Away's Second Grow - DIY - Mars II TopLED 400W (80x5W) - 2015

Smoking the last of my bubblebag hash... took 6 hits on the joint, already got a really buzzy feeling in my head :tokin: hands down this is some of the best smoke of my life.. on exhale my whole mouth tickles really hard, its incredible.. all the way down the throatm but its also good.. cant describe it :)

This took me 5 minutes to write and im already way higher than when i started writing xD :rofl::rofl:
What a come back!
its in the rooting plug and im expecting to see it pop out of the plug in a day or 2 :thumb:
Today the new veg room's light arrived ^^
Hung it up, snapped some shots.. now i just need soil for seedlings..

the sour diesel seed I made is already out of the top of the plug the hgk may make it out by lights out
I will however put them into buckets tonight already because when I got home the rooting plugs were bone dry and kinda stiff watered them down and they are still growing so ill stick em into buckets into tonight so I don't have to worry about wetting the plugs
Hey man hows it going? New cfl what is that a 250?
going alright, idk if you read that, but my girlfriend went down with anxiety and panic attacks.. mostly cause of stress..
But that stuff is hard to deal with, so yeah ups and downs. But i stay positive man ;)
Actually im not sure, i borrowed it, but i think its only 125w mate.

the sour diesel seed I made is already out of the top of the plug the hgk may make it out by lights out
I will however put them into buckets tonight already because when I got home the rooting plugs were bone dry and kinda stiff watered them down and they are still growing so ill stick em into buckets into tonight so I don't have to worry about wetting the plugs

Snap some pictures for me when they have been potted up mate :thumb:
Can't wait to make my first clone now lol
I havent tried it myself, but they really do suck man, i cant do anything at all to help her when she gets it...

I understand how you feel, my girlfriend has a diagnosed Anxiety order and it has ruined a lot of shit in her life.. I feel immensely bad for her about it because you're right really, there's so little you can do especially in certain situations... I try my hardest still though, so it's good to hear from another person in the same position!

It also makes buying weed we both like a pain... I am constantly looking for strains that relieve stress and anxiety... And that is kind of hard. I'm definitely going to get some genetics in my grow arsenal that have anti-anxiety qualities.

Hope you're having a good day my friend!
I know its almost a year later but Ive never seen you around here Max so Welcome to the site! How are you liking it?
I know its almost a year later but Ive never seen you around here Max so Welcome to the site! How are you liking it?

Hey SmokerJoe! It's nice to make your acquaintance! :cheesygrinsmiley: I love 420magazine, everyone on here is so friendly (as you just demonstrated) and so willing to share knowledge! Not to mention keeping track of my journals on this site is so fun. Everything about it is perfect!!

I was actually checking out your 42/6 light cycle journal the other day, very interesting!!! That's one of the other things I love about this site, everyone has some different idea or expirement they want to try and then we all get to watch! This community is great, thanks a lot for the warm welcome my friend:)

You'll be seein me around a lot more! :cheesygrinsmiley: :cheesygrinsmiley:
I didn't get a chance to catch a pic tonight been running around its kinda late im about ready to pass out and theres a hearing at 10 tomorrow at the capitol for dispensaries so im gonna go down and support it theres another bill that if you have a medical card they cant hold it against you basically just because you turn up positive for marijuana but they can if you go to work high tho
im gonna go down support whatever bills I can so if I don't get to the pics in the morning I will definitely do it in the afternoon
I dont know about you but when im high I act almost exactly the same. Most people look at me and dont think stoner though. My girlfriend claims she can look at me and see im a stoner but im certain thats just because she knows me very well and I act myself around her and am guarded otherwise but ive went to work stoned before but no really meaningful jobs or anything. Just like making pizza or flipping burgers or as a dishwasher.
yea in the construction industry its a lot stricter since people lives can be at stake
and theres a few people that look at me and think im a stoner I deny it till I get to know them better tho :rofl:

edit Happy SHatterday Brotha :thumb:
Hi guys i'm just online real quick to give you this fast update from the grow....

I popped a white widow seed to test off my veg-room. She never popped soil, so i'm trying again now.

The closet was switched to 12/12 1 week ago from today.
SO you can imagine they are growing.. i snappped some pictures for you, so here it is guys.





She had a little damage to the leaf's caused by my fan lol... it was blowing straight on them, because they've been growing a little faster than i expected. She is branching out alot more than the CK is though, thats for sure. She will probably be the yield here.

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