot and need the nutrients, especially this late in the stage.
As near as I can figure, Mite'y' Girls is around day 55 of flower. There's a close-up below. I've been shaking the crap out of her to keep the moisture to a minimum and today we finally got a break. No sun, but no rain. They dried up real good but there's more rain forecast over the next several days.
So, without further ado, here's Mite'y' Girl.

I was wondering how your outdoor girls were doing after all that. Good to know they are taking it well so far.
All that rain and yet the soil only was wet on the top inch. I came home today to see her looking dry. After the first liter she perked right up. Fast. Amazing. She then took down 4 more liters. So, although she was soaked from the rain, I was able to feed her the MC as per schedule.
Yea it’s been raining like crazy here in south Ontario! Brutal weather I just want nice cool fall temps with sun !!
Can’t be to greedy tho I guess haha

No we can't, but if we could, I would be in 22C temps all year long, somewhere that gets 5 liters of rain every three or four days.
Hey MrSauga, speaking of watering, how much / often are you watering the quads now? They must be getting close, almost 8 weeks if my math is working (no guarantees, I've hit the vape pipe already lol)
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