Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

I was very excited to see brothers grimm come back, I had the pleasure of enjoying some of the original c99 a friend grew back in college. I picked up regulars of their Rosetta stone, killer queen, and got lavender x p75(duke diamond creation) as freebies.

So far I have no complaints about anything growing, but I wouldn't buy anything feminized from them, there is a reason Duke left the company and my gut says it's a result of the breeding practices brothers grimm is following.

if I was going to buy c99 I think I would go to Mosca seeds and get their bx of the original
I loved the C99 X blueberry I grew
Free seed from Seedsman Van helped me pick out for some replacement for the bad Kilimanjaro seeds

Great great smoke, Sue tried it too when she visited

I'd for sure try straight C99 down the road
@Pjs420 those grew out of fem seeds i got at growers choice seeds. They dont specify who bred it. Out of 5 seeds 4 were one pheno that kinda smells like cheesey pineapples and taste like pineapples or like fruitpunch? And the last one had a totally different bud structure, purpled in late flower and smells like a bouquet of flowers but taste like sour grape and cotton candy?
I have stuck with the coconut caps because they store better and stay solid in the fridge so there is no leakage. I suppose I should try the olive oil again on a future run to try it again.

The high I could get from the oil was ok, but to get where I liked it, I was having to use a lot more than I wanted. And it was a bit more lethargic (not sure if thats the right adjective) in nature. Maybe sedative like is more accurate.

Also its much easier for me to wake up and function without the heavy fogginess I would experience after higher doses. Sometimes it would still feel like I was pretty high even as late as 11am after taking the capsules and I am not a big fan of waking up still high. SO the lower dose seems to be working better, but I smoke a bit more often which is ok.

On a side note, I rolled my first two joints since 1989! They came out pretty well. Ms Stank and I smoked a blueberry joint a couple nights ago and I smoked a joint with our friend at his house. So different than the bong. First question.....for those that smoke there a recommended rolling paper? The one Ms Stank and I used was from one of the 420 gift boxes, I think it was Barney farms and my god it tasted horrible. I know it was the rolling paper cause I smoke my bud in a bong and my stuff tastes great. This tasted like shit.

Now the interesting thing is that Ms Stank can't smoke from the bong without coughing up a lung and she can barely use the Tru Va vape pen to smoke flower.....but she had no issues smoking from the joint. We are both pleased to find she can handle that and will be able to partake more socially when able! I always feel bad because if my buddy comes over, we all go outside and smoke from the bong and she doesn't want to smoke from it cause of how bad it bothers her lungs. But she doesn't experience that from smoking a joint. So we need some better tasting rolling papers! Help all you joint smokers, what would you recommend?

I like trailer park boyz organic non bleached hemp papers .

Or my weedbay place i love there paoers or classic zig zags white . I grew up with cut korners. Lol

Few recommendations
I will pick up a small pipe and see if she can do that. She liked the joint so I am game on stepping on my "J" skillz. I tried rolling one a little bit ago but I apparently it was too tight. Couldn't get any air flow through.....ah well, lesson learned.
I used cheap ten dollar glass pipe through day here and there . Keep edge off .
I remember the discussion about brothers Grimm C99 having hermie and other genetic issues since they came back so I steered clear last spring from buying any.
Yeah I think one of arcitcs huckleberry x c99 f2 threw some banners too
im usually a pipe or bong guy. Picked up some grape blunt wraps today. Gonna give them a whirl in a few. lol
I'm gonna roll up a little Mango B when my wife gets home & gets the kids outta my hair.
Sounds like everyone is staying nicely medicated today!
I havent smoked a blunt in years. lol
I roll little ones more frequently than anything. Maybe .25-.5g. Roll it like a bidi cigarette. A bloint? LoL
Here is the plant I mentioned to you earlier. From an ex sponsor of 420 so I can't/won't mention their name. I think it's going to be a very good one. It was sold to me as a regular GG#4 strain. I love how the buds are spiraling up the branches. And this gal (clone from the plant above) is SUPER sticky and has a strong chemical aroma. To me it looks very similar to Girl Scout Cookies family plants I've grown. The clone has been pollinated with pollen from a Northern Lights plant that netted 1lb of dry buds. It's ready to harvest but I have to keep it flowering till the seeds are matured. The seeds could be (always a possibility) something special.

Tangie x Ghost Train Haze Clone Flip Day 28, Day 18 With Hairs

This wild girl is cruising along nicely. She got a drink of rain water (1.5 gallons) with a little top dressing of minerals and gypsum. Next watering will be an ACT dose for her since we are getting to prime bud growth and I want the herd firing on all cylinders.

I would love to give her more room to stretch out but just isn't happening. I have a feeling this girl will yield more than I originally expected. This is a strain I would like to let go crazy in a scrog and fill an entire tent. She is starting to frost up already so I have hopes that she will be a frosty girl. All in all I have enjoyed growing this girl!

Hindu Kush Flip Day 55, 45 With Hairs

Ok, again likely the last update for Ms Stank's Hindu. I took another tester yesterday and she still doesn't want to amber up. She got a gallon of rain water to drink this morning which will hopefully be her last drink. All her colas are flopping big time and its a pain in the arse to move her. She is really starting to become extremely "odiforous". I am going to smoke a tester of her tonight (it was taken about 4 or 5 days ago) and see how she her indica side is coming along. I smoked one tester of her a couple nights ago and it was fantastic tasting bud! Just didn't have the sedative effect we are looking for. Trichomes on this one are showing mostly cloudy.

She is a frosty frosty girl! Her leaves are starting to purple up. Its definitely NOT from low night time temps so I am hoping that the clone of her will show some great colors flowering in the fall. Enjoy!

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