WoundedKnee's First Medical Grow

They are looking really good mate. I am running on a really tight budget, so I am just picking up stuff as I can afford it. I would say you will probably need more light for the flowering stage, basically the more light you can give the plants the bigger and better they will be. I am doing my first grow and have been helped by the great people you see commenting here in the Journal. They have really helped me to get where I am now, their patience answering my sometimes daft questions. Its a great place, I found it by Googling some questions I had and I kept ending up here, so I decided to join and its been the best thing I have done. Its a mine of knowledge and everyone is really helpful and out to see you harvest a heap of quality bud. Have you got a Journal going ?
Yea not sure how you can get to it though im sorta new here if you go to google type in 300 watt led soil grow you should come to this link
If you click on the name of the person it takes you to a page that you can then click on their posts, either threads started or have replied to, you can take it from there

Good Lord in Heaven ! I opened the Tent this morning for a quick peep and almost fell over ! The girls are getting ENORMOUS I definitely will be getting an set of fans, the moisture is very evident and condensation is noticeable on the Tent walls. So, thats the news this morning. Very happy Father ! Now, off to Coach some kids Athletics....

Wicked dude.
Thanks mate, really need to get some fans and a carbon filter, the moisture is getting quite bad. Other than that, they are absolutely fanging along now mate !
I have a 2x2x4 tent with 1 mars 300 watt hydro cheapo from amazon but seems to be working fine i was told i may need some more light power for the budding stage im running bag seeds but they look like some wicked indicas im doing passive intake i exhaust straight under my house...humididty is a beast to control..lol thats about it oh and ionic nutrients and ff ocean forest 2 of them in 3 gal smartpots and 2 in plastic pots

Essentially try and double the power during flower :goodjob::welcome::lot-o-toke:
Nothing wrong with the Mars 300w unit, they are one of the better cheap LED's, Viparspectra and Meizhi are two other good cheap LED's. Avoid the likes of Growlush, they are very poor quality and they are only useful for seedlings really, they are just small power LED lights on a board, I got one free with my Tent and its useful for some supplemental light early on, but thats about it. I spent a fortnight on eBay and managed to get a Viparspectra 300w LED for $70 AUD, which is a great deal. I added that to the 130w CFL and the awful Growlush LED, the plants went mad with the good full spectrum LED, it gave them a great boost. Look for a full spectrum LED, they ideally should have Infa Red, white, red, blue, orange, green and Ultra Violet, this good band of lights will give your plants a great mix of light as close as possible to sunlight - that you can get with a set of LED's !

The girls are looking very happy, I gave them a two day break from watering, just to get them to suck up all the juice in the Coco. They showed no signs of stress at all. My mate back in the UK told me that he does that once every couple of weeks or so, to replicate a hot spell that Summer would have - he grows some boss weed, so I decided to give it a go. I kept a good eye on the plants (which he recommended !) for any stress. Number 3 is definetly my favourite plant, it is just so thick and bushy, the stem is more like a trunk, its so thick, I have high hopes for her ! (I know you shouldn't have a favourite child, but she is fantastic !) Last photo is of Number 1, who is a full week in front of Nunber 2 and about 10 days in front of number 3 (which is why I am so impressed with Number 3's great job in catching up !) Lots of little pistils popping up all over the place now, I am getting very excited.
I was raising the lights up and noticed that the 300w LED was off, which had me let out a full on 'ohhhh fuucccck !' Turns out I had somehow unplugged it and it came on when I actually plugged it in - what a tool ! So now the Tent is lit up like a Christmas tree and the girls are getting the full benefit of as much light as I can manage. I will get another LED after Christmas, so that the Tent is literally flooded, so my Autumn grow will be epic !
Good reason to keep the Tent closed at all times and a good show of the full spectrum from a better quality LED

Pretty sure my nieghbours would either think I had a Nuclear Reactor or a Grow going down in the back of my garage !

The girls are going mad now, they are starting to spread out a lot. I noticed a strange mutation on Number 2, she has a whole stem of 4 bladed leaves, I will take a photo when I take them out to move them round and wipe down the Tent. I ordered some fans and a carbon filter, hopefully that will get the moisture levels down, the walls of the tent have been soaking the past couple of days.
Your plants are looking awesome Wounded! True what you say about the Mars 300 - it's a decent light. I'm using it for my first indoor grow and it's been ok but it's not enough for them to be flowering to their potential. Plus I can't give it more that 14hours of light per 24 so that's a big factor as well. Still, I'm going to get something nice out if it fir sure.

Thanks for the heads up about the growlush. Same goes for their fans. I've sent 2 different ones back recently- broke on first day of use... twice ..

Looking forward to your flowering stage!

I added a Meizhi 450w LED to the Tent and its made a world of difference, its made the plants grow much more bushy and the speed in growth is definetly more noticeable. I moved the lights up a bit yesterday, I want to get the maximum light on all three, thats why I swap them round everyday. The Growlush light is lame compared to the Miezhi and Viparspectra, its output is hardly noticable. I would love to go for the COB LED's, but I am busted financially now, so its going to ve well into the New Year before I can get anymore stuff.

Here is the strange 4 bladed leaf !

Number 3's big fat stalk !

Number 3 - looking really plump

The slightly more spindly Number 2, she has never been as bushy as the other 2.

Number 1 is starting to stretch, she is now looking really good.
That is a weird leaf but these are some beautiful plants i finally got my seeds from mephisto genetics and I have to say i am so freakin stoked man i got my package on the 3rd day i ordered on the 11th in the evening 7 or 8 pm and they came the 14th at 2 pm so within 72 hours i had them hands down a 10 all the way on delivery and several extras i am very pleased with this company i bought 3 skywalker they sent me 5 of them and then 3 fantasno express so payed for 3 got a total of 8 very happy
I just had a peak to see how my Mephisto beans were going, two have lovely big tap roots, the Auto Cush is just cracking open. I can't wait to see them grow. The Fantasmo looks like a great plant and the Skywalker looks insanely frosty. Their breeding is top notch, they will be my go to seed supplier from now on. Their freebies are great. I did a bit of research and the Auto Cush is their version of Green Crack. I couldn't find anything about the strain, so I emailed them, they said its their breeding stock, they use it because its stable and has a great yield. Can't wait to see how it grows. Can't wait to see how all their beans go to be honest !
Theres a strain guide on there website of every seed they have i think 17 different strains you can dowload a pdf file of all the strains there info such as estimated yield flowering time height traits what there crossed with and so on i so badly wanna breed some autos but i read it would take generations of seeds to get a stable autoflower...thats alot of grows lol i know ppl breed photoperiod strains but if you think about it how the hell do u get feminsed cause you need a male and female and her seeds are 5050 and keep going through the lines...if i owned my own business thats what it would be seeds and sell live clones...bankroll....lol peace
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