Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Fire up a fatty for me while you're out there. Merry Christmas Eve Tead. :hug:

Didn't make it. Meh! Next year.

Merry Christmas man! It was good to see you, really enjoyed the visit.

BN showed up last night with his lovely lady in tow. He was in the middle of some Christmas traveling and played Santa for me a bit dropping off a big Ponce for some post Christmas feasting. Right on time... I burnt the bejusus out of the ham yesterday... fell asleep and cooked it an extra 2.5 hrs.
Of course, this means that BN had been thru Scott LA. If BN is anywhere near Scott, I would suspect he has a stash of Boudin Balls somewhere in his rig. I can't begin to imagine how I failed to rifle thru his rig and steal a couple. That's a mighty tasty opportunity I missed out on.

I got an unexpected compliment of the best kind last night. BN and sweetheart showed up with a touch of herb. It was a mix of 4 varieties all ground up together. The mix they were sporting last night.... UD, OGK, KaliAK, and SourLime. The first three of those parts are genetics from my garden. Fun fun fun! Helluva compliment.

Word has it that there may be some New Years shenanigans in the makin....
I'd bet a nickel we can find some nice music at a mellow venue outside the qtr. Hmmm.... I wonder if Kermit's cookin beans for New Years at The Mother-In-Law Lounge. Maybe we'll get lucky and hit some warm weather.

Merry Christmas Y'all!
Watchin the obligatory A Christmas Story on the boobtube. There was a live version this earlier this year that I have recorded. It features Maya Rudolph and I've had me some Maya Rudolph hots for a long time now.
Drive by.... Merry Christmas................... SNOW...... SNOW................ COOL.............. Man I'm getting old,,, I don't want to go driving in the shit anymore???????????? Use to be nothing better than going out there and doing afew fishtails around...... Snow,,, rain, snow again, and more rain,,, makes for some fun..................... Cept for OLD FARTS like me...... Guess I could spare another of these lives for fun of it huh?????? Dude have a Great Holiday

Sending best wishes for the Holidays............... and Keepem Green
Lookin bad... let's hope it changes.

Lookin bad... let's hope it changes.


Can you put the pots in a makeshift tent for the night? Plants give off SOME warmth during metabolisms, and, if grouped together in an enclosure, they should survive the cold snap. If you use clear visqueen, the rays of the sun will warm up the enclosure.
Lookin bad... let's hope it changes.

Oh no hopefully you work it out. I have faith in ya. Hey I was wondering for a hempy setup do u remember those old school homemade swiming pools if u were to poor to get a real pool lol ur parents would make one for u out of ur square sand box with a tarp over it lol well could u jus fill it with perlite instead and do like one or three gallon cloth pots and just set them in the perlite pool for lack of a better word lol and just dump the nutes in there?
Oh no hopefully you work it out. I have faith in ya. Hey I was wondering for a hempy setup do u remember those old school homemade swiming pools if u were to poor to get a real pool lol ur parents would make one for u out of ur square sand box with a tarp over it lol well could u jus fill it with perlite instead and do like one or three gallon cloth pots and just set them in the perlite pool for lack of a better word lol and just dump the nutes in there?

I believe what you are describing is a SWICK system.
OK Tead.... Incase your hearing aid was turned down he was telling you you need to start farming like this;;;


But really GL with the temps... We got snow here............ Mount Hood is pure white................

Keepem Green

Hope X-Mas was a good one....
Can you put the pots in a makeshift tent for the night? Plants give off SOME warmth during metabolisms, and, if grouped together in an enclosure, they should survive the cold snap. If you use clear visqueen, the rays of the sun will warm up the enclosure.

"The night" has turned into at least a week. Seems the weather from up north has invaded to stay for a bit. Low Monday night predicted at 28f. Ugh.

Everything got moved inside... well... most everything. Simply not enough room so a UD, a female Malawi, and a male Malawi. The Malawi is a monster plant... not enough headroom inside for them even. Got a smaller one blooming inside.

Oh no hopefully you work it out. I have faith in ya. Hey I was wondering for a hempy setup do u remember those old school homemade swiming pools if u were to poor to get a real pool lol ur parents would make one for u out of ur square sand box with a tarp over it lol well could u jus fill it with perlite instead and do like one or three gallon cloth pots and just set them in the perlite pool for lack of a better word lol and just dump the nutes in there?

Love the idea. The weather would kill the idea in the summer months, but the heat would preclude any sort of outdoor growing. Perhaps a fall grow next year.

I believe what you are describing is a SWICK system.

A friggin crazy SWICK!

OK Tead.... Incase your hearing aid was turned down he was telling you you need to start farming like this;;;


But really GL with the temps... We got snow here............ Mount Hood is pure white................

Keepem Green

Hope X-Mas was a good one....

I think I need a larger pool. Like the depth...but want more square footage.
I've spent soooooo much time up at Mt. Hood Meadows. Hit the lift to the top of Texas, burn a fatty and suck down some Yukon Jack for the ride down. Sooooooooo much fun over the years up there. Hell... I remember the year the Texas run opened.

I think many folks think of PDX as a snowy place in the winter times. Sure... you get some... but not much really and not anywhere near the build up seen other places. I'm pretty sure you don't even own a snowblower. I can remember many wet dreary winters and even a few sunny and super cold winters, but snow could be hard to find down on the valley floor.

Tight gardens ehh?

Veg... check out that crazy OGK reveg front left.

"The night" has turned into at least a week. Seems the weather from up north has invaded to stay for a bit. Low Monday night predicted at 28f. Ugh.

Not even close to the weather up north here.. That's the weather we've had for a month, be we are getting the cold stuff now.

Tomorrows HIGH temp is predicted at 2F (-17C) not even expected to get above 10F for next 5 days.
Tead said:


I feel for ya. You'd be ever-so-more uncomfortable here right now. :laughtwo:
Shit I don't even have a snow shovel... I mean I got a square point metal and a spade or two... But snow nope.. This splash of snow is gone.. What we might get this acouple times a year. Funny Miss J's kids were always going up and riding back.. Her adoubted daught Tia, was groomed for compition till she fucked her leg up. And one of Miss J's sons was way way into it. Even doing that SKI EMT shit afew years... I've never skied cept cross country running a fur trapline back in Ind. Or my knee board on the overpasses after a huge snow in Ind. Surfboard were fun too. Short scag is all ya need.. Dumb punk kid,,, moved all the way fromCali to Ind and ALL I was worried about was my boards...

But Mount Hood is WHITE............. I love seeing that mountian everytime I drive down Burnside.. Such a beautiful backdrop to drive under.. Like she looks down on Portland. One day I get at the right place and time,,, I got this new camera,,, with the extra len kit,
75-300mm telphoto len that should do it just fine for far away shit
Busy I see,,,GL with that temp; Even so they will be outta the elements and not get frosted.........

Keepem Green
The weather forecast continues on it's downhill slide. Looks like I'm back to indoor growing until next October.
I was really hoping for a warmer winter, but the last few weeks coupled with the impending cold blast have nixed those dreams.
I had to take the overly drastic step of employing a heater in the bloom room for the dark hours. It's getting really dicey. I have to vent thinks when all the lights are running and warm things when they're not. Couple that with some fans that don't seem to like to run in cold weather and things start getting rough around the edges quick. Plus, the bloom room is WAY over packed with all the plants blocking each other's light.... gotta thin that herd... perhaps an early harvest or two.

I love seeing that mountian everytime I drive down Burnside..

Man... I miss mountains. Not any to be seen for a state or two.
I had an office in a downtown PDX high rise that had a view to the mountain. Much better than a picture of a mountain on the wall. Hell, used to live in a crappy apartment up above Terwilliger and OHSU on SW 11th with a view to die for.

Burnside.... Powell's.... miss that too. Saturday Market. Roxy's. The Ringside. Marathon.
Missin me sum PDX.
Do yourself a favor next time you find yourself in NW PDX around breakfast time.... Kornblatts on NW23rd... eggs bageldict on an everything bagel with extra shot of hollandaise suauce... oral sex of a different nature.
Might have to find my way back to the NW this summer. My wife and I really had a great time when we last visited. Did the coast and the city... next visit I might have to take her camping in the coast range.
Some random photos on a balmy winter's day.

First... just to roll some jealousy from the beginning....

A group shot
SSDC (auto), OX, UD

Bud porn.... young buds on a SSDC

Some pretty red bud action on an OX. I've moved her back indoors... the red may stop.

Then there's a crazy Malawi that has me singing "Goodness, Gratious, Red Balls of Fire!"
You've got a male purple Malawi! I wish I was closer, I'd love to hit my girl with him. If you're thinking of pollinating, the purple pheno is a quick finisher. 9-10 weeks.

Looking good down there in the tropics.
Wow! What luck! A male Purple Malawi. Geez....here they go, roping me into another interest. :laughtwo:

It was much colder here. Pigeons did a wake 'n bake show this morning. He's sitting in colder than -50 by this time. Manitoba got socked hard.

Makes you the lucky one today. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I forget the story with pollen. I know it's super touchy. No water. Do folks freeze it? Does it store in room temp any amount of time?
Tead wonders about some dusty mailing.

The cold days are around the corner with most of the nights next week including a visit below the freeze chart line.... but today kicked some ass. No wind. No clouds. So warm and nice in the sun. Spent almost the entire day outside workin.
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