Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL - LED

Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet: Second Grow, Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb under CFL

Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet: Second Grow, Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb under CFL

Please, share away. This journal has no fear of hijacking.

What an intriguing specimen. Dale would cherish the bonsai quality of it. I'm glad you saved it. Now, you know you'll have to update us on this little lovely, don't you?

Did you see SoilGirl's entry into POTM? It had a strong bonsai look but was a full grown specimen. What a beauty it was. That girl can grow some plants. :green_heart:

I'll update as it gets close to bloom time etc. ;) It would be cool to have a personal journal area where things like this can be posted in a "hey look at this" kind of thing. Sounds like 420 Facebook :) Someday I'll do a grow journal - I can't handle the pressure of updating right now...:loopy:

I'll check out SoilGirl's entry.

PS, some freak was posting on both your journals and Rad's too around 1 AM my time this morning, the monster was up to 26 posts by the third time I saw that thing, I turned him in each time and I hope you didn't get a chance to read it - so ugly ugh I don't get some people. Anyway I had your back, and the mods do act fast. Thanks Moderators! :)
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet: Second Grow, Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb under CFL

Oh I have some catching up to do, sorry I'm a "little" late :rofl:


There you are. The crew is almost entirely assembled now. :circle-of-love:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet: Second Grow, Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb under CFL

I'll update as it gets close to bloom time etc. ;) It would be cool to have a personal journal area where things like this can be posted in a "hey look at this" kind of thing. Sounds like 420 Facebook :) Someday I'll do a grow journal - I can't handle the pressure of updating right now...:loopy:

I'll check out SoilGirl's entry.

PS, some freak was posting on both your journals and Rad's too around 1 AM my time this morning, the monster was up to 26 posts by the third time I saw that thing, I turned him in each time and I hope you didn't get a chance to read it - so ugly ugh I don't get some people. Anyway I had your back, and the mods do act fast. Thanks Moderators! :)

Yeah, that little weasel has been wrecking havoc all over the forum. He's trying to intimidate me. Ha! It irritates me a bit that he's stalking my friends as well, but I can't control him. The mods have been super in getting him cleared off. You'd think he'd catch on.

I want you all to know that the disgusting and profane things he has been posting have no effect on me at all. I feel kinda sorry for the little twit. What a sad life he must live. Just report him immediately and we'll all pretend it was never seen. :love:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet: Second Grow, Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb under CFL

I'm calling it a night. It's been such fun greeting all of you. I think we set some kind of record here today guys - I count 31 subscriptions in a 24 hour period. We put 7 full pages up (well, much of that was me being a good host and welcoming my friends, but still) and you all rated this as another five stars in its first day.

I'm feeling really good about the journey ahead. So glad all of you could join me. See you tomorrow.:green_heart:

Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet: Second Grow, Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb under CFL

He hee. Popular, huh?
I was gonna mention before but forgot. I sprouted seeds directly into my homemade VC top dressing and 100% sprouted. What an amazing fertilizer, worm shit. Gentle enough to sprout seeds in and powerful enough to carry a plant though flower. Makes you really have to rethink "fertilizer" and cannabis growing indoors...
Or else I'm lying, which I'm certainly not!

This little lady began her life as a little seed, sprouted in a thick layer of vermicompost on the top of my 10 gal no till pot. Easy easy.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet: Second Grow, Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb under CFL

Yeah, that little weasel has been wrecking havoc all over the forum.
I want you all to know that the disgusting and profane things he has been posting have no effect on me at all. I feel kinda sorry for the little twit. What a sad life he must live. Just report him immediately and we'll all pretend it was never seen. :love:

Best thing to do is just ignore the trolls. That irritates them no end.
And yeah, makes one wonder how pathetic their life must be to behave that way.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet: Second Grow, Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb under CFL

He hee. Popular, huh?
I was gonna mention before but forgot. I sprouted seeds directly into my homemade VC top dressing and 100% sprouted. What an amazing fertilizer, worm shit. Gentle enough to sprout seeds in and powerful enough to carry a plant though flower. Makes you really have to rethink "fertilizer" and cannabis growing indoors...
Or else I'm lying, which I'm certainly not!

This little lady began her life as a little seed, sprouted in a thick layer of vermicompost on the top of my 10 gal no till pot. Easy easy.

This does not surprise me. Bluejay once stated that after three years of non-stop use and countless top dressings of vermicompost his pots were almost entirely worm shit. His plants thrive swimming in their worm bin pots. Next planting I won't be as shy.

Thanks CO, for the reminder.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet: Second Grow, Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb under CFL

Daily Update: Waiting Game

This is by far the hardest part of gardening. Waiting, waiting, waiting.......

Berry bomb....


..... and Dark Devil


There's something wonderful about watching mulch decompose. All that incredible microscopic action going on and watching things get chewed up. Fascinating.


My fungus gnats are having a field day in this mulch. That's ok. Soon we'll begin adding some mineralization to the surface and within a couple weeks I'll have neem meal as a regular additive. I have it on good authority (BlueJay and Doc Bud) that eventually a balance will establish itself. Remember, this is still young soil. Those fungus gnats don't stand a chance around here in the long term. :laughtwo::green_heart:

I'm still under the weather but Dale needs my support today so I'm popping some aspirin and heading out after I retrieve his new steam train car kit that is sitting at the post office. Why do they always try to deliver on Saturdays when they close early? The kit won't keep him busy for longer than a couple hours, but he'll be in train Heaven the entire time.

You all have a wonderful day. Get out there and spread some joy.

Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet: Second Grow, Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb under CFL

Hi Sweetsue, I just snuck in under the fence, brought my own fold up chair so as not to crowd anyone else out :winkyface:
Would like to stay and watch the show if that's all right with you :)

Vis vobiscum

Absolutely! You're more than welcome to join the fun OMeWanCannabi. Great to have you come along. Lots of room still. :laughtwo::green_heart:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

I hope there is room for one more. I'm all caught up and looking forward to learning more about the LOS/no till method. I'm heading to your 1st journal to better understand your technique.
Love your journal style. This will be epic!
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

I hope there is room for one more. I'm all caught up and looking forward to learning more about the LOS/no till method. I'm heading to your 1st journal to better understand your technique.
Love your journal style. This will be epic!

You are most welcome Major PITA. We'll be exploring adding a bit more of the HB touch to this grow. Just a little tweaking on an already successful soil mix. It will be fun to have you along.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet: Second Grow, Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb under CFL

Already time for round two? Awesome! I'll tag along again if ya don't mind, Sue. :cheer:

BHT - You should steal my profile pic. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Love that movie...
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet: Second Grow, Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb under CFL

I'm going to share a couple pics of this really Odd seedling I planted Jan 2nd. At one point I set it aside in the garbage heap because it looked like it was dying. A couple days later when I was cleaning the veg area I noticed a very tiny leaf on the top. So, I put it back under the lights and now look :)
- edit -
The others I planted are about 4.5 feet tall in second week of bloom all female from my "M" strain.
I just thought it is such an oddity that you might get a kick out of it...its only about 9" tall Its like a bonsai Marijuana plant. The leaves are small yet a few have 7 points. I hope you don't mind me sharing this here just figured you might enjoy it. :)


That's interesting. I had almost the same thing happen (my first grow and NOT organic). My plants are about mid-way through their bloom. I culled one plant a month ago that wouldn't hook up. I thought for sure it was dead. For grins, I down-potted it and threw it under some T5's since I had room. A month later it looks nearly perfect (to me) but it is only about 10" tall and many leaves are three fingers - some with four or five. Anything above three fingers are tiny. When I transplanted it, I checked the roots and they looked perfect. I'm interested to see what happens to it. I may put it outside.

Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

I was over on BlueJay's no till thread (another site) and came across this cool link on soil biology. This is a picture of the critters (of the arthropod variety) found in a 12"x12"x2" sample slice of soil, outdoors.


Is that not marvelous? Now I know we are predominantly indoor gardeners and try to keep critters out of the house, but this shows you that not all critters are a problem. All these little earthlings play an important part in the healthy maintenance of soil communities.

I just loved the picture. :green_heart:
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