Shiggityflip Hits The Brix - Growing Using High Brix Soil

Ok, you rubbed it in.


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Just the name HuckleberryKush makes the mouth water..seeing the amazing buds...:drool:
Dang! Those look amazing! I can only hope our girls will look like that! If you want to see our pants, check out nismo12's first and second grows. 1 tent is in flower, the other is veg.
Beautiful plants AND photos, Shigg's!! :circle-of-love:
The AO is starting to get color too ... ?

Fun! :clap::bongrip:

Yes the Agent Orange gets nice interveinal and leaf edge purples. And my bottom temps are not very cold. I bet she would do well as an outdoor plant and also get very purple.

I'm really excited about her in High Brix. She is thickening up more than her chem counterpart so I am totally stoked you suggested the 2nd cat. I'm finishing all the plants on GE+ tea. I'm not sure I want to foliar them when do you quit foliar in flower GT?
I really don't. If the fans are still healthy and the humidity can take it, I keep Brixing all the way. But if they're that good I also pull way back on the DeStress - that stuff is pretty dark, y'know? :laugh: Sometimes the wash water looks wayyy brown, so ... :cheesygrinsmiley:
I really don't. If the fans are still healthy and the humidity can take it, I keep Brixing all the way. But if they're that good I also pull way back on the DeStress - that stuff is pretty dark, y'know? :laugh: Sometimes the wash water looks wayyy brown, so ... :cheesygrinsmiley:
I have been cutting back on destress. Actually haven't used it much early flower either. By the time I stressed them I gave one or two weeks of destress and then cut back again. Some of the decisions this grow have been seat of the pants ones. They seem to make sense at the time.

beautiful trich shots shiggity! :tokin:
Thank you so much HK that is a great compliment! Glad to see you here visiting. :Namaste:
I have been cutting back on destress. Actually haven't used it much early flower either. By the time I stressed them I gave one or two weeks of destress and then cut back again. Some of the decisions this grow have been seat of the pants ones. They seem to make sense at the time.

Thank you so much HK that is a great compliment! Glad to see you here visiting. :Namaste:

shigs, Destress is not just for stress. its got many trace minerals, etc..I use it 1/2 strength(also with WA10X-1xweek) during bloom, less than I do Brix/WA10X, I find it gives them al little of what they may lack, especially in smaller pots.:thumb:
AO is a thing of beauty and the rest of your flowers aren't looking to shabby either. Great job.


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Complete veg overhaul is done and new girls for flower have been defoled and tied down. I am ready to get these girls into flower. The lineup is:
High Brix:
3 Twisters
3 pineapple fields
2 Tutankhamon
1 THC Bomb
1 Huckleberry Kush 11

I tossed some chem plants and transplanted the last of the clones. After this flower cycle all the chem plants will be gone. After this harvest closes I will be consolidating the hunger games and this thread into a new thread. I have mentioned it before but especially in light of this current cycle Huck Kush 11 is the champion of the first hunger games. We have many new contestants including Twister, Tutankhamon, THC bomb, TGA Shangrila, Dynastygenetics Bluniverse, Pineapple fields, and honey badger Haze, KOS Dark Dragon, CKS Green Crack, Zplus 4Csins and Purple Haze, and MOC Carnival (when I finally press the order button on the cart at Herbies lol. Heck I may even find space to grow an auto.

The new thread will be all high Brix and will keep the competition going among strains and have some cool lighting and growing experiments. It will be called:

ShiggityFlip's High Brix Hunger Games. Catching Perpetual Fire and other Shenanigans.

In the pic all the new flower girls are in 10 gallon pots and extend from the purple line backwards. There is another four feet of veg plants you can't see that will take over that space when the flowering girls leave.

I'm ordering the kit homie. Just waiting on Doc to email me back. I was going to go hydro for my next method of growing after I finish a few grows in soil. But, why the hell wouldn't I use the kit when you, and others, are putting out quality buds with ease. I can't wait to get it cooked and ready to make some FAD (Fine Ass Dank). Thanks for the nudge Shiggity.

Here's to you, brother :roorrip:
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