The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

You know Sara, it warms my heart that you stop here so frequently. I use your panels sporadically, although I count on their dependability. The fact that you still take the time to say hello makes me feel special. :circle-of-love:

Don't underestimate your own value as a cherished member of our community. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart.
Do you make your butter in your butter machine that you won or do you make it another way?

This was the first run for my MB2. I won that last April and it's been collecting dust ever since, waiting for me to get enough produce on hand to use it. :laughtwo: I keep having to overcome the hesitation that it takes so much. If you think about it though, the high is deeper, more intense and lasts longer, so it's really the smartest choice for me.

MB-2 works great for Sue!.............hey of the day to ya my brotha!

Yes it does Duggan. Super easy to use and voila!! Butter infused with cannabis. What more could you ask for? I think it's time for me to make those lavender/cannabutter cookies I've been talking about. Ooooo....... Great idea Susan. :slide:

I'm having a lazy kinda day. I had a benefactor drop off a sizable amount of top-quality cannabis, to assure himself I wouldn't run short while I wait for my next harvest. I'm feeling super-duper special today.

Contained in this package was a selection of strains; a pure indica, a sativa, a hybrid and an indica-dominant. Sooooo, it appears we'll get to see if SweetSue responds to indicas the way everyone else does and can possibly add a couple more hours sleep on. Yes, I know that means I need to begin consuming more responsibly and give up this idea I have that life was made to be spent under the influence of a fine sativa. :laughtwo:

Know what guys? Life is sweet. Spread the joy around and make it sweeter. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

Somewhere along the line here I'm gonna get an update in. I promise. :battingeyelashes: Right now I'm gonna test out some Jack Dawg. :slide:
Daily Update: Monday, June 27, 2016

I have to admit, it's refreshing having so few gardening demands on my time right now. The way this grow is planned I should be able to keep this feeling rolling along.

Not much to report. I gave all the indoor plants a good wetting down with the spinosad. I found thrips in one of the pots on the balcony with mint growing in it, an infested LOS pot I neglected to treat. It's been treated now and I'll be repeating that in three days. The balcony is a sad vision of neglect. Hopefully I'll get out there and make it something relaxing before summer rolls in full force. It'd be nice to have some flowers out there. All my planters are overrun with weeds. Hmmmmm..... Might be a hidden meaning there girl. Get to it. :straightface:

Just three pictures tonight guys. *GASP!* :laughtwo: Don't get used to it. We've been around this block before. Lol!


Med GOM 1.0 (Day 9) I'm undecided about topping her. Remember how tiny the last one was? If I top her and that slows her down even more, what can I expect? I suppose I won't know until I try, so sometime this week I'll attempt a FIM and we'll hope for the best. If I've learned nothing from arteekay's marvelously documented updates its that every auto should be topped at least once. I need to keep these low anyway, so I'll be training then with that in mind. I can only get the light up so far.


Dark Devil Auto (Day 7) Makes me smile broadly every time I walk over to visit her. I only have enough on hand to make two more brownie batches, so this one can't grow fast enough. Of course, I have a DDA tincture chilling in the freezer for the next two weeks. Oh! I didn't share that with you guys. I'll toss a picture in below.


I was doing a lot of reading about tinctures yesterday and got motivated to make a powerful one just for me. I've been meaning to see if tinctures might be able to replace inhalation to augment brownies. I'd also like the option to reinforce my mind expansion when I'm away from home in a discreet but effective manner, and a good tincture sounds like just the ticket.

7 grams of decarbed Dark Devil Auto in 2 ounces of 95% culinary solvent. In the freezer for two weeks with occasional agitation. It turned the alcohol purple from the get go. :laughtwo:


That's my show for the night guys, or at least the one over in this yard. Lord knows what trouble a girl could get into before the night's out. :laughtwo: I'll be seeing you around the yards. :ciao: :green_heart:

I bumped into this interesting read over at O'Shaughnessy's online.

Enjoy. :battingeyelashes:

Xerostomia - Better Known as 'Cotton Mouth'

By Joshua Ahn

A dry feeling in the mouth, often described as "cotton mouth," is a fairly common side effect of consuming cannabis. In the medical literature this condition is known as xerostomia.

As reported in 2006 by Juan Pablo Prestifilippo and colleagues at the Centro de Estudios Farmacologicos y Botanicos in Buenos Aires, cotton mouth from cannabis is caused by increased activity at cannabinoid receptors (both CB1 and CB2) located in saliva glands. This results in reduced saliva output –hyposalivation.

A 2011 study by Olga Kopach and Juliana Vats at The State Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Kiev confirmed that under normal conditions, cells in saliva glands use endocannabinoid signaling as part of a feedback mechanism to prevent excess amounts of saliva from accumulating in the mouth.

When exogenous cannabinoids are consumed, increased activation of CB1 and CB2 receptors causes saliva levels to drop significantly, producing feelings of dryness in the mouth.

Kopach also found that the two receptors produce slightly different effects on a cellular level.

CB1 receptors predominantly modulate the flow of saliva, while CB2 receptors seem to influence consistency and content of saliva (such as sodium levels).

Drugs that antagonize the cannabinoid receptors induce an increase in saliva output. Kopach used AM251 (which targets CB1) and AM630 (targets CB2) to show that the decreased saliva output caused by THC consumption is reduced or even blocked when antagonist drugs are administered.

Cells in the salivary glands can synthesize anandamide. Exploration of the endocannabinoid system in the mouth may lead to new therapies for people with serious salivary problems.

It may even be possible to develop a cannabinoind antagonist chew that would reduce cotton mouth or help people with other forms of dry mouth. This chew could be spit out before being swallowed so the effects stay localized in the mouth.

Although the mouths of cannabis consumers may feel dry on occasion, THC and the other plant cannabinoids do not cause dehydration throughout the body. This is why cannabis does not cause severe hangovers the way alcohol does. The body is not becoming dehydrated –saliva remains inside the glands instead of being secreted The moisture is there, it's just not being released into the mouth and throat.

Cotton mouth may be bothersome, but it is readily resolved by drinking water –a healthful thing in and of itself.

A Possible Concern
"Our saliva washes away sugars and other substances that help promote cavities. It neutralizes the acids in our mouths," explains Gene Watson, D.D.S., Ph.D.

A comprehensive Index-Medicus review by J Guggenheimer from the University of Pittsburgh shows that dry mouth in different types of cases (not just cannabis-induced) may be connected with greater risk of dental cavities. Saliva contains compounds that protect teeth from decay. When salivation decreases parts of teeth which are normally protected from cavities become more vulnerable to damage.

Although no pattern of tooth decay has been associated with cannabis consumption, some anecdotal evidence is concerning. A consumer we'll call Valerie recently needed extensive dental work due to multiple cavities. She was told by her dentist that the pattern of decay suggested that the cause was oral dehydration. The dentist asked if she was consuming anything that would make her mouth dry? The only thing she could think of was her frequent episodes of cotton mouth which she didn't tell the dentist about. She now makes a better effort to stay hydrated.

One study by Swiss researchers compared 43 cannabis consumers and 42 cigarette smokers and found no increase of decayed or filled surfaces, plaque or gingivitis amongst the cannabists. But the cannabis consumers were found to have more cavities on smooth tooth surfaces when compared to a group of abstinent Swiss Military recruits.

Water is the antidote
Other negative side effects from cotton mouth are mostly trivial. Stale breath may be a concern, as is the need to make sure the mouth is hydrated before biting into dry foods. Eating crackers with severe cotton mouth can become quite a challenge without a good sip of water first. Exercise with cotton mouth can also lead to a very parched sensation in the throat. Water is the antidote.

A Beneficial Effect?
Because cannabis increases the desire to drink fluids while not actually causing problematic dehydration, it may improve water intake allowing for a large variety of health benefits. My consumption of cannabis has made me much more mindful of the amounts of water I consume.

Nutrition experts such as the European Food Safety Authority recommend that the average adult should drink eight to 10 glasses of water per day. Those who exercise or perform physical labor may need as many as 12 glasses per day for optimal well-being.

43% of adults in the U.S., according to the CDC, only drink three cups of water per day, or less.

Yet 43% of adults in the U.S., according to the CDC, only drink three cups of water per day, or less. Low water intake is connected with impaired immune response, lack of focus, kidney and digestive problems, dry skin, blemishes, slow metabolism, increased blood clot risk and migraines. Sufficient water consumption is associated with mental clarity, better weight control, clearer skin, improved muscle function, enhanced immune response, effective digestion, good kidney health and feelings of wellness.

Minimizing Cotton Mouth

The unwanted effects of cotton mouth are mainly reduced through being mindful of oral hydration. When consuming cannabis, regularly, sip on water and if possible maintain proper electrolyte balance.

Eating juicy fruits is recommended. Chewing gum or sucking on hard candy is also recommended by some consumers. One friend has made a ritual of always preparing tea with his cannabis to keep his fluid intake up.

Breathing through one's nose rather than mouth may also be helpful. This is known to reduce moisture loss in the mouth and throat and has helped me deal with cotton mouth. I used to smoke cannabis daily and my sinuses would be constantly congested, making breathing through my nose essentially impossible. I have since switched to only eating and vaporizing it and now my nasal passages are clear. This has significantly allowed me to breathe better through my nose.

Alcohol, caffeine, salt and sugary foods can all contribute to dehydration. Pharmaceutical drugs and medications may also induce dry mouth. Almost two thirds of the most popular prescription drugs list oral dehydration as a side effect. Reducing intake of these substances or drugs may help to alleviate cotton mouth symptoms.

A reminder to stay hydrated

It's reassuring that cannabis use won't dehydrate us in a way that can be incapacitating (as is the case with alcohol). Next time some surprisingly strong cannabis causes your mouth to feel dry, use it as a reminder to increase your water intake. That way, you can turn a mild symptom into an important health benefit.


Inhibition of Salivary Secretion by Activation of Cannabinoid Receptors Exp Biol Med (Maywood) September 2006 vol. 231 no. 8 1421-1429

Cannabinoid receptors in submandibular acinar cells: Functional coupling between saliva fluid and electrolytes secretion and Ca2+ signalling April 15, 2012 J Cell Sci 125, 1884-1895.

Xerostomia: etiology, recognition and treatment. Guggenheimer J, Moore PA
Department of Oral Medicine and Pathology, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pa
DOI: 10.14219/jada.archive.2003.0018

Cannabis and caries—does regular cannabis use increase the risk of caries in cigarette smokers?
Schweizer Monatsschrift fur Zahnmedizin = Revue Mensuelle Suisse D'odonto-stomatologie = Rivista Mensile Svizzera di Odontologia e Stomatologia / SSO [2009, 119(6):576-583]

Effect of cannabis usage on the oral environment: a review
PA Versteeg, DE Slot, U Van Der Velden andGA Van Der Weijden
Behaviors and Attitudes Associated With Low Drinking Water Intake Among US Adults, Food Attitudes and Behaviors Survey, 2007

Goodman AB, Blanck HM, Sherry B, Park S, Nebeling L, Yaroch AL. Behaviors and Attitudes Associated With Low Drinking Water Intake Among US Adults, Food Attitudes and Behaviors Survey, 2007.

Prev Chronic Dis 2013;10:120248. DOI: Drink Availability is Associated with Enhanced Examination Performance in Adults
Pawson, Chris; Gardner, Mark R.; Doherty, Sarah; Martin, Laura; Soares, Rute; Edmonds, Caroline J.
Psychology Teaching Review, v19 n1 p57-66 Spr 2013
If I've learned nothing from arteekay's marvelously documented updates its that every auto should be topped at least once. I need to keep these low anyway, so I'll be training then with that in mind. I can only get the light up so far.

:thanks: :yahoo: :thanks:


We've now sprouted 20 Cannabis plants in our lives. Can't say for sure that every auto should be topped, but I can say for sure I've been very happy with the results from the 14 we've topped so far.

Not a huge body of experience to draw from, yet. :)

Edit: Ok, 15 if we count Britney's "accidental" topping.
Will 2 ounces be close to your final volume for the tincture or will you reduce it a bit?
I have a feeling this tincture I have in the freezer right now is going to knock me off my feet. I have 22 grams of ABV mixed with about 200ml of everclear. Been there for 2 weeks now. Maybe I'll give it a little test this week and see how its holding up.
Will 2 ounces be close to your final volume for the tincture or will you reduce it a bit?
I have a feeling this tincture I have in the freezer right now is going to knock me off my feet. I have 22 grams of ABV mixed with about 200ml of everclear. Been there for 2 weeks now. Maybe I'll give it a little test this week and see how its holding up.

It should strain very close to the 2 ounces. I press out what I can without being too vigorious about it. Hadn't considered reducing it much. Maybe I should. :hmmmm:

Your's should be done. Two weeks in the freezer is the maximum time I've read about. There are many who insist that six hours, with regular and vigorious agitation, is sufficient. Someday I'll check with a microscope and see, but for now I'm leaving mine in for two weeks.

I will, however, test it periodically. Not today, because I have another new strain to test out and I want the system clear for that. Testing new strains is problematic for me. I always have some residual effects in the system from my last dose. :laughtwo:

I'm fascinated that you can use ABV for this process. I eat mine right out of the chamber, so I never have any accumulating. I suppose my fascination is in that everyone saves theirs. It really does taste like popcorn to me. Lol!

Thanks for that lesson on Cotton Mouth. love this sight I've learned so much in a short time

I'm grateful someone enjoyed that post. Sometimes I think I go a bit overboard, but this one was so informative I had to share.

One of the goals of Green Flower Media, the site where I go for all these courses I keep taking, is to teach us to consume cannabis more responsibly, with more intent. I'll have to admit, I hadn't considered sitting down with my meds and forming an intention much beyond "stop that from hurting" or "let me get completely, off-the-edge and into free-fall wasted!" My habit, for quite some time now, has to be to reach for the meds as I reach for the iPad, and then to mindlessly hit the water pipe as I read and write.

Today I want to stop at the beginning, set everything else off to the side and determine what my intention in consuming is. Do I want to simply interact with my digital neighbors? Am I preparing for an in-depth data search and I need the brain to be fluid while I slip through numerous doorways, alert for the nugget of knowledge I know must be out there? Might I be ready to let one of the many extended posts come bubbling to the surface and write itself? Am I feeling amorous, musical, culinarily inclined? Maybe it's a good time to consider a stroll along the river?

Having determined my intention I can then focus entirely on the process of consuming my cannabis, with an air of gratitude that I'm so blessed to have this available to enhance my life. This is my challenging stage. It means learning to focus only on the process of consumption, to the exclusion of everything else. Multi-tasking be damned!! :laughtwo: This step right here has the potential to reign in my excessive consumption habits.

Step three in this process of being a responsible consumer of cannabis is to finish the dose and then take some immediate action to fulfill that stated intention. If my intention was to take a walk along the river it makes no sense to finish my dose and wash the dishes instead. :laughtwo: I should be putting on my walking shoes and grabbing the water bottle and my keys.

There you have it:
1) Set the intention.
2) Focus exclusively on the dosing session.
3) Take immediate action towards the goal of fulfilling the intention.

Let me try that for my wake 'n bake. I've some Road Kill Skunk to try out. Smells yummy, with a hint of some sweet berry tones. Part of the focused dosing is to take the time to smell and appreciate the appearance of the bud you're going to consume. This little one will do.


Let me take some focus time. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

............ Sorry.... Good morning everyone. :love:
gm sweetness just came by to get my doese of sue for today off to work love ya
I forgot the last part of this "Responsible Cannabis Consumer" process.

Trust the plant.

So you set your intention, you focused in on your dosing and you've discovered in the middle of that dosing that your brain slipped into a creative session of planning for the future. Go with it. The chief function of the endocannabinoid system is to bring you back to a state of physical, mental and spiritual harmony, that state we call "homeostasis." If you had plans for a walk and the plant says "you really need that power nap and you needed it two hours ago" you listen to the plant.

Right smack in the middle of the third hit I had a vision of a non-profit set up to produce live resin oils at cost. A place someone who grew their own could take their harvest to and have it processed and tested. So yeah, it's meant to lose money. There're plenty of people making good money off cannabis (I hope someday to be one of them) and more power to you. Really, make your mark and make your money. It's a fabulous tool and I never turn it away myself, if it's from an ethical source, but for me, the passion'll be in making the best I can and giving it away. There should always be the option to make this medicine free, if we choose to do so. Home growers should have access to inexpensive services to process the best safe medicines. Testing should be a given.

Good grief, what lies ahead for me? :laughtwo: OK, I broke the rules already. Lol! Back to the wake 'n bake.
Ok, I am really bad at the focused dosing part. :laughtwo:

Edit: It's two hours later and I did fulfill my intention. Morning movement and meditation complete, breakfast consumed and the stove sparkles. :laughtwo:

Hmmmmm...... Might be something to this intention stuff. :hmmmm:
:laughtwo: I just realized I didn't post this. I thought it went up this morning. I've been off at an on line seminar oblivious to almost everything else. Let me get this done.

Daily Update: Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Not a lot going on. All quiet here. Just the drone of the air conditioner, which I could turn off and open the windows. Good grief girl, you meant to do that a couple hours ago. .......... Done!

Med GOM 1.0 (Day 10) No topping yet. I got down there real close today and thought about it, but it's not time yet. Close, but not quite yet.


Dark Devil Auto (Day 8) Just chillin'.


One last look back.


I took the time to prepare some capsules today.


These are the olive oil extraction of the CBD Critical Cure. I estimate each capsule has approximately 16 mg of CBD and 10 mg of THC. The smallest batch are for me, I'll be taking three a day. One of the other two batches is for the daughter, in an attempt to switch her to capsules and away from the vaporizer. She's not fond of the taste. The last batch is for one of my new walking buddies. She struggles with ADHD and a reactionary nature. We've been talking and she's curious if CBD in her daily diet might not help modify some of the frustration she feels in dealing with others. We figure it can't hurt her and it might help, so why not give it a go? I'll send her home tomorrow with a week's supply and instructions.

I've personally begun taking a small dose of CBD oil every day. The deeper I study the current information the more sense it makes to begin adding CBD into my diet. It's ability to protect the brain from damage changed my mind about it.

An interesting point I learned today at the seminar. People who have no physical problems at all, in other words persons already in a state of homeostasis, seem to have difficulties develop when they introduce phytocannabinoids, in particular CBD, into their daily intake. Most of us have some compromise to our endocannabinoid system, so we benefit from adding CBD.

Another noteworthy point I picked up was that, for pain in particular, there's a sweet spot of maximum exffectiveness of the dose that's usually much lower than you think it is. Once you've passed that optimal level cannabis can aggravate the pain as easily as it can alleviate it. It's a fine line. As the presenter stated it, many times you're chasing the relief by taking more, when your optimal window is far behind you. It pays to wait between administrations to give yourself time to notice if the cannabis is working. Overdoing the dose just increases your tolerance levels.

I believe it's not too much of a stretch to say most of us left our optimal therapeutic windows behind us long ago. :laughtwo:

Start low and increase slowly.

I'm done studying for the day. Time to unwind. I hope your day was filled with joyful moments. Keep spreading that joy around now. There's never too much.

Thanks for stopping by. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
Sue, have you considered an alcohol tincture? I recently picked up a MB2 and made a batch of everclear tincture(4 oz trim to 500mL 190proof everclear, 130℉ for 8hrs). It's a big hit with the whole family, comes on faster than oil, peaks a little higher. With 1-2mL doses, upwards of 5mL and even I'm giddy and not so functional. I'm off smoking completely now, but I still like to vape before dinner. Tincture during the day now, oil in the afternoon.

I can't believe you had your MB collecting dust, such a useful addition to the grow room. Though I can't believe it took me this long to get myself one, or a vaporizer. Now I'm need to figure out how to sell a bunch of used bongs. Lol

Speaking of that Med gom, I saw dinafem has a couple CBD autos now, though I'm not sure if anyone's grown and tested them yet.

Right around 2-3weeks above soil is where I like to top autos. I've topped one as early as yours and she was fine, but I accidentally took an extra shoot when I topped and ended with 3 tops, like half a FIM half a top lol. Too small for my poor eyesight and shaky hands lol.

Topped on day 9 above soil

Day 18 above soil

Some stretchy Skylar White Autos. Topped at day 16 above soil.

Day 23

Day 42.

Crammed in a Sq ft SoG so ignore the width.
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