Stanks Switch It Up In 2019

Loving the Panama, but want to see what the afghani will do.
I am too.....I had a really nice looking afghani going this spring/summer that got taken by the funk. She was gorgeous and I have been wanting another one since!
I am too.....I had a really nice looking afghani going this spring/summer that got taken by the funk. She was gorgeous and I have been wanting another one since!

I just transplanted a sensi #1 today. Hopefully plan to pull 4 cuttings off for a tent full.
Looking really good over here. It looks to me like you have a Panama leaning Haze. It looks very similar to the one I grew. I'd say you are looking at 14-15 weeks depending on when you decide to take her. She is going to have some nice colas too.
Thanks brother! Good to know! She is definitely going to have some serious colas on her!

Took testers off the Hindu, Jack, and Sour Cherries. Checked them under the scope.

Hindu - Mostly Cloudy so she's close. I want her to be my bed time meds so I am going to let her go til Sunday or Monday I think.

Sour Cherries - Clear to cloudy mix. I figure she has about a week max. I am not looking for amber with her....but at least mostly cloudy.

Jack - Clear to cloudy mix but on the clear heavy side. Judging by the others....she's got 10-15 days left most likely.
Loving the frost on that Widow. I bet it's sticky too.
She's definitely sticky!! The lower parts of the mains are starting to fill in a bit now.....not quite as fluffy. Based on what Neiko said, she's got a while to go still....probably another 40+ days
Amber Hindu should be an outstanding bedtime med.
Yeah buddy....just need to get it Amber!! She's taking her time. Not going to harvest her over the weekend so looks like She's gonna go til Monday
All the clones rooted from the Slurricane and Afghani. Got them in their pots and will be taking the next batch of cuttings this afternoon......which will be the Labyrinth and BCP.

I can't stress the usefulness of cloning in flower when u are lacking space and time. I took the cuttings off everything around day 26 in flower. They rooted between 8-12 days....and started revegging. The Moms are coming up on day 60 in flower and all the clones are still tiny and just starting to throw out funky reveg growth. They probably have another week to two weeks before they will start growing remotely normal.

This allows me to get a plant harvested and try the product before being forced to up pot or decide to keep the plant. If I had taken the cut before flipping, the cuts would take the 8-12 days to root and then would start growing normally as soon as I put the cur in soil. That would make the cutting about 50 days worth of new growth. I would have been forced to up pot them about 3-4 weeks ago. I would be up to my neck in clones that are far bigger than I want them to be at the time.

The second benefit to this sort of cloning is the monster cropping that happens once the reveg is completed. Extremely aggressive growth that produces a bunch of tops! Don't be afraid to do this....i use a 24 watt light for all my clones and their u don't need much space or equipment.
All the clones rooted from the Slurricane and Afghani. Got them in their pots and will be taking the next batch of cuttings this afternoon......which will be the Labyrinth and BCP.

I can't stress the usefulness of cloning in flower when u are lacking space and time. I took the cuttings off everything around day 26 in flower. They rooted between 8-12 days....and started revegging. The Moms are coming up on day 60 in flower and all the clones are still tiny and just starting to throw out funky reveg growth. They probably have another week to two weeks before they will start growing remotely normal.

This allows me to get a plant harvested and try the product before being forced to up pot or decide to keep the plant. If I had taken the cut before flipping, the cuts would take the 8-12 days to root and then would start growing normally as soon as I put the cur in soil. That would make the cutting about 50 days worth of new growth. I would have been forced to up pot them about 3-4 weeks ago. I would be up to my neck in clones that are far bigger than I want them to be at the time.

The second benefit to this sort of cloning is the monster cropping that happens once the reveg is completed. Extremely aggressive growth that produces a bunch of tops! Don't be afraid to do this....i use a 24 watt light for all my clones and their u don't need much space or equipment.
Very useful!! :Namaste: 1 more grow under my belt and I will attempt cloning and preserving. I need to get my room set before next fall.
I will be taking clones of pre 98 bubba and putang probably all the haze strains also but I will take them early and just keep clipping new ones to keep them small and just to preserve as I just can’t go year round yet. Wife......:rofl:
Let me grab a pic.....its a 24 watt strip that I like to run about 6-8" above the girls.

I don't do anything fancy for cloning.....rapid rooters in a dome that get misted daily with water and clonex solution. Generally takes 8-12 days for most strains to root. I wait a couple days after roots appear before I put them in soil.

I actually just rooted a clone in a glass of water in my basement under no light. It would get minimal light from the basement windows....thats it. Never changed the water, didn't touch it other that to look at it every 5 days or so. A single root popped on it a few days ago....took about 25 days for the root to appear.

Figured I would show a little of what goes into making my tent look like what it looks like.

I stated a while back that I like to have a pace plant (the tallest in the tent) and then bring everyone else up to that level in flower. Well it takes a bit of work when you have 9 different strains flowering out at once and this is what I have to do (also known as adult tetris)

And all that gives me this....

I like to finish the girls with them being 6-10" away from the light. I have run it as close as 3" with no real ill effects. You can see the Panama Haze has grown right past the much for being a good pace plant LOL.
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