WoundedKnee's First Medical Grow

Just went to water the girls and rubbed my hand against one of the buds - sticky and stinky !!

Fun, fun fun!

Hey Wounded, how long did that little one take to shake off the helmet. I've got one at the moment whose been up out of the dirt for 2 days now and the helmet is still wrapped around. It kinda looks well stuck! I'm getting nervous so just wondering how long yours took to shake loose...

Just pull it off... the seed top will come off easily but there's a bag still wrapped around the cotyledons. Peel this back gently..
Fun, fun fun!

Hey Wounded, how long did that little one take to shake off the helmet. I've got one at the moment whose been up out of the dirt for 2 days now and the helmet is still wrapped around. It kinda looks well stuck! I'm getting nervous so just wondering how long yours took to shake loose...

Hi Amy, I let the seed case stay on for a couple of days, I gently - and I mean gently (I am very heavy handed by nature, so its really easy for me to break tiny fragile things !) ease the little case off the cotyledons, it will usually just slide off. I have heard of people putting a couple of drops of water on to act as a lubricant. Plants are incredibly powerful, their slow growth can split rock, I am sure you have seen pavements and concrete broken by tree roots. I am no expert, Grizz has way more experience, so I would go with his experience.
Hi Amy, I let the seed case stay on for a couple of days, I gently - and I mean gently (I am very heavy handed by nature, so its really easy for me to break tiny fragile things !) ease the little case off the cotyledons, it will usually just slide off. I have heard of people putting a couple of drops of water on to act as a lubricant. Plants are incredibly powerful, their slow growth can split rock, I am sure you have seen pavements and concrete broken by tree roots. I am no expert, Grizz has way more experience, so I would go with his experience.

Just pull it off... the seed top will come off easily but there's a bag still wrapped around the cotyledons. Peel this back gently..

Thanks, and thanks GrizzWald, I'll give it a go .

Rub the stem, branch, no trichs to damage/lose that way, you get the same smell..
Still smashing along. While to go yet tho bro. Being cookies they are meant to be very sticky. Should end up covered in goo. My BG has stunk the joint out today. She is coming down so that should settle the smell a bit. My daugher has been sneezing a lot when she has been here and last night she said "i swear its something in this house making me sneeze...". Said nah, just all the spring time pollen in the garden. Lol.
I came in from the garage the other day and my son said 'you smell like something weird' I said it was pine disinfectant he said 'yeah, smells a bit like pine' - I left it there ! They are really banging out the frost, especially on Number 1, she is getting really sticky. I will take some pictures with the LED's off tomorrow, you can see the little frosty tricomes better with them off. Can't wait to make some finger and scissor hash, thats always a treat. Going to buy some of those bags to make Ice Hash with the trim, my mate showed me how to make that, his stuff was crazy, used to pop round mine on a Sunday to watch the MotoGP and grab a Pizza and he would bring some of either his Ice Hash or best buds. One night we ate a family Pizza each, smoked more of his hash, then rang for another Pizza each
Yeah, miss ye old hash. I got a ball ive been collectinng around here somewhere, but like most things totally forgot where ive put it... will show up one day when im cleaning stuff out somewhere...
I am going to leave Number 1 under the 300w LED and the other two under the 450w LED. I figure the other two a week or so behind, so once Number 1 is done, I will move the other plants about to get the best coverage. They are all looking really good so I figure leave them be. I have really enjoyed this grow, I have learnt so much from trial and error, hands on and best of all YOU LOT !! I have been schooled in a way I would never have imagined, its been fantastic. Its by far the best forum on the web. Thank you all. I hope to meet up with a few of you at some point and we can share tales and buds a plenty !
Yeah, miss ye old hash. I got a ball ive been collectinng around here somewhere, but like most things totally forgot where ive put it... will show up one day when im cleaning stuff out somewhere...
Some one on this forum posted a picture of them holding 4 balls of hash the size of Pool balls - I was drooling
I've been looking for a gram of speed for seven years.. I just know it's here somewhere :rofl::rofl: actually it's probably longer now. But every blue moon, I look under something thinking. that's where I could have put it :rofl:
I only did speed once ever: The we went to the Espy in StKilda and besides bouncing around like a hypo head, i got dragged up on stage with this guy juggling a chainsaw and knives and bottles over my head. Man. Was so fucking freaked out. Funny as shit night. Hooked up with this awesome chick and lost her phone number and she probably wonders why i never called her... i wanted to. She was so hot. Was kicking myself for months. Even 20 years later my mate still sometimes says, i cant believe you lost that chicks number, and i tell him its his fault for getting me so fucked up! Lmao
I was thinking about a similar situation today ABT ! I spent about 12 months chasing this really foxy girl who drank in my local, I finally convinced her to go out for a drink. We went out and everything was going great, then a couple of mates came into the club. One thought it would be a laugh to slip an E in my drink. I went off like a frog in a sock, dancing like a maniac. She came back to mine and I was a fucking animal, she left looking like she spent the night in a tumble drier ! She never came in the pub again and I never saw her again, my mates ripped the shit out of me for years about that, they used to tell girls my name was James Brown, which was a sly dig at me being a sex machine, that machine being a bulldozer.
Went at her like a Bulldog eating porridge in a bucket my flatmate thought I was going to come through the ceiling ! I thought I had given her a night of unbridled passion, I think she was of a different idea. Poor girl !
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