The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

Sue, have you considered an alcohol tincture? I recently picked up a MB2 and made a batch of everclear tincture(4 oz trim to 500mL 190proof everclear, 130℉ for 8hrs). It's a big hit with the whole family, comes on faster than oil, peaks a little higher. With 1-2mL doses, upwards of 5mL and even I'm giddy and not so functional. I'm off smoking completely now, but I still like to vape before dinner. Tincture during the day now, oil in the afternoon.

I can't believe you had your MB collecting dust, such a useful addition to the grow room. Though I can't believe it took me this long to get myself one, or a vaporizer. Now I'm need to figure out how to sell a bunch of used bongs. Lol

Speaking of that Med gom, I saw dinafem has a couple CBD autos now, though I'm not sure if anyone's grown and tested them yet.

Right around 2-3weeks above soil is where I like to top autos. I've topped one as early as yours and she was fine, but I accidentally took an extra shoot when I topped and ended with 3 tops, like half a FIM half a top lol. Too small for my poor eyesight and shaky hands lol.

Topped on day 9 above soil

Day 18 above soil

Some stretchy Skylar White Autos. Topped at day 16 above soil.

Day 23

Day 42.

Crammed in a Sq ft SoG so ignore the width.

Good morning Atulip. :hug: I have begun exploring tinctures. I'd made one for the boy with seizures and it's well-received. I'm hoping to try one with my daughter, but I have two brewing for myself with the Dark Devil Auto, one in glycerin for a month now, I believe, and one in the freezer. If I like the way they hit I'll be making a bigger batch with the MB2. I suspect tinctures are going to end up being my favorite backup to brownies, which will always be my favorite. I'm a chocoholic, to begin with, so the chocolate first thing in the morning is a big win with me :laughtwo: but the way this recipe hits within five minutes and carries you for up to five hours on essentially 1/2 gram is hard to beat.

Some day I need to try cookies. Ooooo...... That could be today. Use some of the cannabutter. Hmmmmm......

Dinafem tested those new autos on the site Atrain works for. He alerted me to them quite some time ago and I'd forgotten. Thanks for the reminder. And thanks for the thoughts on topping. I actually did that same thing on my last Dark Devil Auto and ended up with three tops instead of four. :laughtwo: The eyes aren't what they used to be and the hands sometimes shake at just the wrong moment. Hahaha! I'll give her another week to get more definition.

Always good to have you stop by. Beautiful, healthy-looking brood you have there. :circle-of-love:
Good work on your new garden, Sue. Looking good! But I have to ask, isn't that poor baby plant a little young for topping? It's just a baby! :yikes: It will be interesting to see what happens, for sure.

And your medicinals are looking awesome! I like the CBD capsule idea. I may have to try that one out myself.
Good work on your new garden, Sue. Looking good! But I have to ask, isn't that poor baby plant a little young for topping? It's just a baby! :yikes: It will be interesting to see what happens, for sure.

And your medicinals are looking awesome! I like the CBD capsule idea. I may have to try that one out myself.

I've been watching arteekay and Jay with their autos and they top right around 10-12 days with great regularity and their harvests are my goal. I'm going to do my best to replicate their results with autos. But yeah, it does feel abusive to hit them so young. :straightface: They're resilient, they'll survive and thrive.
Can't wait to watch your experiment play out Sue. I might try autos in the future. It will have to be when I get a handle on my photos. Until then, I can watch you grow and train your autos and learn through you.

Good afternoon Sue


I'm counting on arteekay keeping an eye on me and saying "Susan, NOW!!!" :laughtwo: I never shared that with arteekay, so maybe that'd be a good idea, eh? Lol!

Been busy all day. Good evening Noob. :hug::hug::hug:

Awww....... One more. I've missed you. :hug: :love:
I did not post my update again. WTH???? :straightface: Let me amend that right now.

Daily Update: Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Hard to believe I could forget a mere three-picture post, isn't it? I loaded these in at 10 this morning and then simply forgot all about it. I suppose that demonstrates that my life is quite full these days.


Med GOM 1.0 (Day 11) I'm still waiting on her to get a wee bit taller.


Dark Devil Auto (Day 9)


The perlite came today. Time to reset the SWICKs and get the hempy pots filled and ready to go. :woohoo:


I'm assuming everyone spent their day in joyful expression? I can testify that I certainly held up my end. It was a lovely day, filled with accomplishment and time spent with women who grow dearer to me every week. It's a good life. Embrace it.

I'll be wandering in a bit so I hope to touch base with some of you this evening. It's cooling down appreciably along the Mon. Good sleeping weather. Might be a good time to break out the Pure Kush I was gifted and see if an evening indica can slow SweetSue down. Anyone want to place bets? :rofl: Who's stronger? SweetSue or the Pure Kush? Lol!

Thanks for stopping. See you around. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

Right around 2-3weeks above soil is where I like to top autos. I've topped one as early as yours and she was fine, but I accidentally took an extra shoot when I topped and ended with 3 tops, like half a FIM half a top lol. Too small for my poor eyesight and shaky hands lol.

I tried to top our first photo at 9 days back in january here with exactly the same results:

18 days later

I personally wasn't a fan and will never do it that early again. Since then I've been trying to get it under the two week mark, and have been hitting right around day 12 for the last half dozen or so. My thought is that I want to hit the autos early enough for them to still have two or more weeks of vegging time after recovering.

I'm counting on arteekay keeping an eye on me and saying "Susan, NOW!!!" :laughtwo: I never shared that with arteekay, so maybe that'd be a good idea, eh? Lol!

I'd say both are probably going to be right around day 13 or 14 before they'd be far enough along for my newly formed style for autos. I have to keep in mind that you've been getting two or three weeks longer than us on our DDAs, so your timing will be different. We don't transplant our autos, that might be part of it I guess...
I tried to top our first photo at 9 days back in january here with exactly the same results:

18 days later

I personally wasn't a fan and will never do it that early again. Since then I've been trying to get it under the two week mark, and have been hitting right around day 12 for the last half dozen or so. My thought is that I want to hit the autos early enough for them to still have two or more weeks of vegging time after recovering.

I'd say both are probably going to be right around day 13 or 14 before they'd be far enough along for my newly formed style for autos. I have to keep in mind that you've been getting two or three weeks longer than us on our DDAs, so your timing will be different. We don't transplant our autos, that might be part of it I guess...

Thanks arteekay. The DDA caught me by surprise or I'd have started her in her finish pot. I've never had a stall when I transplant though. I was thinking the Med GOM 1.0 will be ready in a few more days. I need to not f' up the FIM. Been there, done that and would prefer not to repeat it. :laughtwo:
I'm planning the menu now Shiggity. :slide: :party: :yahoo: :party:
Yeah, I'm hungry now, thanks. But it looks awesome.


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Daily Update: Thursday, June 30, 2016

Steadily plodding right along.


Dark Devil Auto (Day 10) She got a thorough drenching with some light TransWater. She's looking much happier now. Not that she was droopy or anything, but I could tell she was thirsty because her color was off just a smidgen. It always pleases me when I catch the subtle signs. :battingeyelashes:


Med GOM 1.0 (Day 12) She's still not where I think she needs to be for her FIM.


I took some closeups for arteekay.



That's all the excitement we have going on over here. The real party is at Shiggity's smokeathon. Don't miss out on the fun. Talk about spreading joy! :party: :yahoo: :party:

Thanks for stopping. I'll be watching for you at the party. :ciao:
Looking great Sue. Hurry up and wait. Veg sucks, but is necessary.


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Looking great Sue. Hurry up and wait. Veg sucks, but is necessary.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420

Thanks millertm. :laughtwo: I know. I walk over and look and it's just the same old stuff. Lol! I know they're growing roots though, so I'm ok.
Looking very nice, SS.

Why thank you KK. This is the most boring part of the grow, isn't it? :laughtwo: Since I'm here and I've obviously won the battle with the Pure Kush, let me swing by your yard and see what's up.
Middle of the night med update

Can't sleep, so I might as well post this.

I met with the mother of the boy with seizures and the tincture isn't really having any effect. We aren't surprised at this, since we knew going in it would probably take something at a 8:1 ratio CBD:THC. I no longer have the capacity to grow what they need, so I left her with some links to information on cannabis and the treatment of seizures in children. Ball's in their court now.

On the subject of my daughter, we have better news. I had her start with the capsules today, and she had immediate positive results. She hadn't had to use the vaporizer for breakthrough, because she had no breakthrough to treat. :battingeyelashes: Yeah, that made me smile.

Then she recounted that one of the things she did today was total up the monthly bills, a process that always stresses her out to the max. Today she did that chore with an air of nonchalance. :laughtwo: It appears we have another winner with the CBD Critical Cure.

I'm also able to use it to relieve the pain in my upper back. I was a bit surprised at how effective it was for the pain. Now that I've regained feeling there it hurts like the dickins, so it's nice to have something other than aspirin to reduce the inflammation.

It was a good day. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
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