Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Hi VG... I guess you knew you had to take care of it sooner or later. Now it's time! How soon can you get in to have it taken care of? It takes a while up here to get in unless it's an emergency. Hopefully you can get in and get on the road to recovery soon!
I have an appointment next Monday to get a referral. The clinics around here are very busy, especially this time of year ,and that is actually not a bad wait. Last time it took a month for them to see me.
It seems this time it's being moved up because of the ER visit. My Dr. actually called me early this morning to set it up, so he's concerned enough I guess.
I'm just hoping Mr.Ground is hop for all off this. I can't do dishes or laundry. I can cook a little, but anything involving bending over is not happening.
I have an appointment next Monday to get a referral. The clinics around here are very busy, especially this time of year ,and that is actually not a bad wait. Last time it took a month for them to see me.
It seems this time it's being moved up because of the ER visit. My Dr. actually called me early this morning to set it up, so he's concerned enough I guess.
I'm just hoping Mr.Ground is hop for all off this. I can't do dishes or laundry. I can cook a little, but anything involving bending over is not happening.

Pre make some simple soups prior to surgery, stuff like tomato, that can be frozen easy, and is tolerable post op. Buy paper plates. Kids can smell. They usually do anyway.
Alive and kicking.
Lemon Og Candy.

Himalaya Gold

Remind me how long they stretch for... Yikes!
What a crap night. It seems I can only sleep for around 4 hrs then I get muscle spasms. Lots of naps for me then.

Lemon has her pH creeping up again, HG is good. Lemon has pistils. HG is starting to get them as well.
When carbon dioxide in the solution is kept at lower temps it changes into carbonic acid which helps keep ph lower. At higher temps the carbonic acid changes back to CO2 and evaporates, less carbonic acid means the PH will drift up as the CO2 evaporates. This isn't a bad thing really if you're watering daily. Set your PH low and allow it to gradually rise during lights on. The plants will then have the full range of nutrients available. Also under feeding can cause PH to rise over time, just be careful not to over feed when trying to correct a PH issue. As long as PH doesn't go above 7.0 before your next feeding you should be good. Chasing PH with ph down can cause more serious issues than the high ph.
What a crap night. It seems I can only sleep for around 4 hrs then I get muscle spasms. Lots of naps for me then.

Lemon has her pH creeping up again, HG is good. Lemon has pistils. HG is starting to get them as well.
I was going to say hope you had a good sleep but I think that you answered that one. My ph problems haven't improved yet either. It'll all be good come the end :)
When carbon dioxide in the solution is kept at lower temps it changes into carbonic acid which helps keep ph lower. At higher temps the carbonic acid changes back to CO2 and evaporates, less carbonic acid means the PH will drift up as the CO2 evaporates. This isn't a bad thing really if you're watering daily. Set your PH low and allow it to gradually rise during lights on. The plants will then have the full range of nutrients available. Also under feeding can cause PH to rise over time, just be careful not to over feed when trying to correct a PH issue. As long as PH doesn't go above 7.0 before your next feeding you should be good. Chasing PH with ph down can cause more serious issues than the high ph.

I have been checking my run-off pH daily. It keeps in a decent range for about a week and then it gets up around 7. I flushed last time when it got that high. It helped a bunch. When I feed I pH lower to around 5 and the run-off comes out to be between 5.5-5.8. Last night the run-off was 6.3 so I know it's getting up there.
I am using Dynagro for pH adjusters.
I was going to say hope you had a good sleep but I think that you answered that one. My ph problems haven't improved yet either. It'll all be good come the end :)
Have you had the chance to do a slurry test yet? I'm curious.
How did the baby check go????!!!!
I've never ever ever checked my pH runoff in Hempy

I make sure it's on point going in

Only real issues I've had this grow is cramped roots in pots
Was getting some color on my Amnesia Haze,up potted from 1.5-3 gal buckets, and she is doing great

Yer girls look great, not sure why yer stressing so much
6.3 is right in the zone, you want it to go that high. A lot of nutrients are taken up above 6.3 including calcium. If you keep PH below 6.0 you could see cal deficiencies popping up.
Have you had the chance to do a slurry test yet? I'm curious.
How did the baby check go????!!!!
No slurry test yet but I'll give it a try in about half an hour and post my results
The docs are 100% happy with this one but they're being extra vigilant because of what happened last time
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