The Legion Of Doob: Perpetual Chaos

Dense and compact buds then?

I’ll stay with my original idea, and get a couple panels then stretch the frame a bit.

Yes i have a frame stretcher, it works well and is a nice companion to my board stretcher.
Wanna get high? 1g Malawi, 1g Candida, .5g rosin, .5g of 90 dry sifted keif wraped in a CBD hemp wrap.


i shall call you brother lol
So @Agemon came over the other day and took 5 plants. So now I’m back to a manageable level of 11 plants. He got two Blueberries, a Candida (originally from @InTheShed ), an It’s It Punch, and an Unknown OG (f2).

Everything seems to be humming along for me. Both tents are growing a little slow probably due to the heat. I’ve got to ventilate better.

Going to train a little more and flip these big hempies tomorrow probably along with the largest Northern Lights from the other tent. Back left is Candida, front left is Peyote Critical, front right is Sour G (all from Shed) and back right is Black Cherry Punch.

These big ones are all in Doc Buds’s Soil. I just moved them around and forgot what’s what from the photos. But there’s an It’s It Punch, Berry Bomb, Violet Unknown, and Unknown OG (f2). The smaller ones are all Northern Lights clones from Agemon.

If you’ve been following along you can imagine my pleasure of seeing this sticky trap so barren. :laugh:


Thanks for checking it out!

Poor little lady bugs! Plants look ready to flip for sure. I'm glad the clones I brought down are doing well, and I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of the Sour G.
These are all clones of those clones. The Sour G is awesome, it’s a lot like Carnival. A good hybrid high I’d say, not super strong but the high is really long lasting and good. It’s a great strain to smoke before going out for the evening.

Man soil sure is a lot harder to deal with than perlite. Transplanting hempy is a breeze, just transplanted the Doc Bud Soil plants. I was going to scrog them but it seemed like it would make watering too much work so I bent everything down with some really long greenhouse staples. I think I got the idea from @Stage to do it with the staples. I tried it before in perlite but they didn’t stick.

Also flipped the hempies. I think I will scrog them tomorrow if their stems allow it, hmmm got no picture will have to take some tomorrow for the “before flip shot”.

Dang it soon as I pulled my phone out to take a first day of flowering picture of the hempies the light turned off. At least it’s good to know the timer is working, even if it’s 10 minutes slower than it should be.

The colors are off cause I brighten the photo so much. I did use flash too which messes with the white balance in the app I use.


I decided to put my timers at 9am to 9 pm. Gives me time in the morning to walk the kids, dogs, and coffee time with my pretty half. I like the later sleep time as well, gives me some time in the evenings before the family turns in for the night. Although I don't stay up til 2 am anymore... Jeez I remember those days from so long ago! I usually hit the sack round 11 just after I take my NL gel cap.

How you like them 'gellies?'
Electrical is a lot cheaper after 9 at night, so 9:00ish to 9:00ish is good with me. I get up early so it’ll give me something to do in the mornings before work.

Those capsules were good, they didn’t make me sleepy or anything, but I slept very soundly that night. It’s an off day, I think I’ll take two and wander the streets until I find cold beer and AC, thanks again!

Those capsules were good, they didn’t make me sleepy or anything, but I slept very soundly that night. It’s an off day, I think I’ll take two and wander the streets until I find cold beer and AC, thanks again!
Maybe they hit harder the second time, I never even made it out the house. Had a great day of not working though so not a complaint to be had. :cool:

A buddy of mine is moving to Texas in a few days. He’s petrified of the lawmen so he gave me his old stash. Man there is some old weed in here. Was shocked at how some if it looked super nasty but still smelled good. People smoke this stuff?!? I guess I have been super happy to smoke nugs worse than this, just thankfully not in a very long time. So anyways I decided to squash it into rosin. I did two yesterday, and they came out dark and runny. I let them sit over night to see how they solidify. I didn’t take pictures but I did video it for a future project so I’ll probably put lots of shots of them here after I get it all squashed.

I got a new dab bowl for the bong to try it out with. It’s kind of cool, got an etched pot leaf on the bottom that glows red when it’s hot enough to to dab.


Nice day of then Doob :) Can dabs be vaped?
Yeah totally, in my Arizer like yours I just sandwiched rosin in between two little buds, worked great. I think technically doing dabs is probably “vaping” too as long as you don’t over heat it, it’s just a lot easier to take it all at once with the torch and bong. Not saying it’s better or anything. I had to try the dab rig since I spent all the money on the rosin press. It’s a fun treat once in a while. Get’s me super high. o_O

I noticed after the first one, my eyelids were heavy. I wasnt tired but my eye lids were heavy. I just pinched little snappers and used the flattened weed to pinch rosin off the spoon. Worked great for a newbie like me. No spins, no sweats, but smooth hits and a nice stoney high.

Got me all ‘Shhhhi-Zoned!’
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