First time..purps hydro grow-bedroom growroom

:grinjoint:WHATS UP SouthernOnt..and..mafcs!!!!

thanls guys...I had no clue B.O.B. was what she was!!..the whole grow is ex. bagseed....did'nt know they were slinging monster plants around here...LOL...I am going with some outo flowering white rushion...thery get about 12-18" tall and throw at least an ounce a plant....with using the whole bedroom as a grow room...I'm making a shefl system 3 high against 3 walls with the lights hanging in the center of the room....should be enough room for 65 plants or so!!!!....

thanks for checking in....I'm throwing some pics on here after I burn here in a min...:grinjoint:.......:bong:.......:roorrip:......

PEACE GUYS..:slide:..
PIC TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!








let me know what yall think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....PEACE
pan4gold49'er...whats up brother!!!...thanks to you....she filling out nicely!!!....I'm going to see if I can tie all those arms off B.O.B. down a little and lower that main light closer to the rest of the buds...if I should even disturb basically doing a "no touch" grow as much as possiable....even though I just want to mollest a bud site and see how sticky it really is !!!!!......should I leave them alone??...just a thought so far...what do you think man??? really does not smell that has a deff. sweet "weedy" smell so far...but its not half as bad as I thought it should be by now...but we do have about 4 more weeks in the game yet....I cant wait...thanks for checking on us man....keep the green mojo flowing......PEACE
That's what makes a hippie happy, a happiehippie with a room full of beautiful plants.

Herb hit the nail on the head!!!...I want to do this for a living man!!!..LOL. brother from another mother!!!..whats up man..I was fooling around with the 420 scope the other day with the leaves..and my fingers were sticking together when I was done!!!!...loven this shitttt!!! you think It would hurt them to tie them all down a little to get that light closer...or would that hurt the "STICKY" thats all over them by letting them touch....probabally a dumb question...but nervous as hell that i'll do something stupid toward the end..LMAO....HEY..I got a pic in the "plant of the month club"...pretty exited too see my baby with so many fine plants.....type at ya later man.

l8nightskunk....WHATS UP MAN!!!...your right on the bud site count...on just one arm comming off B.O.B. , which is about 3 1/2 feet long, there are 19 bud sites!!!...shes a Big-o-Bitch!!!....thanks for checking in on them man......keep the green mojo flying.

thanks again guys............PEACE

Just read your grow journal from start to finish,,,,,what a journey man.....

i am currently on day 22 of my grow (4 plants ),, don't have the space for a monster such as B.O.B. but like you first time hydro grower.

I see you done some research before starting,,, what do you think are the main things that catch a first time grower off guard.

Fantastic grow and would love to know what kinda of yeild you get off B.O.B.

WHATS UP Hydroguy!!!!!....welcome to the family!...I really app. ya readen the thread are in the right place ....if I can get to the point were im at now..anybody can....with the help of these guys on this site....I'll bet one of B.O.B.s big buds that you will have a succefull grow...these guys are the best you can get for help.

I dont think any body has room indoors for B.O.B. ....LMAO....I have learned a couple newby mishaps or look overs i guess you could they are...
1st - OVERWATERING....when you think its ready for probably is not...let the plant tell you when to give her the water and how many times a day since your a hydro guy now...once you find a system stick to it and RIGHT IT DOWN...this is a lot easery than dirt.

2ND - KEEP A JOURNAL...keep track of everything you to day.

3rd - SUPPORT.....start those little plants with support right off the bat so you dont have a mess with rope all over your grow room like I got.....plan for the support you need for the long run in the beggining.

4th - ASK QUESTIONS.....if your not shure...dont do it...ask these guys what they think...instead of guessing what to do or whats wrong...were newbys remember?

Keep an eye on us are some new PICS.....I LOVE PICS....i probably post more than I should but can't help myself..LOL...this shitt is addicting!!!!

heres a group shot...

this is one of B.O.B's hands...

here are the INDICA....




here's ol B.O.B. bent and tied....for her own good..shes a veary naughty girl!!!!...follow that top most bud down to the stalk and around.....unreall!!

the other side of B.O.B. ......

pan4gold49...whats up man....I did what you said..I tied a couple away from light and tied a couple for can see all the twisty ties I used...LOL...they seem to do just fine...I had to start bending B.O.B. back the other way now to get her back under the light...I hope she dont mind..she hasnt so far....thanks for the help again man.

let me know what yall think....the first buds for you guys!!!!!!!!!...PEACE
1st - OVERWATERING....when you think its ready for probably is not...let the plant tell you when to give her the water and how many times a day since your a hydro guy now...once you find a system stick to it and RIGHT IT DOWN...this is a lot easery than dirt.

2ND - KEEP A JOURNAL...keep track of everything you to day.

3rd - SUPPORT.....start those little plants with support right off the bat so you dont have a mess with rope all over your grow room like I got.....plan for the support you need for the long run in the beggining.

4th - ASK QUESTIONS.....if your not shure...dont do it...ask these guys what they think...instead of guessing what to do or whats wrong...were newbys remember?

This should be required reading for anyone attempting their first grow...awsome summary Hippie
WHATS UP SouthernWeed....thanks man....I just thought it is time to start giving back some of the great info I myself learned in the get go......thanks again and thanks for checking in........PEACE.
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