WoundedKnee's First Medical Grow


Three new babies in the Nursery - Blue Toof, Sour Crinkle and Auto Cush, first two from Mephisto Genetics Illuminautos and one from their own breeding stock.


Some close ups of the girls, they are flying along now, all three showing pistils and really stretching and spreading out. They are guzzling down their feeds now, very little run off and they are even drinking that up in a couple of hours. Next pay day I will order some fans and a carbon filter to get the air flowing in the Tent and keep the humidity down.
Thats my plan. Somewhere around the equator. Although with Canada's laws it's hard to leave.
Not sure about the Equator, the lack of change in the seasons would be weird. I really liked the Red Centre when we did a road trip to Alice Springs, its like going to Mars, the Winter there is really nice, Summer is brutal though, maybe do Winter there and Summer down here, need to win the Lottery
I grow weed smoke weed love weed.. nothing disrespectful there at all. Why do you want to eradicate weeds? They serve a great purpose to farmland and a healthy farm is determined by the amount of varieties of weeds.. look into natural sequence farming.. don't look at weeds with disgust, they are part of our natural environment, that have great benefits and should be respected :rofl:

I was just replying to talk of growing in jean legs and calling plant weed.. I think I might be in wrong thread.. not sure how or what's going on :rofl::rofl:

Priceless GrizzWald .
What height should LED's be from the plants at this stage ?

Hi Wounded, some people have mentioned to me the notion of putting lights at the higher end of the recommended and letting plants 'grow into' them. I ended up following the manufacturer recommendation mostly. And currently at the slightly higher end to see if she will rise up a bit (she's still just in early flower). You might want to experiment over a day or so to see how close you can get before they start turning away from the light and then back it off from there. If you keep a close eye on them, they'll tell you I'm sure. They're looking lovely by the way. You could just edge closer (within specified guidelines of course) in small increments and see how they like it.

Your grow looks happy ..

I must have a read of the instructions - never thought of that they are growing up a lot, so I was concerned they might be getting too close. They look happy, so I will let them keep on doing their thing. I move them round every day, so they get one day in 3 under the 300w, then 2 under the 450w, they seem to be loving it, so I guess keep on doing what I am doing !
Leaves pointing straight up, to high, leaves down shading themselves from light, too close. Leaves at a horizontal, perfect..
Thanks Amy, I take them out and drain the run off and give the tent a quick wipe, just to keep the tent free from any condensation, algae, dirt or spillages. I move around the plants because I have one 300w, one 450w one and a 130w CFL in there, so moving them keeps them happy.

Big healthy girls and their baby sisters ! They are looking really happy, glad I bought the extra light, its definetly making a big difference. The Cal-Mag is doing its stuff, the leaves look very green and healthy.
Wow! They really have taken off since I stopped by last . Well done. Keep it up!
They are flying now mate, every time I look in they seem to have grown considerably. Number 3 has gone mad, she is so bushy and despite being a week behind the other two, its looking so much fatter than the other 2. Number 1 looks like I got the Fimming/Topping wrong, she has a single stalk, the other two have split and have two main stems. I am not bothered, I will know for the next time. It will also be a great comparison to see how much it effects the yield. Great looking plants, I am so pleased with their progress. I know they had a slow start, I could have done a bit better and transplanted them into the Coco earlier, I will do that with the next 3. Its all about learning, which I am enjoying. I am also really enjoying 'meeting' everyone on the Forum, having such friendly people helping me along is wonderful, it has been an enormous help and the comradery is so helpful too, it keeps me positive and has helped me with my PTSD and its associated mental issues. The plant has helped and its not even near giving me buds !!

Good Lord in Heaven ! I opened the Tent this morning for a quick peep and almost fell over ! The girls are getting ENORMOUS I definitely will be getting an set of fans, the moisture is very evident and condensation is noticeable on the Tent walls. So, thats the news this morning. Very happy Father ! Now, off to Coach some kids Athletics....

Number 1 is looking really nice, you can see the start of some more leaves, 3 fingered ones this time. She is looking very happy and healthy.
Number 2 is catching up nicely, she has some more leaves showing too.
Number 3 is the baby of the 3 and is catching up slowly but surely. I got a drop on her leaves when I was watering them, I made sure to knock it off, don't want her getting sunburn !
Its flipped back to cold again, so I popped the heater back in last night, I would hate for them to get too cold anx expire like my first two beans did.
Very happy with the progress. I am going to pop over to Bunnings and see what they have as a grow medium. I am torn between a Perlite/Vermiculite mix or to go with Coco Coir. Any ideas would be appreciated in that.
Stay Frosty amigos, stay dry and warm if you happen to be in Victoria ⛆⛆⛆☔
Can't believe that this is where they were at a calendar month ago ! Blows me away how fast the girls grow. Doing this Journal was a fantastic idea, its a great way to keep an eye on how things have progressed.
What kind of light you running amigo
Hi Bradley, good to have you aboard bro. I have a Viparspectra 300w LED, a Miezhi 450w LED and a 130w CFL. I plan on adding some more lights as I go and as I can afford them. I will get another 130w CFL and another one of the 450w Miezhi LED 's, that should be plenty for the little 1m2 Tent I have. I really need some ventilation as its getting very humid in the Tent as the plants are getting near flowering and I really would hate to get mould on the buds after getting them going so well. What set up are you running dude ?
I have a 2x2x4 tent with 1 mars 300 watt hydro cheapo from amazon but seems to be working fine i was told i may need some more light power for the budding stage im running bag seeds but they look like some wicked indicas im doing passive intake i exhaust straight under my house...humididty is a beast to control..lol thats about it oh and ionic nutrients and ff ocean forest 2 of them in 3 gal smartpots and 2 in plastic pots
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