The VipersNest Continuous

Hey Pit,
Have a question, any recommendations on how to get rid of all the left over plant material, in as stealthy a manner as possible? (roots/stems/leaves etc.)

Your grow has helped me tremendously! thanks man...:thanks:

well I make hash with most of the leaf material. When thats done I just bag up the wet mess and mix it in the garbage. roots,stems,branches and whatnot get thrown into the fire pit. Its not that much stuff. 3 grows a year. I can burn that up and you wouldnt even know it. Now Hydroton is another story. Thats not easy to get rid of. I have acreage to dispose it into. Its just clay, Bury it,
well I make hash with most of the leaf material. When thats done I just bag up the wet mess and mix it in the garbage. roots,stems,branches and whatnot get thrown into the fire pit. Its not that much stuff. 3 grows a year. I can burn that up and you wouldnt even know it. Now Hydroton is another story. Thats not easy to get rid of. I have acreage to dispose it into. Its just clay, Bury it,

hehehe, I don't think i'll be able to burn anything where I'm at :), I guess I'll have to bury it somewhere at midnight :scratchinghead:
how much material are you talking about?

4 to 6 hydro grown Indica plants, I'm moving away from hydroton, and moving to using sure to grow media, so i wont have to deal with hydroton any more...this area is not cannabis friendly at all! so...looking for ideas how to dispose without the risk of detection

i know that doesn't sound like many plants considering what you have, but for me, that's all i feel safe with
Make hash oil out of the leaves that what I started doing and it works great..........:nicethread::ganjamon:[/QUOTE
Hash,hash oil whatever...I think hes talking about the garbage left over..the media,roots,branches etc. Look at this way....if you get 3lbs of bud, you must have at least 10 lbs of plant material. thats relatively nothing. But You might have 100 plus lbs of soil. I use aprox 150 lbs of hydroton. Thats a sizeable amount. Ill need aprox 200-225 at the next grow when we expand the system and lights.Even if you wash it (and I have) you still have to handle it.
If your not in a burn zone id say burn it ....I have the same problem but just got an out....I use a friends greenhouse dumpster out in the country...I mean way out!

There use to seeing green throne out....problem solved.....
4 to 6 hydro grown Indica plants, I'm moving away from hydroton, and moving to using sure to grow media, so i wont have to deal with hydroton any more...this area is not cannabis friendly at all! so...looking for ideas how to dispose without the risk of detection

i know that doesn't sound like many plants considering what you have, but for me, that's all i feel safe with

6 plants isnt too bad. Id cut it up in small pieces and put it in the trash. The media your gonna have to dump it somewhere. Im eco friendly as much as i can and where I put it at is in basically its own environment. Location location location
6 plants isnt too bad. Id cut it up in small pieces and put it in the trash. The media your gonna have to dump it somewhere. Im eco friendly as much as i can and where I put it at is in basically its own environment. Location location location

thnks guys!
Thx for all the input pit, sorry I had it all backwards. Thx for setting me straight, lol. Just a thought, if you do decide to throw the left over plants in a garbage can or something like that. For one (obviously) I would choose a trash can thats not right by your house (which means you might have to drive with it a little ways, which sucks) but keep in mind try not to leave your fingerprints all over everything either. The second main thing is absolutally dont throw out anything that will identify where the bag came from, ie bank statements etc. And third and this may seem odd is DO NOT TIE THE BAG CLOSED, if the bag is tied shut and they do manage to track it back to you your screwed, but if the bag is open its almost always not allowed in court, because things could have fallen in etc. This is a little something I learned several years back when a buddy of mine ran into trouble doing exactly what were talking about. He tossed his branches and leftovers in a bag and tossed it in a neighboring apartment complex. Well the next day apparently some homeless guy had been going threw the trash and had taken his bag out and left it on the side of the dumpter for all to see. Luckily for my friend the bum also opened the bag. The appartment complex ended up calling the police. The police looked through the bag and found some shredded bills and other stuff that led them back to my buddies house (really really stupid of him). They were going to try and charge him for possesion for all the material left in the bag which weighed like 5 lbs. They ended up having to drop the charges because the bag was opened, which was awesome because fuck going downn for 5lbs of stems and branches! I assume having the bag open also got him out of his front door being kicked in. If I was to choose a way I would do what GMT1975 said and recycle it but most of us dont have chippers or mulchers so...anyhow theirs my two cents on the subject, hope that helps out someone here. Of course most of this mess is behind us med growers but Im sure their are quit a few people here that arent so lucky to live in a med pot this is for them mostly I guess. Looking excellent as always PIT!!!!




In my alternate dimensional quantum singulatiy I did.....LMFAO
no bro is thats what happens when you clear 10-12"off the trunk....the plants freak out
results may vary......
Sorry to inudate with more pics



You can really see the Sativa in the Lemon Haze!

this was 2 days ago when I trimmed them up....It works IMO
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