Bckush's First Grow - Soil - Mixed Bag - Autos & Who Knows What Else - Dec 2016

Unless It got really really hot....I do keep the tops about 1-2 inches from the bulbs.....with the fans not blowing i'm sure it was pretty toasty up top.....but it seems to be lower in the plant also...lower than I would think heat could get....only seems to be large fans...new growth looks ok.

Without the fans on.....temps can get over 110 at the top.....ran that way for about 9 hours before I caught it.....when I did, I pulled her out of the cab and took a quick look at her......It felt as if all her upper leaves were fish scales but the pistols looked fine. I though I had cooked them good....watered them and they perked up a little but then a day or so later they started to look really bad. In the same time frame they were fed with maybe a little heavy dose of nutes...Ph could be an issue though....runoff has been between 6.1-6.5....is that maybe a little low and not allowing cal/mag uptake? I just can't seem to believe it got that hot that low in the plant......then again the temp gauge sits on the soil in the pot...it read 98 when I opened the cab...so maybe.....

I'm going to check ph tonight when she gets watered...she is suppose to get fed tonight...should she????????? I was also going to add 2 tsp of epsom to her water.
I couldn't help it...I had to have a taste of Patty and make an attempt at trimming before I harvest. How does it look???


Thanks all :love:
Are you going to quick-dry and smoke? Eagerly awaiting a smoke report.....

Letting it dry in the cab for a day or two...will report back..........my wife and i smoked what I trimmed when backbuilding a few weeks ago....tasted really good and was pretty smooth for a quick dry......it was really sneaky.....it took about 10 min to kick in and only lasted about 15 min...but damn it was pretty intense considering it was no where near ready then. It gives me lots of hope for harvest

As much as this shit shrinks I will be lucky to get a bowl full....lol

That's a beautiful little bud, BC. It may not fill a bowl but I'll be it the best bowl you ever roasted, in satisfaction if not in microwaved taste and effect. :)
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