The VipersNest Continuous

Thanks Pit,
I saw so many differing opinions, some said as soon as the tap root emerges like you just said, others said keep in the dark until the cotyledon emerge.

Lights are on.

Kind regards,
not so close that it gets hot but not so far away that you induce stretch

Hold the back of your hand facing the light at the height of the starter leaves and if it's cool enough to leave your hand there - you aren't too close ;)

You want to be as close as you can without being either too hot or sacrificing canopy coverage at the edges of your garden
not so close that it gets hot but not so far away that you induce stretch

Hold the back of your hand facing the light at the height of the starter leaves and if it's cool enough to leave your hand there - you aren't too close ;)

You want to be as close as you can without being either too hot or sacrificing canopy coverage at the edges of your garden

Hey Soniq!!!

I have my fluoro's about 1-2 inches above the top of the tray.

Kind regards,
Hey Pit,
After 5 days since i put my seeds under lights per your suggestion after they cracked, still nothing...i eased a couple of them out of the rockwool and doesn't look like the taproot as grown any since i put them under lights. not sure what the issue is, temp is a steady 78 in the room, and i have a seedling heat mat under my tray so it is good and warm...any thoughts?

kind regards,
Hey Pit,
After 5 days since i put my seeds under lights per your suggestion after they cracked, still nothing...i eased a couple of them out of the rockwool and doesn't look like the taproot as grown any since i put them under lights. not sure what the issue is, temp is a steady 78 in the room, and i have a seedling heat mat under my tray so it is good and warm...any thoughts?

kind regards,

I did a set of seeds in rockwool cubes but none came up. It appeared they all drowned or something. Not sure. When I put presoaked seeds into mini-hempy cups that had a small soil layer to deposit the seeds, I got great success. Just my 2 cents. Hope it helps.
I did a set of seeds in rockwool cubes but none came up. It appeared they all drowned or something. Not sure. When I put presoaked seeds into mini-hempy cups that had a small soil layer to deposit the seeds, I got great success. Just my 2 cents. Hope it helps.

Thanks Munki,
I'll be growing in flood/drain, that's why the rockwoool...
I squeezed out the excess water, and I've successfuly sprouted in rockwool before, but these seeds have been in storage for about a year, maybe that is the problem?
Anyway i'll give a few more days and see what is up before i have to get new seeds.

Unless anyone has a suggestion to kick start these things...

kind regards,
WOW PIT you have been busy It has been a long time since I have peeked around your garden, good to know your sh!t is still the St!t... BTW I will be carving another captain spaulding pumpkin this year, what ever happend to your pic of him
hay pit, i trust your expertise, as does probly god himself, and was wondering if u could stop by my thread and give me some tips on when i should start flushing my ladies. got some macros of some trics. i also have a 60-100x scope. ive noticed you like to cut at mostly cloudy. how does it effect yield as far as letting them get some amber? this is my first solo harvest and being color blind sucks hehe. thanks pit does it effect yield as far as letting them get some amber? this is my first solo harvest and being color blind sucks hehe. thanks pit

Can I but my fat head in the convo? :rofl:

So hear something that a friend of mine did in order to stay color coordinated. He took pictures of colors and had them labeled. After he did that, he would just leave the photos on his dresser. Every time he questioned the color then he would just refer back to the pics.

Now I'm not color blind however, it worked for him. Theres no reason it shouldn't work for you.

Can you take some close ups of trich's and have someone tell you the color. That way you can use them as a reference, and if you don't feel strong about your feeling on the color just ask as you just did.

Hope this thought helps you out, :sorry: to jump in out of nowhere. But it was pretty much the same scenario as my friend. hope it works out for you. :goodluck:
I new to this site so I am unable to send personal message, then again maybe this is a good question for others to know. New to growing, first was inside with one outside plant. Good results, newest grow (SCROG) going alot better. The outside plant is now 10 months old, planted on her side and has streched to 15 feet long and 8 feet high, main trunk is 3 inches across, 5 inches at the base. (Just a update on plant size). I would like to strip her naked and then let her re-dress herself. If this is possible (live in foothills outside Sacramento, Ca.) How much of the frame work should I leave. Thanks

Could put a new spin on A.R.M. mortgages... "whaddaya mean I can't get a mortgage on this place with a 2000sq' basement w/ 10' ceilings? Dang, I could grow a 100 buds as long as my arm!" Dr. Evil :)
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