VIVOHUT Bill284's New Grow Facility: Featuring VIVOSUN & Herbies Seeds

Not here - Alberta.
I'm talking to a member right now was evacuated with his wife and kids.
Then yesterday 6 fires broke out in town.
Almost got to his place of safety. :rolleyes:
It's really bad 100's of families out of their houses.
No power water or gas till it's rebuilt , could be weeks.
Air quality is horrible, nobody can breathe.
Absolute disaster out there.
Hopefully it rains real soon.
On a happy note It's above zero now. ;)

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Yeah I know that they’re not there but they are up North in Canada 🇨🇦 Ay? lol CL🍀
Not here - Alberta.
I'm talking to a member right now was evacuated with his wife and kids.
Then yesterday 6 fires broke out in town.
Almost got to his place of safety. :rolleyes:
It's really bad 100's of families out of their houses.
No power water or gas till it's rebuilt , could be weeks.
Air quality is horrible, nobody can breathe.
Absolute disaster out there.
Hopefully it rains real soon.
On a happy note It's above zero now. ;)

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I hope they all stay safe and can rebuild.
I hope they all stay safe and can rebuild.
Hey @KeithLemon good morning my friend.
Hope your having a nice weekend.
It's a long weekend up here, May 24. :yahoo:
I just wanted to give you an update.
The member I mentioned that lives in Alberta has been allowed home with his family.
He said the fire crews saved his neighborhood, he was so thankful.
But good news they were finally allowed home after a couple weeks of hell.
Hope everyone out there is safe.
And thanks to the brave fire crews who did an unbelievable job.:thumb:
Take care my friend. :high-five:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎

Day 50/26 of Flower

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎


Day 52/28 of Flower







#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Some deep purps to the terps there!


Good morning Nick. :ciao:
Turned out to be a lovely day yesterday.
Sun warmed things up nicely for a change.
Got the gazebo finished.
Just in time too, blackflies everywhere out there.
Hopefully starting to reassemble the greenhouse today.
Just need a troop of boyscouts to help lift it.:rolleyes:
I had no idea you followed F1 so closely.
Getting back to yesterday.
I only started watching the last few years.
I'd love to see the race in Montreal.
I saw the Indy down in Toronto 30 years ago or so.
Wasn't the same though.
What's on the agenda today?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎

Day 50/26 of Flower

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow

Bill284 😎

Good morning Busy Bill! Looking wonderful over there 😁 I can't believe it's only day 26 were not even half way 😂 I'm starting to get like you now and forget where I'm at 🤦🏽‍♂️ you have so many visitors here, you visit so many and smoke a big fat bong 😂 I have no idea how you keep up lol hats off to ya!

Ps, I haven't seen the pooches for a while I hope they didn't get taken with that tide!
Good morning Busy Bill! Looking wonderful over there 😁 I can't believe it's only day 26 were not even half way 😂 I'm starting to get like you now and forget where I'm at 🤦🏽‍♂️ you have so many visitors here, you visit so many and smoke a big fat bong 😂 I have no idea how you keep up lol hats off to ya!

Ps, I haven't seen the pooches for a while I hope they didn't get taken with that tide!
It's about to get seriously crazy.
The greenhouse will need filling and everyone needs clones.
Plus I'm doing a grow for a friend. Hi Ray. :ciao:
My buddy can't get to his garden so I'm growing his girls for him.
" Pink Kush " I thought they were autos, but apparently not.
So I'll be popping them aswell.
Plus I've got another batch from @Herbies Seeds , so I have another grow for them.:thumb:
It's about to get nuts.
Here is a pic Stacey snuck of Howie, Charlie and Peanut having a nap with me the other day.
Take care Amigo.
Talk soon.

It’s a jungle in there, great stuff happening in @Bill284s Vivohut. CL🍀 :thumb: :woohoo::circle-of-love:
Good morning Cap'n :ciao:
Jungle is right. :yahoo:
I can't get into either room to take pics.
They are bigger than the door way so pulling them out is difficult too.
The team is coming today, we are finally relocating the greenhouse.
Couple days I'll have it bright as the sun in there.
I'll make up for lost time in a hurry.
Hope your having a great day my friend. :high-five:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Looking all cheery in the hut Bill!
Morning Stone. :ciao:
Big day today.
Finally moving the greenhouse.
Should be fun.
Take care. :passitleft:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
That was a cool build.
Hey Keith. :ciao: :thanks:
Still not finished but I'm getting there.
I needed a year round facility away from the house after the fire.
I have 2 bedrooms with 12' ceilings I earmarked for growing.
But can't risk it ever again.
Hope your doing well today my friend. :high-five:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
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