Weedtastics white russian soil grow

Lookin good. And thanks for the crystal clear shots. Beautifully narrated and illustrated. Keep up us in the loop. Oh yeah, How many times can u bend the same growth shoot? In the end will it be strong enough to support its own weight? :peace:
yea im wondering that how many times and if enough surley it will make it stronger but where do you draw the line remember they say every time you supercrop you put your plants back about 5 days to be honest it puts mine back about 3 days....they just stop soon as you bend,tie em etc then after 2ish 4ish days off they go again but with major force thats wot ive seen so a quick recap we are both wondering the same well all we can do is wait i guess heres to the next chapter ...cheers........be lucky weedtastic...edit i am when i say puttin em back i mean longer in flower.....but i think ill get more yeild remember ive got clones from these ladies but as yet they are slow starters the good news is my favourite plant the clone is doing really well so quick recap put em back a little get more yeild the clones will be ready for flower just as the first crop is ready lol i sound like a farmer lol anyways thats the plan ...be lucky weedtastic
Guess we'll find out. Since our journals are running concurrently I think at least one of us will have some success with the supercropping. Didn't know about the time setbacks for the girls. Keep postin pics and I will too. I got a good feelin bout this.
yea mate me too keep up the good vibes and we will shockem all..... with are first grow lol......heres to tryin :)
hi just wanted you guys to see how fast sick girl has picked up less than 24 hours later and the lights have only been on since 9am this morning wot a fighter she is and now we know we can supercrop more than once........take a close look at her now then go back to the pic just after i cropped her......amazing
Re: Nice pics. A couple questions 4 u

Hell of a job and great pics. What more could u ask for?
Couple questions. Is the supercropped branch always gonna be "floppy". How long approximately does it take to strengthen b4 a 2nd can be done on the same shoot? :peace:
hmm good questions the supercropped branch stayed floppy for a week then it was solid again i bent it down on the 17th of this month and ive just done it again so id say same branch twice can be done in 8 days safely ....remember thou before bending em you have to squish it in your fingers the stem i mean till you feel the stem soften inside so as not to snap it clean off hope this helps......be lucky weedtastic
:popcorn: Really surprised i havent commented on this grow yet....cause i was really interested on WR seeds from sponsor ...Like description they gave...so been watching for awhile...sorry feel like a lurker now LOL :nicethread: super job here! ...keep it green brother! :peace:
hey nice to hear from yea cool sit back and enjoy good to know your onboard :cheesygrinsmiley:
Post em

Stop it, LOL. Post ur pics dude. I think my buds are little too. But 2-3 more cycles WATCH. I think urs is fine. A lot of folks on here been at it for a while or have people there helping them, Keep up the work so folks like me can continue to give feedback and we learn from each other. Once they start budding did any limbs try to stand up that u supercroped or is the bud weight enough to keep them down?
I love to see the small changes, Keep posting that way we don't miss anything, Great job..
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