SweetSue's Perpetual 2.0 - The Transition To Doc Bud's HBB Kit

Rangers are super heroes. Special Forces. Lol! They have to be able to survive on next to nothing or the integrity of the mission might be compromised.

If you ever notice... you'll see that they tend to be a touch 'round around the corners'.... it's can really help you to have a touch of cushion to pull from when you really need it. Some day they'll figure out how to genetically engineer some camel action directly into them.
First off, I want to join the chorus encouraging us to remember those who offered their lives in the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. As the mother of an active soldier this day becomes particularly poignant for me, and as a member of this site, so heavily populated with veterans who walk around with those painful memories it drives me harder to get as much information out there about using cannabis to deal with it in a more constructive manner than alcohol or drugs.

Yeah.... I no longer consider cannabis in the family I call "drugs". It fits into its own class.

Now, onto the joys of harvesting. :cheesygrinsmiley:

HARVEST: Dark Devil Auto 7 - Day 100

Can you believe I had an auto go 100 days? Lol! She could have been more generous with the bounty, but I'm not one to complain about the abundance that rolls through my life with such frequency. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:


I carefully clipped her off the stem, branch by tiny branch, and sprayed them each with a 50/50 ISO to kill any potential mites and eggs.



Smaller branches work best in the small wash bins.


I can drop a bunch of them and gently agitate them, carefully moving from basin to basin.



Larger branches got hung over the sink....


....... smaller ones went on a rack.




I stripped the large fans off.



Out of curiosity I weighed the two apical colas. Looking at the rest of the haul I was pretty sure I'd be lucky to get 100 grams wet out of this one. Time to rethink the process. I'll need some of this to carry my male patients for the spell we may be without Carnival. They both like the strain, it's just that they both prefer Carnival, "the good stuff". :laughtwo:



This is why we wash out buds. :cheesygrinsmiley:


The apical colas....


This one had the tip snipped off when I was trimming fans.

Ok, 112 grams. I came close in my estimate. :blunt: I feel like I'm finally catching on. :laughtwo:




I opted for a small batch of oil, 50 grams of buds to 62.5 ml of coconut oil. I prefer coconut oil for recreational use and for bath salts. I'd like to use some of this in the medicated baths.


The rest went into the fridge for a low and slow dry.



On to the making of oil. :cheesygrinsmiley:





Have a delightful Memorial Day everyone. Spend time with loved ones, if opportunity presents itself. Be joyful and have fun.


I'm working away here in the kitchen, wondering what that smell is?????

The one time I don't clean up immediately :straightface:


It was sitting in the flame. AWK!!! Guess I buy a new one before my next harvest. *sigh*
I'm working away here in the kitchen, wondering what that smell is?????

The one time I don't clean up immediately :straightface:


It was sitting in the flame. AWK!!! Guess I buy a new one before my next harvest. *sigh*
Lucky ya didn't burn up
Nice harvest!!! Those buds are the definition of purps. Sorry about your thingamajig burning up, good save catching it before it really went up. Out of curiousity, why do you trim the branches off individually instead of hanging in whole plant upside down? And, do you find that thc infused coconut oil makes you lethargic, at all? It always gives me a dehydration headache, which sucks, because it's my favorite thing to use. I just drop my wax into the oil and heat it up to melt everything together. Makes for some amazing edibles. These are 1500mg purple kush cinnamon and sugar cookies I made from scratch.

Wow, Sue! This thread is really dragging! Over 3 months and not even 100 pages!

I thought I'd do my part to boost your numbers. Maybe light a fire to get things moving. Oh, wait, I see you got that part covered! :rofl:

Glad you're safe.:circle-of-love:

Hahaha! Oh KR, what a day. It's 10:48 PM. I started with harvest at around 9 and this is the first time I sat down. * BIG sigh*

You know, I was thinking the same thing just yesterday. :laughtwo: Then I took a look at the number of threads I maintain, and I understood it. Lol!
I spent the day testing out the water bath method for fresh harvest oil, to discover that you can't decarb with a water bath, so I had to switch to an oil bath, which doubled my time.

It also meant the number of times licking the chopstick I used in an attempt to limit surface area I'd be licking was doubled. I am toasted. This is wickedly potent oil.

This is the point in the evening when I typically reach for the water pipe and some Carnival, but I'm too high to do it today. :laughtwo: I honestly can't remember the last time I was this high, or this tired at the same time I was this high

It's really hard when you make oils not to lick the fingers, the bowls, the measuring cups, the chopstick......Mmmmmmmm....... Makes all the work worth it.:battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
I always have to remind myself when making edibles that I can't go licking the bowl unless I want to be asleep soon. Luckily the missus doesn't mind licking the bowl so none goes to waste.
Hey Sue, long time no see :love:

Happy 100th page :cheer:

Could you possibly point me in the direction of your way of making oil. I have never tried it before. Have some silly questions like, why you use capsules, can you cook with it and lastly heard sth about licking, the oil? :laughtwo:

Got this stunning Blackberry auto that is smelling delicious, purple everywhere :circle-of-love: you have to love purple flowers in your pots... :high-five: just makes you smile.
I spent the day testing out the water bath method for fresh harvest oil, to discover that you can't decarb with a water bath, so I had to switch to an oil bath, which doubled my time.

It also meant the number of times licking the chopstick I used in an attempt to limit surface area I'd be licking was doubled. I am toasted. This is wickedly potent oil.

This is the point in the evening when I typically reach for the water pipe and some Carnival, but I'm too high to do it today. :laughtwo: I honestly can't remember the last time I was this high, or this tired at the same time I was this high

It's really hard when you make oils not to lick the fingers, the bowls, the measuring cups, the chopstick......Mmmmmmmm....... Makes all the work worth it.:battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

LOL!! That's a big joke around here! Every time I make my oil I end up on my lips! So little time... so many things to lick!!
Hey Sue, long time no see :love:

Happy 100th page :cheer:

Could you possibly point me in the direction of your way of making oil. I have never tried it before. Have some silly questions like, why you use capsules, can you cook with it and lastly heard sth about licking, the oil? :laughtwo:

Got this stunning Blackberry auto that is smelling delicious, purple everywhere :circle-of-love: you have to love purple flowers in your pots... :high-five: just makes you smile.

Damn girl, you caught me by surprise. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

Ok, first, the thread where we are working through refining the fresh harvest oil:

Fresh Harvest Infused Cannabis Oil

Now, why capsules? I believe it's the difference between managing symptoms and enhancing the natural power of your ECS to heal you by maintaining a steady supply of helpful cannabinoids and terpenes, which I find most easily done with capsules.

They allow you to get consistent dosing and they're easily transported. They can also be used to supplement a medicated bath by simply tossing a couple into the tub. They're most useful as suppositories, allowing patients to get the maximum load of THC without euphoria. Consider the value of that if you treat cancer. Try doing that through the gut, as has been tradition.

Regular suppositories melt easily, and now they made those cool blister packs for sealing them in, a wonderful advancement, but I still prefer capsules for convienence.

Capsules are a multi-tasking administration method that I'm doing everything I can to make enticing to the membership. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Absolutely, you can cook with it. Anything you use canna oils for can be done with this oil, but be forewarned, it'll be more potent than you expect. I had to change my dosing schedule to eliminate one capsule from my regular regimen. I get too high to function on three, and that's with my favorite these days, the CBD Critical Cure, with expected loads of up to 10% THC and 15% CBD. As a regular infused oil, using dry buds, I could take up to four capsules a day of the same strain and it didn't effect my euphoric levels at all.

Wait until you see the lovely purple oil you'll produce. Don't forget liquid sunflower lecithin. I keep realizing as I strain it that I'd forgotten it again, but it can be added at the end and still work. Someday we'll figure out if it makes any difference when it gets added. I suspect it doesn't.

I like the satisfied feeling that comes from seeing purple buds in the bowl. Not just the pipe bowl either. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:


Lucky ya didn't burn up

Kinda freaked me out when I realized what it was. I'm cautious around flame, as a matter of habit. The daughter set her kitchen on fire a few years back from carelessly leaving oil-soaked paper towels on the stove next to the oven vent. That'll change your view on safety pretty quick. Thankfully there was no damage other than smell and the contents of the fire extinguisher.

It was fumes that got me more nervous than anything. The materials protecting the wires are toxic when reduced to fumes. It's something I'd be surprised to ever see happen again in my kitchen.

Nice harvest!!! Those buds are the definition of purps. Sorry about your thingamajig burning up, good save catching it before it really went up. Out of curiousity, why do you trim the branches off individually instead of hanging in whole plant upside down? And, do you find that thc infused coconut oil makes you lethargic, at all? It always gives me a dehydration headache, which sucks, because it's my favorite thing to use. I just drop my wax into the oil and heat it up to melt everything together. Makes for some amazing edibles. These are 1500mg purple kush cinnamon and sugar cookies I made from scratch.


I don't hang to dry anymore, just to drip dry a bit before I start making oil. This oil is so superior to what you get with dried buds that it's startling. It's made me rethink my entire medicinal view and adjust doses down instead of up.

I cut off the individual branches of this one to be able to spray it thoroughly with rubbing alcohol before I washed the buds. It had mites. :straightface: Typically I cut the main branch at the stalk and wash all the smaller branchings at once. That cuts down on the time a bit.

When I have a small plant it's easier to use the smaller wash basins, and that requires me to trim the branches down to size a bit more.

None of my personal oils have ever made me sleepy. I have yet to find an indica that can put me to sleep consistently. :laughtwo: I'm having too much fun when I'm awake. Sleep is almost an afterthought in my world. I'm also running around with so much sativa in me that it's hard for an indica to make any headway. Lol!

May I say, the purple in those cookies is beautiful. :high-five: How much can you handle? How do you dose yourself?
Good afternoon everyone. :love:

I'm getting ready to take a walk along the river, but before I go........

It was time to water the hempy pots. It was also time to top Candy Cane.




and after I popped the top off. I've gone back to the technique arteekay taught me, bend the tip side-to-side until it pops off. It's a cleaner break with less collateral damage. I believe they recover faster topped like this.


Carnival 4 is absolutely stunning, burnt tips notwithstanding. It's not pretty leaves that compels the hobby. :battingeyelashes:



Let the games begin. :yahoo:


UltraDawg has to be the darkest little thing I've grown since the Buddha in my first grow.



I won't be topping her. I can't tell you all how excited I am to growing this specimen and knowing I can clone her into the future. What the BIL sampled was over a year old when he got it and it lit him right up. I believe this is one of the strains for him. It'll be interesting to see my reaction. My only exposure so far was that aged, overly dry batch I gave to him.


Alright I'm outta here for a while. Just finished Callanetics and it's time to show the body off and get some large muscle movement going. Have a wonderful, joy-filled day. Share that joy everywhere you can. :cheesygrinsmiley:


I'm working away here in the kitchen, wondering what that smell is?????

The one time I don't clean up immediately :straightface:


It was sitting in the flame. AWK!!! Guess I buy a new one before my next harvest. *sigh*

Just cut the cord on either side of the ugly bit and wire nut the wires together...Im sure Hash Hound could help. No need to toss it due to a bit of cord :)
I don't hang to dry anymore, just to drip dry a bit before I start making oil. This oil is so superior to what you get with dried buds that it's startling. It's made me rethink my entire medicinal view and adjust doses down instead of up.

I cut off the individual branches of this one to be able to spray it thoroughly with rubbing alcohol before I washed the buds. It had mites. :straightface: Typically I cut the main branch at the stalk and wash all the smaller branchings at once. That cuts down on the time a bit.

When I have a small plant it's easier to use the smaller wash basins, and that requires me to trim the branches down to size a bit more.

None of my personal oils have ever made me sleepy. I have yet to find an indica that can put me to sleep consistently. :laughtwo: I'm having too much fun when I'm awake. Sleep is almost an afterthought in my world. I'm also running around with so much sativa in me that it's hard for an indica to make any headway. Lol!

May I say, the purple in those cookies is beautiful. :high-five: How much can you handle? How do you dose yourself?

No joke, a shopvac is amazing for spider mite removal.. the hose usually fits right over the buds and will suck up all the webbing, mites, and some of the eggs. Then I remove the filter and literally burn it, spray the inside down with azatrol, then bleach, then alcohol to make sure everything was killed. Call me paranoid if you will, but I hate those bastards. I don't get the iso wash, though.. with how quick isopropyl breaks down thc, it starts to remove it from the flowers almost immediately depending on the percentage. If it's dripping off the buds it's pulling medicine off, in my opinion. Cheese cloth or coffee filters would filter all of the bugs, feces, whatever out of the oil. Just my thoughts :)

Indicas tend to keep me up at night due to the higher psychoactivity and most of the indicas I've smoked or ingested haven't helped my body pain, in fact, they tend to amplify the pain. Sativas, I call "whistle while I work weed." They help my pain, allow me to obtain a zen like mindstate so falling asleep is easy. They agree with me more.. which is fine, sativas love my recipe. Indicas not so much, but I'm working on a seperate recipe for those.

My tolerance is through the roof. I've been dabbing a couple grams of my crumble and have a joint in my mouth most of the day... for over a decade. I eat a couple of these cookies in a sitting. My fiancé Hannah, she eats a quarter of one and wakes up with a high over. :)
Just cut the cord on either side of the ugly bit and wire nut the wires together...Im sure Hash Hound could help. No need to toss it due to a bit of cord :)

I didn't think of that mouser, and it's already in the dumpster. He'd have done it for me too. I was thinking of giving him a call for some small jobs. I need a stainless measuring cup drilled for a wire handle so I can set it into the oil bath with a secure way to pick it up. What I did yesterday was dangerous. I don't need to repeat that.

The immersion blender was a small price to pay for the oil I produced, and the loss of it will reinforce my cautious nature. Sometimes I can get incredibly wrapped up in what I'm doing, and I try to be more attentive and clean as I go. This was the very first time I didn't follow my golden rule. I can remember looking at it earlier and thinking "put that away" but I ignored the inner voice trying to save me.

You think I'd learn by now to listen to that voice, wouldn't you? :laughtwo:
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