Gardenfaerie Outdoor Organic Summer 2014 Flux and LST in Ground

I'm tempted to head to Micheals right away. They have garlands for 50% off. Think I'll wait until I see how you attach yours and what flowers you choose before taking the plunge.. It makes perfect sense in a situation where prying eyes must work to get a glimpse. If the plant has colorful flowers on it, it won't register as cannabis from a distance.

My conclusion, exactly. Do you know what a Vitex castus agnus is? Well, it sort of can resemble cannabis to a very dumb idiot. I have a large specimen in one corner of the yard, or I should say we did (I since removed it) which had huge clusters of flowers in racemes, purple/blue. My old neighbor (he moved 10 years ago) called the cop who still lives directly across the street from me and I can hear them talking and that douche asked the neighbor cop if it was pot. HAHAHAHAHA. Yeah, purple flower spiked pot. Ya.


Most people mind their business, I find. I know I do. I also have a judge on my block! A district court judge. We simply keep to ourselves; the whole joint. It's not very friendly, but it's also not a big pain in the ass to have neighbors. Can ya dig it?
The undersides of the leaves are completely clean. Those things you see are trichomes. I only took photos of the WW x BB, not the Money Maker. Those are tight plants with some flowering, but the WWs are really pushing.

I think it should be okay. It is going to switch back to sun getting lower about a week or so. That will give me 8 weeks to flower. I have cloned the Lemon Kush. I see roots today. I'm going to have a million plants!
The undersides of the leaves are completely clean. Those things you see are trichomes. I only took photos of the WW x BB, not the Money Maker. Those are tight plants with some flowering, but the WWs are really pushing.

I think it should be okay. It is going to switch back to sun getting lower about a week or so. That will give me 8 weeks to flower. I have cloned the Lemon Kush. I see roots today. I'm going to have a million plants!

LOL trichomes. The pattern is unusual to my eyes. It looks more like what I see on maple leaves than what I have seen on cannabis leaves. Just a newbie mistake here :)
LOL trichomes. The pattern is unusual to my eyes. It looks more like what I see on maple leaves than what I have seen on cannabis leaves. Just a newbie mistake here :)

No worries, I figured you thought those were some type of insect damage or structure...which is why I told you they were trichomes. I shmart, not dumb like they say! Sorry, I watched The Godfather last night. :)
Hey Lester, that doorway is actually our old futon thing with four poles I had from an old greenhouse! I attached rebar mesh to it and grew morning glory, Mina lobata (gorgeous vine) and moonflower.

It completely blocks the view from that entire side of the yard. It's so hot out right now. High 90s. Very humid. People think it is dry here. Not everywhere. It's big state and I live in the part still considered the humid south, but also on the dry line up the I-35 corridor.
Fake flowers? Brilliant! I think I'll add some to the plants out on my deck.


hahahahahahahahahahahaha THAT IS GREAT! I have my flowers. Waiting for Mark to be home so I can put them on. I can't bend when I'm alone, period.

HEY, my girlfriend was on America's Got Talent last night. She got 3 yes votes and Howard declined because Rachel was on his radio show before in another contest. Her name is Rachel Butera. She's phucking hilarious. If you can check her out on youtube, do. You will laugh.
Best trick I ever saw was an eldery man who also grew tomatoes. He would alternate toms and cannabis in the rows.

He would hang small green x-mas bulbs on his weed plants when they were small and then eventually move to bigger green ones then red ones. From 40 feet away you couldnt tell which were tom's and which were weed.
He grew literally right next to his house for 30 years that way and never had anyone even ask about them! :rofl:
Hey, you can even buy plastic green and red tomatoes online! Whilst off searching I checked out Rachel too. I want to take her to my next stuffy family gathering ever so badly...
I am eager to get it over with! I want my gooey junk and on with it. The plants have been flowering now for over a month. I could look at the date I noticed it, but is has been at least that long. If they continue to flower and in a few days the sun is going to start to lower back down and I think I'm in a good position to have weed in about 8 weeks in August. Maybe not. This is all a crap shoot.

My journal is awful. I am not keeping precise records, but close. I want to be a person with a really tight journal like Dennise, but I am so unorganized.

The other problem, and this is sort of an odd one for where I live, every day has had clouds since April.

Hahahaha, I am watching The Daily Show and Stewart just did the "Bring me my smelling turds" bit! OMFG that is so funny. Check out yesterdays show (if you're not offended by his politics). I'm in full agreement with him, so...
I would expect your plants to truly begin hard flowering sometime in late July and to finish flowering sometime in September or October.

Unless the plants are ruderalis hybrids or are force flowered (via light deprivation), I would not expect them to finish in August.

That is just based off my personal experience, it's another reason why I love container growing because if my plants start to flower too early then I just toss them in the light deprivation chamber and I see ounces of bud throughout the summer to hold me over till the bigger harvest in fall.

Not meaning to step on your toes or anything, just my two cents :ganjamon: :surf:

PS Try to get some upclose and nice pictures of your flowers, I would love to see them upclose. :Namaste:
I'm subb'd. Amazing garden! It's just now getting warm enough at night where I'm at to move a couple ladies outside, so one goes amongst the veggies and another to the greenhouse. So I may have some questions. :) ps. I showed my wife your non 420 journal, she's in Love!
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