WoundedKnee's First Medical Grow


Little Sour Crinkle is getting its game on, obviously getting more light would be ideal, but that will have to wait until the big Number 1 gets the chop.
I was doing a bit of work getting a better way to hang my lights, I decided to use old trampoline springs, these are easy to use, allow fast change of height and they are super strong.
The GSC's are all looking great, I let them get really dry, not watering for a couple of days so they suck that Coco dry of all the nutrients. Gave them a little drink, mixed up some fresh nutrients for a big feed tonight. You can see the frost growing now and you can notice a really strong smell from them now, a very distinctive pine and mint odour, with a heavy Skunk undertone. I noticed a couple of the pistils on the top of the main stem of Number 1 turning a lovely orange colour, I love that on buds, so I am over the moon its happening to my buds.
Cheers bro, just need to get them over the finish line ! I wish it was warmer here, its about 10°c colder than usual here and I am sure its keeping the growth a bit slower than it should be.
Well if your minds on the right track, the plants will catch your energy and everything else just falls into place. True bliss knowing your doing everything you can to keep these babies healthy.
I don't know what your asking.. I don't have anyway of getting yours or anybody else's email from this site.. do you mean private message? No wasn't me.. are you on phone or computer? If phone,go down bottom of screen and go into desktop. Hit setting at top of screen (next to profile and user name setting) and you'll see your inbox pop up. View your messages by selecting inbox and selected message..
Or you mean In this thread? No.. might have been a spam dude selling some gear, mods might have deleted it. Guessing here..
Sorry, I was a bit vague ! I got an email notification of a post by you on this thread, yet it didn't appear on the thread. I will grab a screenshot to show you.
Looks great wk I can't believe how friggen huge they have gotten!!!!
I wrote that on.......somebodies thread, talking to mateysmurf.. not sure if it was this one but it was couple days ago..
dude from Aus started it on couple other sites but grows didn't finish. Have you seen it grown before? Know how long it'll take?
10-29-2017... check your emails more often maybe :rofl:
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