Flower Child Puts Seeds In The Soil Again 2013

Thanks OMM! I never have enough space LOL- but I am thinking about topping them all again anyway. It's just so much fun seeing what these plants will do when you train them a bit.
Thanks OMM! I never have enough space LOL- but I am thinking about topping them all again anyway. It's just so much fun seeing what these plants will do when you train them a bit.

Yep, that's the spirit...let's see what happens! :ganjamon:
Well this happened last night- a whole lotta LST!:)
Here they are totally shocked by how we mistreated them.:trance:

They are splayed out so all branches get a share of the light.

And after 8 hours of recuperation, they are already facing the light again.

We found this leaf while LST'ing last night. It's the only one thankfully and I'm thinking its probably a calcium def?
I've had calcium def before in flowering plants but these girls are still vegging so I'm not sure.:scratchinghead:
Thinking I might put a bit of cal-mag in their next watering.

Well that's it for now.
Happy growing!
Hi Don. They're in FFOF- no nutes used yet so it's not a burn. And it's weird that it's only 1 leaf on 1 plant. Do you think it will hurt to give the cal-mag this early? I'm debating treating this weekend or to just sit and watch them for more spots. :scratchinghead:

I figured I'm over due getting my broke self over here. Can't believe I been missing all this great info & technique. You've done it all from fimming to LST. Congrats on your recent harvest.
Flower, I don't think giving it a light dose of CalMag would hurt but I still tend to think it is just that one leaf. So I would wait and watch closely to see if any more spots appear.

I figured I'm over due getting my broke self over here. Can't believe I been missing all this great info & technique. You've done it all from fimming to LST. Congrats on your recent harvest.
Hi BAR! Welcome and thanks! Getting into growing has been quite the adventure as I had a pretty brown thumb starting out. Trying out new techniques is a lot of fun now that I'm not constantly worried about them dying from my "care" lol.

Flower, I don't think giving it a light dose of CalMag would hurt but I still tend to think it is just that one leaf. So I would wait and watch closely to see if any more spots appear.
Thanks Don. I was riding the fence over treating her but you helped me decide- no CalMag. So far it's still just the one leaf- weird!

Hey Flower.The last 2 update's are right up my alley as far as training and what not.I'll be playing a little catch up and then along for the ride.:thumb:
Hi Jimmy and Welcome! I started tying them down the last grow and can't imagine not doing it now. Multiple tops and more hard nugs is a worth it reward for a bit of training. And I swear the plants like it- once they have recovered they just look so happy.
This is the last day of vegging for the girls. Tomorrow evening they will move into the flower tent so they can get settled in for their 9 weeks of bloom.

And its happening just in time- they're now 6 weeks and are really starting to crowd the 2x4 tent.

It's hard to see where 1 plant ends and the next starts.

And unfortunately I now have 2 problem children- Both the Pineapple Bombs have worsened. They are peppered with rust spots.

I was suspecting a calcium problem but now I wonder if its P def. instead.
I'm feeding those two 1/4 strength cal mag and 1/4 strength veg nutes - hoping that that helps them.
The other 6 plants are doing wonderful, and are getting veg nutes only.
Any suggestions on what else to try on the pineapples? (they are really starting to worry me.)

Well that's it for now- I'll post new pics after they are moved.
Happy growing!
Wow flowerchild your tent is booming congrats thus far was just wondering are you goin to take individual pics of each girl as you move her to the flower room? would be great to see the trees that make that jungle :)

Sorry i cant help with your leaf issue i wish you luck with overcoming it its a shame but could it be excess nitrogen store?
Hi Scottish! Welcome to my journal and thanks!

Oh yes I plan to take pics of each plant as she is moved. You may be surprised how short they are right now. I train the plants to have multiple tops, so they are wider than they are tall right now. That will change starting tomorrow when they start their 12-12 light schedule and begin to stretch.

And thanks, my spotted pineapple bombs need all the luck they can get- lol. I'm pretty sure that it's not Nitrogen as the spots appeared before I fed them. And after a month the nutrients in the soil are pretty much depleted, so I definitely suspect a deficiency of some sort. I just hope that cal-mag and nutes are what they need.
Folks, this is why it's so important to post all your mishaps and plants that you're not happy with. I know we all want the perfect plants and journals but this is the type of problem solving that makes us better growers. Thanxx Flo...
Folks, this is why it's so important to post all your mishaps and plants that you're not happy with. I know we all want the perfect plants and journals but this is the type of problem solving that makes us better growers. Thanxx Flo...
And I'd like to pass that thanks along to everyone here.
:420:is the best!
Every grower should bookmark this and go to it when there is a problem with a plant.

Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial
Heya, Flo :ciao:

What a lovely sight a full tent is, eh? Looking happy in there. ;)

Hope the cal-mag gets those pineapples straightened out!
Thanks Dresney! No new spots on the pineapples today so hopefully that means the cal-mag is doing it's thing.
I'm uploading pics of the girls big move right now.
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