Can I throw a thought in.
Yes... Aways. :thumb:
Nothing wrong with the plant.
Far as I can see but the heat stress maybe is correct. But not heat alone. Sun has been very high UV rays and may cause little of that . If plants feel dry and ruff. Might be disease being out side with other plants . I had one or two do similar. Never found out what it was . Best guess
And this is what baffles me... This cultivar is from a HOT climate, much hotter than mine. Good thoughts though. Always looking for a fresh set of eyes... So, thank you. :thanks:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Yes... Aways. :thumb:

And this is what baffles me... This cultivar is from a HOT climate, much hotter than mine. Good thoughts though. Always looking for a fresh set of eyes... So, thank you. :thanks:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Sometimes simplest thing make more sense some times.
And now this!!! 🤔

So, yesterday I was gone all morning running errands and going to my physical therapy place for my back pain. Because it was nice and cool with heavy overcast, I wasn't too worried about my Wild Lady. During lunch at home, the sun pops out, so I poke my head outside and this is what I saw:

Even though the soil felt moist, with my finger down into the soil to the second knuckle, I knew that this HAAAS to be due to a lack of water, so I watered her immediately, but not too heavily and went inside. 15 mins later she looked like this:

And here's what she looks like this morning with no additional watering:

And here's the rest of the sativa girls still looking good with no watering for days:

So... what I'm thinking now is that the Wild Lady might not like all the extra perlite in her soil. If this is true, I'll have to water her far more often than what I would consider normal. Hmmm 🤔
I have now watered all plants with a full watering this morning.
Everyone... P-L-E-A-S-E chime in with whatever you feel may help... Thank you! :thanks:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
And now this!!! 🤔

So, yesterday I was gone all morning running errands and going to my physical therapy place for my back pain. Because it was nice and cool with heavy overcast, I wasn't too worried about my Wild Lady. During lunch at home, the sun pops out, so I poke my head outside and this is what I saw:

Even though the soil felt moist, with my finger down into the soil to the second knuckle, I knew that this HAAAS to be due to a lack of water, so I watered her immediately, but not too heavily and went inside. 15 mins later she looked like this:

And here's what she looks like this morning with no additional watering:

And here's the rest of the sativa girls still looking good with no watering for days:

So... what I'm thinking now is that the Wild Lady might not like all the extra perlite in her soil. If this is true, I'll have to water her far more often than what I would consider normal. Hmmm 🤔
I have now watered all plants with a full watering this morning.
Everyone... P-L-E-A-S-E chime in with whatever you feel may help... Thank you! :thanks:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Extra perlite increases air retention in your soil. It also helps with drainage.
All good things for your roots.
So you may need to water more often until she fills those holes with roots.
Especially with the amount of sun and heat you get there :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Extra perlite increases air retention in your soil. It also helps with drainage.
All good things for your roots.
So you may need to water more often until she fills those holes with roots.
Especially with the amount of sun and heat you get there :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I fully agree. And this has always been the reason why I use so much perlite. I have a 55 gallon food-grade plastic drum full of RO water, so I'm not afraid of watering them. It's just that I have never had a cultivar behave like this. Very different, for me anyway.

I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Concerns going forward

My Wild Lady is doing just fine today, :D but it was only a whopping 67ºf... LOL! :rofl: So, I have concerns for the future with this one. I'll certainly be ready with MonoSilicic Acid (bioavailable silica). This is the very same stuff that saved my Cream & Cheese CBD girl back in 2021.

Question: Some locals around here, including my local Hydro Shop owner guy, says that with all the perlite I've got in my soil I won't need to use any silica to help my Wild Lady deal with the summer heat. So my questions are: Is this true? Does perlite really provide that much silica available to the plant? I know there's a lot of experience and wisdom here at 420mag, so I'm counting on all my friends to chime-in if they know anything about silica vs perlite. :thumb:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
First off, great save on the Wild Lady! Second, unless you have solid clay soil, is it possible to over-water a plant in the ground? Thirdly, "perlite is a fully natural, inorganic and chemically inert material, with little to no crystalline silica content by volume."

I use monosilicic acid to get Si to my plants.
First off, great save on the Wild Lady!
And a big thank you, to you and to everybody who participated here in helping me. :thanks:
And, I'm still not overly clear to an absolute certainty what played the major role with her difficulties. Could it be simply an over/under watering issue while she was in her pot? Could it be the canola oil in the Take Down? Could it be both?

It's also possible that I was simply applying too much oil containing foliar spray to her leaves. Reason I say this is b/c I was spraying neem once a week and Take Down on a different day, also one a week. And just before I saw the worst of the symptoms, I was spraying with Take Down twice a week while still spraying with neem once a week. So, 3 time a week all plants were getting sprayed like this.

Because none of the other plants had these symptoms, I thought I was just over watering the Wild Lady. And now, I'm not willing to re-apply the Take Down to determine if it was the main cause. I just don't like to stress my plants, if I can help it.
Second, unless you have solid clay soil, is it possible to over-water a plant in the ground?
No clay soil here. So I agree, it would be very difficult to over water a plant that's in the ground.
Thirdly, "perlite is a fully natural, inorganic and chemically inert material, with little to no crystalline silica content by volume."
Thank you for this link. :thanks: Nice to confirm just how safe this stuff is.
Maybe he's mixing it up with vermiculite which does have some silica content.
Yes @Fenderbender , this very well could be... as the owner of the Hydro Shop is getting old and forgetful. I've discovered him getting mixed up on a number of things, and giving very different advice than before, as in being confused rather than giving updated info. The man is never sober anymore.
I use monosilicic acid to get Si to my plants.
Thank you for the confirmation on this... very appreciated.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
@Sierra Natural Science makes excellent pest control that you can use up until harvest. I also have used Dr. Bonner’s Castile soap. CL🍀
I got some Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castile Soap just now too :D:

I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Wild Lady's Struggles Continue 🤔

So, after 7pm last night, well after sunset, I sprayed all my plants with the peppermint version of Dr. Bronner's Soap at the recommended ratio of 1 Tbsp to 32oz of RO water. It was nice and cool in my yard.

I didn't get outside to look at my girls until almost 11 this morning, and this is what I found:

And yet, the others are looking just fine as you can see here:

The 1st thing I did was give my Wild Lady a good little drink of water, thinking this would prove if it's a lack of water, or the spraying. 30 mins later... no change! So now, I believe the Wild Lady just doesn't do well with these oily sprays. And, while the extra perlite may be contributing, I'm thinking that to be a much smaller contributor to the problem vs the sprays I've been using recently.

Please, I welcome input from the community on this, as I am quite concerned about the long term viability of this plant in my environment.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Do you have a cheapo water probe to stab in around the rootball just to completely rule out dryness?

How long has she been in the ground for?

Has it or is it cold? My Wild Lady needed a heat mat indoors even with ambient room temps of 72F, and warmer in the tent.
Do you have a cheapo water probe to stab in around the rootball just to completely rule out dryness?
No I do not... 🤔 Hmmm, but the ground is plenty moist. I watered-in my own potting soil mix into the 26"w by 18" deep hole too.
How long has she been in the ground for?
8 days as of today.
Has it or is it cold? My Wild Lady needed a heat mat indoors even with ambient room temps of 72F, and warmer in the tent.
77ºf today and warmer tomorrow. Overnight coolness of low to mid 50's seems to perk her up by early morning, so I don't know.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Have you washed off all the other oil sprays?
No. I'm not sure how to do this. I think it's been nearly 2 weeks since I used any of that though. Do you recommend washing off the oil all this time later?
Also, sorry if you've already said, but what are you spraying them for?
Right now, it's mainly black scale. I've seen a few thrips too. I've contacted SNS to inquire what's effective on these and they recommend their PC product to kill them, and Systemica as a preventative. Samples are being sent to me too.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:

OK, so late afternoon yesterday, I decided to try something very different than I've ever done before. I removed much of the perlite that tends to work itself up to the top of the soil and put a thin layer of plain FFOF in its place. Next, I installed a boarder all around the perimeter, followed by a 1.5"+ layer of Coco Choir Chips on top of the FFOF.

And this morning she's looking so much better:

Of course, she always recovers a bit over night, so I kept checking her all day today. And while there's a small amount of droop, she's doing sooo much better all through the day so far. Here she is at 1:35pm today:

And at 3:20pm (just now) she still looks the same. Keep in mind that the sun came out today around 8 AM and no clouds or haze at all today, so a lot more sun with a high of 83ºf.

While this is not enough progress for the summer heat that's soon to be here, this does seem to show that it is heat related, so I'm on to something here... I'm hoping anyway.

Next watering, I'm going to use some Monosilicic acid (silicon). Looking at the weather reports, it looks like the May grey is now gone and the much warmer weather is now here for the season.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
:thanks: @Fenderbender... These are good ideas! :thumb:
Are they on the plant?
or is it preventative?
No, not yet. But will be.
if you can avoid spraying stuff on plants that's usually best, more last resort kinda thing.
On outdoor grows attract the stuff that eats the other stuff.. ladybirds & parasitic wasps.. if you plant some cilantro, dill, chives & alyssum those are good for attracting both.
I've done this before in my regular garden on the family farm, and it certainly helps. Here in my location, it's much hotter and the good bugs seem to be far and few between... and the bad bugs seem to love this heat... like demons in hell or something. :rofl:

Plus, my yard is so tiny. It's all I can do, as there's simply no room.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
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