Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Man I love this thread, Still waiting to order the kit. Gotta use up my super soil first! Waste not want not... Anyway, I was gonna see if anyone could give me their opinion on this pretty little White Widow. She is 42 days into flower, pretty frost but nothing like you high brix growers. I have already seen some trichomes turning amber on me, I wanted to see (and I've search for this but can't seem to find an answer), are there certain factors that would cause the early amber? in these pics you can see the buds haven't even finished filling out. They are pretty small and I am still expecting, and waiting for, the buds to swell up and the pistils to "recede". This strain is from that teen spirit seed site. Anyway, any comments or suggestions are welcome. Thank You!!

Almost forgot,
Temps: Day 79-80F Night 75-78
Hum: Day 45-50 Night 50-60
12/12 light schedule with 1 P100 LED fixture (too small?)
Cabinet: 18"x18"x70"
Pot: Custom 12 gal pot in plastic tray on carpet no cement.
Water only when almost dry (check pot for weight and watch leaves for ay sign of wilt.)
Compost tea used twice so far just ro water besides that.

Bad pics I know... Hopefully good enough...

Edit: added one pic.
Hi doc I'm tryin to do a soil setup n Mr. Krip recommended I spend alil money into one of ur kits cud u send me a link 2 ur kit or sumthn like that so I did no he 2 get it please and thank u
Hey Blazin....Doc . will be along shortly for ya. Just wanted to say hello and welcome you to this space in the world! We like it around these parts cuz of the great growers who like to share in a fun and informative way while keeping their egos in their pockets. The really cool part is...they are better people, than they are growers...this means so much more. Glad you found us and welcome . May i suggest reading some of Doc's other journals as well as the other HBers using Doc's gear. Cheers to ya and get that DBHBB soil cookin! :welcome::circle-of-love:
They say they're a gallon....probably more like 3/4 galllon. That plant is definitely rootbound! It needed a good dunking every single day. Bone dry by noon.

I culled that plant right after taking the pics, because I didn't have room for it. Normally, I'd have potted it up about a week earlier.

Notice the stem thickness, the tight internodes and the strength of the stem. That's what we want from vegging.
Nice, and thanks for the response to my PM, Doc! No one can take away the fact that you stand by your product and support the folks using it, that alone made the switch easy for me.

Back to that root bound one. If you had scored the roots and transplanted, would it had still done well? Also how often should we check cooking soil, and what are we looking for other than warmth?

Thanks again!

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Nice, and thanks for the response to my PM, Doc! No one can take away the fact that you stand by your product and support the folks using it, that alone made the switch easy for me.

Back to that root bound one. If you had scored the roots and transplanted, would it had still done well? Also how often should we check cooking soil, and what are we looking for other than warmth?

Thanks again!

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The only thing I check is for a little condensation on sides/top lid of the tote. When I stick my hand in the soil, it doesn't feel wet, but moist. A little will stick to my fingers and hand. It will hold its shape if squeezed into a clump, but also break apart/crumble very easily.

I only check for moisture every month to 6 weeks or so. It doesn't need a lot of attention if mixed properly.
Nice, and thanks for the response to my PM, Doc! No one can take away the fact that you stand by your product and support the folks using it, that alone made the switch easy for me.

Back to that root bound one. If you had scored the roots and transplanted, would it had still done well? Also how often should we check cooking soil, and what are we looking for other than warmth?

Thanks again!

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Cooking soil:

As long as it's in 70-80 degree weather and NOT on a cold, concrete slab, the best thing to do is put a date on the tote for 2 weeks after mixing, lift the lid and if it's sweating and you can sense a warm "energy" with the back of your hand, put the lid back on and come back in another 2 weeks, when it's done.

If it's really dry, try mixing it so that you exchange the bottom for the top. Add water if still dry after turning it over.

Honestly, I just mix mine, label the barrel and come back a month later.

As for that root-bound plant, it would have/could have grown like a champ. I cull about 20-30 of veg plants and about 50% of clones.

By having more than enough I can always choose the best ones and I never have a bare spot in the garden. (or almost never)

A true perpetual grow is when you immediately replace a harvested plant with a new, fully vegged one. That's what I try to do.
Thanks for all the help guys! Knowing you all are there and willing to help is a great feeling. Confidence, is at an all time high.

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Don't over think this thing. You've got billions of helpers in the soil. Toss 'em some fish juice from time to time and get out of their way while they work at building this plant you're watching grow.

1/2 oz of this or that is nothing to worry about.
Man I love this thread, Still waiting to order the kit. Gotta use up my super soil first! Waste not want not... Anyway, I was gonna see if anyone could give me their opinion on this pretty little White Widow. She is 42 days into flower, pretty frost but nothing like you high brix growers. I have already seen some trichomes turning amber on me, I wanted to see (and I've search for this but can't seem to find an answer), are there certain factors that would cause the early amber? Would there be any reason it would be done so early? Should I just ignore the amber trichomes and wait until the actual harvest window is here? in these pics you can see the buds haven't even finished filling out. They are pretty small and I am still expecting, and waiting for, the buds to swell up and the pistils to "recede". This strain is from that teen spirit seed site. Sorry about all the new questions. But with my last few I waited to see amber but the buds had already filled out. Anyway, any comments or suggestions are welcome. Thank You for any help!

Almost forgot,
Temps: Day 79-80F Night 75-78
Hum: Day 45-50 Night 50-60
12/12 light schedule with 1 P100 LED fixture (too small?)
Cabinet: 18"x18"x70"
Pot: Custom 12 gal pot in plastic tray on carpet no cement.
Water only when almost dry (check pot for weight and watch leaves for ay sign of wilt.)
Compost tea used twice so far just ro water besides that.

Bad pics I know... Hopefully good enough...

Edit: added one pic.
also added a few questions.
Here is a quick question...can we use EWC that we got from our composter rather than buying it? Just don't want to introduce any bacteria or anything else to the mix that is not needed or wanted. I'll see about getting the NPK value with our soil tester today.
Dajerm, I think it's looking pretty good myself considering you're only running 100 watts of lighting. You definitely want to upgrade that. Other than that it looks like you have your environment dialed in which in my opinion is the toughest part.

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Don't use it. It's loaded with potassium.

We need to use actual worm castings and we need to avoid composted worm castings....composted anything really. (other than cannabis roots and leaves.)
Right on. We use also for our leaves that we pluck off during veg and flower. Then the harvested stalk goes to the rabbit. Hang it in his cage and voila. Thought I would ask before we use it with the kit. We will use it for the greenhouse veggies. :thanks: :thumb:
Right on. We use also for our leaves that we pluck off during veg and flower. Then the harvested stalk goes to the rabbit. Hang it in his cage and voila. Thought I would ask before we use it with the kit. We will use it for the greenhouse veggies. :thanks: :thumb:

Is there a way you can get the actual castings? They'd probably be OK.

Why not go high brix in the greenhouse? You'll have amazing vegetables.
Don't use it. It's loaded with potassium.

We need to use actual worm castings and we need to avoid composted worm castings....composted anything really. (other than cannabis roots and leaves.)

Finding this conversation a little confusing.

I've always thought that some composting is normal in a worm bin. It's not just worm poo from feasting on fresh table scraps, is it? Do the worms not eat the partly composted feed?

And the whole "cooking" process. Thought we were composting the worm castings. Picture I had of the process is:

1. partial compost
2. Worms digest the partly composted goodies and excrete castings
3. Ewc mixed with promix and beneficial microbes, for final composting.

Am I misunderstanding?

Cheers! :peace::passitleft::reading420magazine:
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