SweetSue's Perpetual 2.0 - The Transition To Doc Bud's HBB Kit

I have more soil in my 30 gallon tote than I can use during any grow, about twice, it so happens. So there is always soil ready, even for my regular house plants. If some of it is still cooking, it's ok. Just mix it well to bring up the good stuff from the bottom.

So the soil in the bin is always in a perpetual state of cooking, as I add spent soil to it all the time, mix it up well, then fill another pot/bin as needed. Adds a new page to the concept "Perpetual grow".
Good morning everyone :love:

I can still remember the times I had to be straight to go to work, and the waiting to get home and catch that first buzz of the day. Ahhhh....... Those days are so far behind me now. It's coming up on 11 AM. I've just finished breakfast, had the omega-3s and the probiotic and now it's time for the first capsule dose, but everytime I go to move or turn my head the room moves at a slightly slower speed than my body does. Hahaha!

I'm never straight anymore. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I'm gonna go ahead and have the capsule regardless. It's Sunday, it's a holiday weekend, and I don't answer to anyone but myself. It this case it would be irresponsible of me to forego this dose just because I'm still high from last night. Let's elevate this state of bliss. :slide: Hmmmm..... Dark Devil Auto, or CBD Critical Cure? :hmmmm:

Critical Cure it is. See if I can distinguish the difference between the two. I may toggle back and forth for a few days, to get a feel for the contrasts. Yesterday I did DDA oil, which is probably why I'm still so high. :woohoo: That characteristic was carried into the oil. How do you not love a 24-hour buzz?

I need to be gentle with myself today. It's my son's birthday, and for the third year in a row I won't be hearing from him. I guess this never gets easier.

You're not alone. My sons are seemingly too busy to respond to their dad. I'd like to say I don't take it personal, but that's a tall order.

On the bright side, while I may go months not hearing from them, when I was their ages my parents went several years without hearing from me. I'm a believer in "what goes around comes around" so I actually feel blessed!
I'm subbed and along for the ride. I've got some catching up to do ;) it's been too long SS. Looks like all has been well in your world, glad to see you're still growing some fire!
chromo sorry!!

I went looking grneyedboy4u, and what I found suggested the best choice would be something with either a balanced ratio or one with twice the THC to CBD. That 2:1 ratio is what CajunCelt recommended for just about everything except breast cancer and lung cancer. That advice has held up to the clinical data coming down the pipelines.

We're all forced to be lab rats, so proceed with caution, starting low and building tolerances as you seek for the patient's sweet spot. Suppositories are the most effective way to get the high doses of THC cancer demands.

It's not a magic bullet, and lifestyle changes are necessary if you intend to really overcome something as serious as cancer in any form.

Feel free to ask anything at the study hall or on Cajun's cancer protocol thread.
I'm subbed and along for the ride. I've got some catching up to do ;) it's been too long SS. Looks like all has been well in your world, glad to see you're still growing some fire!

Welcome back buckaroo! :hug: :love: :hug:

Things are running smoothly these days. I came through grief shining, and the garden responds to that, doesn't it? :laughtwo: Having all this magnificent lighting make so much difference and it makes me very happy to have happy plants.

I have a new light coming this week. :woohoo: Can't wait to show this one off. Dan's spoiling me. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I subbed into your latest journal. So happy for you. Show them how it's done. :high-five:
You're not alone. My sons are seemingly too busy to respond to their dad. I'd like to say I don't take it personal, but that's a tall order.

On the bright side, while I may go months not hearing from them, when I was their ages my parents went several years without hearing from me. I'm a believer in "what goes around comes around" so I actually feel blessed!

Kids eh? What are ya gonna do? I'm committed to being joyful, so these moments of frustration don't sit well with me and I do my best to clear them out quickly.

I remember the day after he was born, his first official day in the world, I stood at the window of the hospital and showed him the world out there, just waiting for him to dazzle them. It's what he's doing, just without his mother. I refuse to be a victim, but the air can get tight every now and then.

I keep myself busy here. It helps. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Good Morning Everyone:love: :love:

What a beautiful day to wake up to. This is the type of day you want in a Memorial Day weekend, isn't it? :slide: Make it a joyful one my friends. We know how beneficial that is to the ECS. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Well...... I have my own kind of excitement afoot this morning. I've been exploring the world of canna medicated soaking baths in an attempt to heal the scalp psoriasis. I think I'm on to something with this, and it's become one of my greatest pleasures to draw that late-night bath. One would think taking a relaxing soak in deliciously-scented water after midnight would wind me down, wouldn't you? You'd be wrong. :laughtwo: Turns out it invigorates me, and last night I didn't wind down until 3:30.

On my way to bed I stopped to admire DDA7 in the open closet. Normally I spin her under the lights in the morning, after lights have come back on. Lights go out at 4 AM, so I thought "Why not spin her now?" I did, and came face-to-face with a mite infestation that was just gearing up. :straightface:

Now, on one hand DAMMIT!!!!!!

On the other hand, this is the only plant in this vicinity at the moment, an almost miraculous event, considering the size of my grow. Also, it's a relief that the other areas are so removed from this one, open though it may be. The effected leaves were immediately clipped, bagged, and set in the hall outside the apartment, on their way to the dumpster following my shower, as soon as I get her down and washed. I'll clip this infestation at the bud and take her in the next few minutes.




Oh goody! I get to try the water bath method of making fresh harvest oil. I'll use precautions to clip and clean the buds with controlling the spread and get this done ASAP.

Isn't it nice how the universe watches over me? Miss this for one more night and we've seen what these buggers can do. I love that things always work out for me. More protein value to the oil. Lol!

Joy my friends. Cultivate it. Deliberately choose to make it your default. Watch your world sparkle. Are we ready to play? :battingeyelashes:

Hell yeah. Let's get to it! :yahoo:

It's so damn warm, and I became ill yesterday on the ambulance, almost passed out. Could you imagine how akward it gets when an ambulance personel passes out on duty? That's uh... Pretty embarresing.
Hey SweetSue,

I wanted to stop by and wish you a great Memorial Day. I think it's a good thing to stop and remember those who went on before us and gave their lives and years in service that we may enjoy our beloved plant! I hope the cosmos dumps blessings on you today, as everyday.

Your DDA looks so inviting, and your discovery of fresh harvested oil is screaming at me to try this. Also, I'm sending you a pm.
It's so damn warm, and I became ill yesterday on the ambulance, almost passed out. Could you imagine how akward it gets when an ambulance personel passes out on duty? That's uh... Pretty embarresing.

Drink electrolytes, but you already knew that. :cheesygrinsmiley: It's so easy to overlook yourself when you're tending to others. I take you've recovered? Try not to put yourself through that again. Lol! It's disconcerting when the ambulance staff goes down.


Hey SweetSue,

I wanted to stop by and wish you a great Memorial Day. I think it's a good thing to stop and remember those who went on before us and gave their lives and years in service that we may enjoy our beloved plant! I hope the cosmos dumps blessings on you today, as everyday.

Your DDA looks so inviting, and your discovery of fresh harvested oil is screaming at me to try this. Also, I'm sending you a pm.

Listen to that scream maineiac. This is the most potent oil I've made to date, and I've made CCO, so that statement has more weight than one would initially give it. I have a legendary tolerance and love of the continuious soaring buzz. CBD Critical Cure, processed into fresh harvest oil, has become my favorite choice now.

The DDA is more air than substance, I'm afraid, but my experience with the strain assures me that the airy buds pack a powerful whallop, so I'm ok with that. I may only make a small batch of oil with this one and dry the rest in the fridge to get the most effect from the buds. I need desperately to do that water bath decarboxylation :laughtwo: Such an oil nerd, eh?

Let me get the harvest post done.

I answered the PM. :battingeyelashes: :love:
DAMMIT! I'd hoped you were done with them. Pernicious little bastards!!!

I believe I may have once again stopped them in their tracks. We can only hope. I'm thankful they waited for this late day to start another colony.
Well Sue, I did recover but the heat is a pretty big weakness of mine ����

My absent son is an officer in the Army, a super-achiever, alpha male who got invited to do Ranger School. That session was in the Deep South, in the sweat bowl we call Georgia. It was early summer and hotter than hell. That was when he learned that he can't stop sweating.

Ranger school only allows you so much hydration a day. Where they send you when you're deployed your life may depend on the ability to go without if necessary. Within 36 hours he was heartbroken to find his body collapsing from the depleted electrolytes. He ended up near death before he let himself admit his physical limitations.

He switched gears at that point and went into Civil Affairs, to learn his real gift was diplomacy. Sometimes what we think of as flaws turn out to be our best features.
I know about some of those "survival therapies" so to speak and I don't know much about the rangers but I do know that in the army it's really important to stay hydrated even on deployment it's vital to have a good water supply otherwise the deployment will be called off.
I know about some of those "survival therapies" so to speak and I don't know much about the rangers but I do know that in the army it's really important to stay hydrated even on deployment it's vital to have a good water supply otherwise the deployment will be called off.

Rangers are super heroes. Special Forces. Lol! They have to be able to survive on next to nothing or the integrity of the mission might be compromised.
Fun... water is needed for any life or activity on this round ball.

So, I find it appropriate for me to share some love.... simply because of the date and the word.... and there may be some knowledge regarding the subject of my love. I suspect that I have many brethren that would join me in a short grotesque love song.

First, I will point out that Ft. Benning really just forms the beginning of training and a 'qualifying round' if you will. Most, if not all, special forces have this sort of hurtle in place. I once had an opportunity to witness BUD training first hand. I was very familiar with Ranger training and instantly felt a touch blessed I joined the Army rather than the Navy.... those poor abused BUDS. Anyway, much further training will happen before deployment in many places other than Benning. Plus, constant crazy training occurs all thru a Ranger's career.

Of course, once operational, they really operate in an incredible way. When forces move thru a hostile or potentially hostile environment, it doesn't usually occur in a big line or column. Forces move ahead to secure an area with supporting forces nearby. It's generally a very natural process that plays out on many levels of organization. Blah Blah.... those Rangers reach out often many, many miles in front of all that. Typically, they stage somewhere and operate from some really hidden position where they've been lying in wait for some extended periods. I've witnessed many saving blows where their presence meant the difference between many humans living or dying.

I could prattle on forever... but Rangers, and other special forces, get a touch of extra love from any warrior they've ever touched. As such, I felt the need today to sing just a touch.

Hmmmm.... memorial day is specifically for the fallen warriors....
I'd prefer not to walk those thoughts today. There have been many over the years for many reasons... mostly bad.
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