Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Pfft ... they're fakes - shiny silk and plastic. He just rearranges 'em from time to time and takes new pics. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Stupendous looking youngsters Doc! :thumb:
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

And here I thought I knew a thing or two about growing simply because I could get a plant from seed to harvest. As I read though countless pages of this thread (which are a goldmine of information and everyone should read by the way) and other high brix threads here, a lot of the things I thought I knew about growing are being put upside-down, on their side or completely thrown out the window.

To say "Thank you Doc Bud" does not even begin to do justice to how much gratitude is owed to you, sir.

My kit should be here today per tracking info. Everything else is here and ready to get to work when the kit arrives. Now if the kit only included 2.5 or so ounces of concentrated patience for me to put in MY water, that would be awesome!
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Pfft ... they're fakes - shiny silk and plastic. He just rearranges 'em from time to time and takes new pics. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Stupendous looking youngsters Doc! :thumb:

Yep. Just a new box of plants from Malaysia. Their fake plants are better quality than the Chinese versions I was using prior. They smoke better too!

And here I thought I knew a thing or two about growing simply because I could get a plant from seed to harvest. As I read though countless pages of this thread (which are a goldmine of information and everyone should read by the way) and other high brix threads here, a lot of the things I thought I knew about growing are being put upside-down, on their side or completely thrown out the window.

To say "Thank you Doc Bud" does not even begin to do justice to how much gratitude is owed to you, sir.

My kit should be here today per tracking info. Everything else is here and ready to get to work when the kit arrives. Now if the kit only included 2.5 or so ounces of concentrated patience for me to put in MY water, that would be awesome!

You'll do fine. It's simple and easy. Some people get nervous because they think they should be doing more, adding more, etc. Just follow directions, cook the soil in a nice warm place (not in the freezing garage) the Minerals, Microbes and Magic will do the rest.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

How much water is typically used for a drench ?
7 gallon pots.

Thanks in advance, Bulldog

Now that I have saucers on everything I use about 1-1 1/2 gallons per drench. I used to use 2 gallons or more when I was top watering only.

Every now and then I do a flush followed by a drench and that means maybe 3 to 4 gallons total, with only 1/2 gallon of that being a drench.

But that's only when I want to change the ionic balance in the soil.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Got my kit on hand already. That was some of the fastest shipping in the west!
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Got my kit on hand already. That was some of the fastest shipping in the west!

customer service is the backbone of every business....thanks for the mention!

Happy growing! Please share problems, success, ask questions, etc. The entire "gang" have got your back.

By all means....please share every detail when you have the first sample of your harvest! :cheer:
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I can't wait to get started! Gotta wrap up these ongoing grows. Will do, thanks Doc!!!
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Thanks duggan!
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Hey Sera....welome aboard bro!:high-five: You will enjoy using Doc's. gear. It's a little boring at times...but we like it like that.Gives us time to have some fun eh! Cheers!:yahoo:

Boring growing is way more fun than "high drama" growing. Like tonite. I gave the 4 new Grape Apes (non LED) their first Cat Drench. That took literally 5 minutes from start to finish. I looked at every single plant, lifted the pots...10 minutes. I'm done.

Smoke a Willie Nelson joint and wander around thinking long thoughts...forgetting most of them, kinda just feeling good in the garden.

It smells really fresh in there, the temps are pleasant, the air is moving around....and all these plants are fun to look at.

I should be harvesting things in about 2 weeks, starting with the Champagne, perhaps. Boring.

Since going High Brix, many of us have noticed we no longer have insects bothering out plants. Without invasions of the Borg, on days when they don't need water, life is pretty boring. So, there's nothing to do but smoke one and be content.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Hey Doc, I have a stupid question.

You told me to use drenches as 10ml to 1 gallon, should all that go to one plant? Or should i make that twice for 2 plants? They are in 3 gal containers atm and im going to start soaking next drench.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Hey Doc, I have a stupid question.

You told me to use drenches as 10ml to 1 gallon, should all that go to one plant? Or should i make that twice for 2 plants? They are in 3 gal containers atm and im going to start soaking next drench.

That's for two plants. Think of it this way:

1 oz per 6 plants
1 oz=30ml.....therefore 5ml a plant. That's a "normal" dose. Some of us feed stronger, many of us add transplant to every watering, etc.

But for the first time or two excellent results can be had following directions. That's exactly what I did for the LED grow I'm currently doing, because I wanted the plants to show off the light without me doing something crazy to them, like I do on other plants in my research into growing better cannabis.
That's for two plants. Think of it this way:

1 oz per 6 plants
1 oz=30ml.....therefore 5ml a plant. That's a "normal" dose. Some of us feed stronger, many of us add transplant to every watering, etc.

But for the first time or two excellent results can be had following directions. That's exactly what I did for the LED grow I'm currently doing, because I wanted the plants to show off the light without me doing something crazy to them, like I do on other plants in my research into growing better cannabis.

I guess what was throwing me off was that each plant would only get 1/2 a gallon, 1/2 a gallon per 3 - 7 gal of soil isn't a lot. I know this easy but I just haven't connected all the dots.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I guess what was throwing me off was that each plant would only get 1/2 a gallon, 1/2 a gallon per 3 - 7 gal of soil isn't a lot. I know this easy but I just haven't connected all the dots.

I'm not sure what you're getting hung up on, but there's nothing at all wrong with watering the plant with a gallon of RO, and then "chase" it with 1/2 gallon of a drench. That's not in the instructions...but I've talked about it.
I'm not sure what you're getting hung up on, but there's nothing at all wrong with watering the plant with a gallon of RO, and then "chase" it with 1/2 gallon of a drench. That's not in the instructions...but I've talked about it.

That's what I didn't catch, I did take a few month break from the site before I ordered my kit so that's my bad.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I guess what was throwing me off was that each plant would only get 1/2 a gallon, 1/2 a gallon per 3 - 7 gal of soil isn't a lot. I know this easy but I just haven't connected all the dots.

Its easy to get hung up on x amount of nutes per x amount of water since thats how most other systems work. I drove myself crazy with it when I first switched to high brix. With this as long as they get the amount of the drenches they need the amount of water they went in the plant with isn't so important. Im lazy and only grow two flowering plants at a time so I just mix what ever they happen to need into the amount they are getting watered that day and don't worry about it anymore :thumb:
Its easy to get hung up on x amount of nutes per x amount of water since thats how most other systems work. I drove myself crazy with it when I first switched to high brix. With this as long as they get the amount of the drenches they need the amount of water they went in the plant with isn't so important. Im lazy and only grow two flowering plants at a time so I just mix what ever they happen to need into the amount they are getting watered that day and don't worry about it anymore :thumb:

Yeah that's what it is, I'm hung up on the only way I know. I also just don't want to screw it up and be that guy but I got a lot riding on good product. Everything is great so far.
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