Thought I would follow up on @AspenCultivator notes and show a similar issue when running my first SIP. I’m a longtime grower but have very limited time to post a journal. I do greatly appreciate all the knowledge and information I have gained from members and this site !

I’m Peat/Perlite grower (pro mix) and I’ve been using MC nutes the last few years and have great results. I recently switched over to homemade nutes with help from @farside05 and he helped develop a RO version of his mix. I have to use RO water as my well water is extremely hard ! I also switched to his homemade Fauxmix. I just like the hands on ability to make my own when needed. My grow before last was using both of these and the outcome was one of our best ! Below at about 8 weeks.

I liked the SIP flexibility on watering with my work schedule and also the elemination of removing the plants from the GR to water and collect runoff. So we switched this last Spring grow and tried the commercial available system for the 5-gal buckets. Still using Fauxmix and Farsides nutes for RO.
All started out well until about week 6 when a deficiency definitely showed up on all plants. Tried tweaking the mix for another week and half, but knew something just wasn’t working in the res. Switched over to mostly watering from the top and the plants settled back into a decent grow. Of course the damaged leaves did not revert, but new sugar leaves and bud development did improve. I’ve not had a grow go this far south in over 10 years.

After harvest I pulled the plant to look at the roots. They all had decent root mass, and they had grown down well below the overflow level, even though this may have occurred after I switched to all top watering ??


I’m not sure but I feel that there is a buffering issue that develops at some time in the annulus down by the water level where the roots push. There is just so much water passing through this area that the soil loses its buffering capacity and this is where all of the roots are going to. I don’t ph my nute water and haven’t for many years.
I really would like to stay with the SIP as I love the ability to be away for a few days when necessary. But need to figure out how to tackle this issue. Won’t start the fall grow till October due to the weather so have some time to decipher !

Interesting that @farside05 has not had this problem with his switch to SIP ?

Wonder if maintaining the full res water level might also be speeding up the reduction in buffering ?

Thanks for the assessment Flatfish! I also learned annulus from your post, neat.

When I 'primed' my buckets before transplant I used 1 gallon of plain PH water 24 hours beforehand and noticed I needed a lot more time for the res to soak or evaporate down to half full. I was topping them up to maintain the res at full and came to the conclusion less is more, especially after @Azimuth mentioned even tho the res can hold a gallon of water or feed doesn't mean it should. Once I started watering enough in the res to be empty in a couple days that's when this system really started working. Sometimes it was only 1/2 gallon, even 1/4 gallon. Just depended on the rate at which they were drinking at the time.

It's interesting because I only top fed one of my sip containers but continued feeding through the res on the other one. I didn't notice a difference between the two at harvest. Perhaps I got lucky and just didn't experience another lock out though. I just started my new cycle and plan on continuing to use the synthetic bottled nutes...but this time with scheduled flushes. I've revised the design to have a bigger overflow hole, so while I'll still need to move them into the bathtub to accomplish the flush, it won't take as many hours to run water through them. It's indeed a gamble, but until my current nute supply is exhausted and I buy more, it's what I'll be doing.

It really sounds to me you've had a buffering issue. I didn't quite follow whether you've been running commercial peat/perlite (ProMix/SS#4) and now switched this grow, if so I would suspect your new mix isn't buffered enough. I've personally been pretty amazed with the commercial product's level of buffering, it seems pretty indefatigable from my 4-5 years experience torturing the stuff. I make enough mistakes to learn for a handful of us, l and do have time to scribble on this forum!

In my experience the commercial products I mentioned require no pH'ing of the fertigation, so I gave it up in the stuff. I don't know how they accomplish such hardcore buffering, but when I used plain peat w/perlite and buffered it myself with DE and calcium nitrate I had issues. Most of the above is using M3ga Cr0p 2 part, make of that what you can.

I know what you mean about wanting to stay with SIPs. I am not having issues with commercial peat/perlite fed either MC2pt or GH flora, but I run quite a low EC, all in the rez. I did have an issue when mistakenly overfeeding in one SIP, but it was an overfeed so... Anyway, it makes sense to be concerned about a pH issue/lockout in a passive system like this as PPMs can build over time, and I think it's possible for different people using very similar inputs to have varying results with fertigated SIPs, ie some lockouts, as a result.

I've been known to run with seaweed, humates and microbes added weekly, with 1 litre water added on top, but it doesn't appear necc. for my fertigated SIPs in commercial peat products, at least not to prevent lockouts. I just ordered a big bag of SweetCandy for soil, but will try it in my peat grows too (with 10 kilos of the stuff I'm feeling more generous than usual).

That's all I've got for you, Flatfish. Thanks for dropping in! Beautiful plants, btw!
19 days ago I posted this wondering if it was a little slow. I'm amazed how much they have grown in that time. Autos at different stages. I've 2x panty punch, 1 in sip, and one normal. The sips is wayy out performing the potted one, as yous already know lol. Yous were right about everything about the sips folks, and I'm glad now I stuck in there and went down this route. Very nice not having to spend all that time I'm the morning before working watering. Few times I've missed the morning time, and just put a little in the afternoon, and by lights off its all gone and I can just get the morning again. Very easy. I'm just top dressing amendments as normal and give it a little from the top everyweek when I do that. Seems to be working, thanks for all the tips I've got from you folks, much appreciated. .. 👍


Glad to hear of your success, @gazmufc ! Yeah, plants in SIPs often seem to need a transition period as they morph their roots over but, once they "catch," growing gets really fun.

And it's hard to beat a watering routine of just pouring stuff down the pipe. So fast and easy.
And it's hard to beat a watering routine of just pouring stuff down the pipe. So fast and easy.
Hard but possible… Blue buttons are nice.

I’m currently using a 100ml syringe on my Solo Sip right now. She was taking loads before but I think we’ve had some stall since the light change. Shae was only drinking 60ml max for a week.

However, today she had about 120ml (80ml res)

She was a bit droopy, lights out but dead dry earlier which I think explains that yellow low down that has appeared in the last 24 hours. (Always a deficiency for me) She’s due a chop anyway 🤷🏽

Maybe a cheeky top water in the morning.


Glad to hear of your success, @gazmufc ! Yeah, plants in SIPs often seem to need a transition period as they morph their roots over but, once they "catch," growing gets really fun.

And it's hard to beat a watering routine of just pouring stuff down the pipe. So fast and easy.
Fully agree.. Finally as well a grow were I can get one of those lowest r nodes to branch out. I'm both of them are out performing the main lead branch.. 👍
Phew that was a marathon read to get caught up.

Started a couple granddaddy purples 14 days ago in the solo cup SIPs you outlined on page 2 @Azimuth. Have 2 5g bucket in bucket SIPs built and ready for soil.

I've seen a lot of talk where the media should have 40% perlite. I'm growing in FFHF and wonder how much perlite that has in it from the bag? How much more perlite should I add to that for these SIPs?



Phew that was a marathon read to get caught up.

Started a couple granddaddy purples 14 days ago in the solo cup SIPs you outlined on page 2 @Azimuth. Have 2 5g bucket in bucket SIPs built and ready for soil.

I've seen a lot of talk where the media should have 40% perlite. I'm growing in FFHF and wonder how much perlite that has in it from the bag? How much more perlite should I add to that for these SIPs?



Welcome the The Club, @goowa !

Nicely done on your SIP build. I like your solution with the spacers between the buckets. :welldone:

Does your net cup reach the bottom of the lower bucket? And what is the blacket lowest part of the build? Looks like black duct tape as a light block for the reservoir?
Welcome the The Club, @goowa !

Nicely done on your SIP build. I like your solution with the spacers between the buckets. :welldone:

Does your net cup reach the bottom of the lower bucket? And what is the blacket lowest part of the build? Looks like black duct tape as a light block for the reservoir?
Yes, I turned the net cup upside down under the top bucket to measure how long the spacers needed to be. Didn't account for the ~1mm of plastic from the bottom of the bucket, so there's about that much gap between its rim and the top/soil bucket when it sits in there. We're not building fine furniture here so I'm sure it'll be ok 😏

Yes it's a light block! But its not duct tape, I painted the bottom of the reservoir buckets to inhibit Algae growth. The bottom of the top bucket goes in about an inch past the black paint when it's assembled. I looked into getting food grade black buckets, and it was silly expensive to ship them, so I improvised and used what I had on hand.

Do you have any ideas about if/how much perlite I should amend my fox farms happy frog soil with?
Phew that was a marathon read to get caught up.

Started a couple granddaddy purples 14 days ago in the solo cup SIPs you outlined on page 2 @Azimuth. Have 2 5g bucket in bucket SIPs built and ready for soil.

I've seen a lot of talk where the media should have 40% perlite. I'm growing in FFHF and wonder how much perlite that has in it from the bag? How much more perlite should I add to that for these SIPs?



Sweet design and welcome to the Mag goowa! Love it!
Didn't account for the ~1mm of plastic from the bottom of the bucket, so there's about that much gap between its rim and the top/soil bucket when it sits in there. We're not building fine furniture here so I'm sure it'll be ok 😏
Right. Should be close enough. Don't want a big gap obviously as we want the soil at the bottom to act as the wick.

I looked into getting food grade black buckets, and it was silly expensive to ship them, so I improvised and used what I had on hand.
Check to see if they have the "Recycling triangle" on the bottom. Any of the numbers 1,2,4,5, and 7 are considered food grade.

Do you have any ideas about if/how much perlite I should amend my fox farms happy frog soil with?
I do not as I've never grown with FF. Do they list the mix percentages on the bag?
Thanks for the assessment Flatfish! I also learned annulus from your post, neat.

When I 'primed' my buckets before transplant I used 1 gallon of plain PH water 24 hours beforehand and noticed I needed a lot more time for the res to soak or evaporate down to half full. I was topping them up to maintain the res at full and came to the conclusion less is more, especially after @Azimuth mentioned even tho the res can hold a gallon of water or feed doesn't mean it should. Once I started watering enough in the res to be empty in a couple days that's when this system really started working. Sometimes it was only 1/2 gallon, even 1/4 gallon. Just depended on the rate at which they were drinking at the time.

It's interesting because I only top fed one of my sip containers but continued feeding through the res on the other one. I didn't notice a difference between the two at harvest. Perhaps I got lucky and just didn't experience another lock out though. I just started my new cycle and plan on continuing to use the synthetic bottled nutes...but this time with scheduled flushes. I've revised the design to have a bigger overflow hole, so while I'll still need to move them into the bathtub to accomplish the flush, it won't take as many hours to run water through them. It's indeed a gamble, but until my current nute supply is exhausted and I buy more, it's what I'll be doing.
Thanks AC ! I do feel I may have kept the res too full early on. After the initial saturation, I kept the res mostly full topping off every day or every other day. I went straight from Peat pod to the 5 gal and only top watered a smidge at the transplant. Sounds like it would be better to let the res drop down more between fillings !

I'm going to run another batch this fall and will alter the watering !

Good luck on your next SIP run !

It really sounds to me you've had a buffering issue. I didn't quite follow whether you've been running commercial peat/perlite (ProMix/SS#4) and now switched this grow, if so I would suspect your new mix isn't buffered enough. I've personally been pretty amazed with the commercial product's level of buffering, it seems pretty indefatigable from my 4-5 years experience torturing the stuff. I make enough mistakes to learn for a handful of us, l and do have time to scribble on this forum!

In my experience the commercial products I mentioned require no pH'ing of the fertigation, so I gave it up in the stuff. I don't know how they accomplish such hardcore buffering, but when I used plain peat w/perlite and buffered it myself with DE and calcium nitrate I had issues. Most of the above is using M3ga Cr0p 2 part, make of that what you can.

I know what you mean about wanting to stay with SIPs. I am not having issues with commercial peat/perlite fed either MC2pt or GH flora, but I run quite a low EC, all in the rez. I did have an issue when mistakenly overfeeding in one SIP, but it was an overfeed so... Anyway, it makes sense to be concerned about a pH issue/lockout in a passive system like this as PPMs can build over time, and I think it's possible for different people using very similar inputs to have varying results with fertigated SIPs, ie some lockouts, as a result.

I've been known to run with seaweed, humates and microbes added weekly, with 1 litre water added on top, but it doesn't appear necc. for my fertigated SIPs in commercial peat products, at least not to prevent lockouts. I just ordered a big bag of SweetCandy for soil, but will try it in my peat grows too (with 10 kilos of the stuff I'm feeling more generous than usual).

That's all I've got for you, Flatfish. Thanks for dropping in! Beautiful plants, btw!
Thanks RD ! Past runs have been Promix, except for the last 2 which have been Far sides FauxMix. Traditional top watering to runoff worked great ! The last run, with SIP, not so good ! Guess I can alter up the watering cycle some and at the same time go back to the commercial Promix. Won't be until Oct or the next run.
Appreciate all the suggestions !!
Thanks RD ! Past runs have been Promix, except for the last 2 which have been Far sides FauxMix. Traditional top watering to runoff worked great ! The last run, with SIP, not so good ! Guess I can alter up the watering cycle some and at the same time go back to the commercial Promix. Won't be until Oct or the next run.
Appreciate all the suggestions !!
You bet, Flatfish, my pleasure. I was only helping to confirm your observations with my own. I would say that if you feel you must top water, try and avoid it as much as possible while the plant roots system devises its overall morphology. I think you want to make sure it identifies a strong moisture gradient, increasing downward, during development. This triggers the plant to develop a strong taproot, and other structures, which I think is important even if you choose a hybrid fertigation method. I personally would return to using the commercial product also, as pH is critical. Consider too that you can fertilize SIPs with a lower strength, I have done this and avoided any pH/toxicities, 'cept when I overfed by accident and even then only one of two plants. If you are running Mega Crop, who recommend 1.2 EC as starting level, I have done just fine with 1.0, about 3.5 grams/gallon of MC - as a 'for example'

Nonetheless, whatever you choose, every person's situation is different, so please don't hesitate to share with us regardless of your methods. I personally am here to learn and be stimulated by people who do things differently, and who know things I don't, which is a privilege earned by supporting everyone here. Keep us up to speed when you start, if possible!
Phew that was a marathon read to get caught up.

Started a couple granddaddy purples 14 days ago in the solo cup SIPs you outlined on page 2 @Azimuth. Have 2 5g bucket in bucket SIPs built and ready for soil.

I've seen a lot of talk where the media should have 40% perlite. I'm growing in FFHF and wonder how much perlite that has in it from the bag? How much more perlite should I add to that for these SIPs?



Awesome example. Love those CZ baskets, wish I had some.

I would say you'd be good to add another 4-6 cups to one bucket's worth. Since the buckets are rarely 5 gallons I can't tell you how much to actually add per gallon of soil quite as easily, so I'm guestimating, but not overdoing it for safety at all (from my perspective). Because the bottom few inches are so wet, the perlite is important down there.

You can fill the basket with perlite alone, though avoid hard layering of different media in the soil column itself, as this can mess with the 'capillary action' that moves moisture upward against gravity.

Also, pack the net pot well so it doesn't compact and sluff away from the main column and subsequently break contact, and flow, with the main soil column.

Love it. Clean build. Better than me.
Awesome example. Love those CZ baskets, wish I had some.

I would say you'd be good to add another 4-6 cups to one bucket's worth. Since the buckets are rarely 5 gallons I can't tell you how much to actually add per gallon of soil quite as easily, so I'm guestimating, but not overdoing it for safety at all (from my perspective). Because the bottom few inches are so wet, the perlite is important down there.
Thanks for the guidance on the mix!

You can fill the basket with perlite alone, though avoid hard layering of different media in the soil column itself, as this can mess with the 'capillary action' that moves moisture upward against gravity.
I had actually planned to fill the net cup with pre-moistened perlite, so I'm glad you provided that feedback.

Also, pack the net pot well so it doesn't compact and sluff away from the main column and subsequently break contact, and flow, with the main soil column.

Love it. Clean build. Better than me.
Very good feedback, I hadn't considered the compaction. I'm planning to put weed fabric between the net cup/bottom of the bucket and the soil to keep everything in place. I was also going to put a thin layer of perlite across the entire bottom covering that fabric so it's one even wicking layer across the bottom. Any drawbacks or downfalls to that?

A couple more notes on my plans I would love feedback on:

1. I'm planning on putting the soil in 5ga fabric pots on top of the perlite. Two reasons for this are more "blacking out" of light from the white bucket, and I'm thinking it will allow a touch more air down the sides of the bucket. Eh?

2. Toying with the idea of creating a layer of soil in the bottom of the fabric pot, using fox farms ocean forest which I guess is a little more nutrient rich than happy frog? When I transplant in and the roots do make it to the bottom, hoping they'll be a little happier out of the gate with that extra food. Eh?
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