WoundedKnee's First Medical Grow

Looks wonderful! Have you considered a mild defol? Idk how autos work but it's awfully bushy down there. Like a 60s porn star Bushy. My thinking is more light to more bud sites often equals more flowers :) but I personally would be hesitant to harm such a beautiful specimen haha! Tough call
I was actually wondering about trimming the older leaves back a bit, some are looking a bit tired. I am really pleased with the fat structure of all 3, they are loving the warmer weather and the lack of moisture.
I was actually wondering about trimming the older leaves back a bit, some are looking a bit tired. I am really pleased with the fat structure of all 3, they are loving the warmer weather and the lack of moisture.
I done defo on my autos last grow and the one I have now and they have responded great. They act like it didn't even bother them lol. Just don't go crazy with it and just take the ones that are blocking bud sites and if need to open the center up for better light penetration. After doing a light defo don't take any more till the plant fills back in good. After a few days you won't even be able to tell that you done a defo. ✌️

The girls really enjoyed their big drink yesterday, looking fantastic this morning. They have noticeably jumped up after their intensive feed, they are feeling quite dry again this morning, I might give them another massive drink today, if they want it, they can have it !
Looking great and some new babies. .
Yep, might pop them out in the sun, the Auto Cush and Blue Toof are not racing like the Sour Crinkle, I must make an effort to go and get the pots, Coco and a few other bits and pieces. I have a ton of pots I could use, but I dread putting a pest into the Tent, it would kill me to get so far and lose the lot ! I have you to thank for the idea of getting a 'Perpetual Grow' going. Cheers bud !
Don't but pots if you don't have to.. make up a bleach solution, wash your pots with hot water and rag (no soap) then wash them with bleach solution, allow to air dry... could even go an unrequired step further and once dry spray the pots with a neem mix..
Gave them a good drink, will check again later and give them a little drop again if they are needing it. They are really starting to smell when you touch them - stinky ladies !
Just got hustled by some kids who should be Carnies ! Ended up with two 'Mystery Bags' that contained some very suspect items - including a pair of neon pink Speedos that I haven't seen the like of since I saw German pensioners on holidays in Greece, they are wild ! Came home and gave the girls a good drink, can't believe how fast they are growing now, the bud sites are getting very obvious. Bit disappointed with my Auto Cush and Blue Toof seeds not getting going, I will pop another couple of beans in. Seeds are not a guaranteed plant, so I am not having a moan, just means I will have a gap and it means I may not get finished before Christmas and the silly heat. Sour Crinkle is looking great, hopefully she will have a couple of friends in a day or two.
These are mad ! My 15 year old almost died of embarrassment when I showed them to her and her friends ! I said I need a swimming pool and I can lay there all summer getting a mad tan and making dodgy inappropriate remarks to her friends ! She said 'Daaaaaaaaaaaaad Nooooooooo Wayyyyyyyyyyy' I laughed and winked to her Joys of Fatherhood
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