Gardenfaerie Outdoor Organic Summer 2014 Flux and LST in Ground

That bunny is eating those leaves! Wow. I hope they are okay for it. And I know I will never get used to this fatigue and malaise. Never. I am way too mentally active for that. My body may not want to move, but my mind goes and goes.

I want to live in a pot field!!!!
Hello this lovely Father's Day. May all fathers and mothers be happy and comfortable in every way.

I have a baby update, as most of mine are. I have to take more photos of the screen I put up so nobody can see anything in my "garden." Later I'll do that. Here are the plants, which are all still flowering and some actually have trichomes. I didn't take close shots. I'm satisfied with how it all looks. It is more nerve wracking than I anticipated to grow outside.








I put photos of a Woodpecker and her babies in our yard over in Virtual Couch. Hugs to you all...
On that last photo of the container'd Lemon Kush, do you think the bright green in the margins of the new growth is telling me I am deficient in something? That soil is so rich I would find it hard to believe, but maybe it isn't as fertile as cannabis likes it.
Beautiful! It looks like something you seen when you're walking through the Zoo. Magnificent and preserved specimens living in the wild. Caged up some they can't get out, and that no one can touch them. Just a really nice aesthetic feel to it.

I did think they would have grown more since the last update, you must be right about those trees and lots of shade. Well that'll be somewhat needed though so your plants don't cook too much in that hot heat your gonna have. Luckily my planter bed is oriented towards the first rising Sun and the photons make direct contact until about 4 PM, and then they are shaded by the fence when I do my foliar sprays in the breeze if its dry enough.

Over all though things look fantastic. They are just idling waiting to explode and grow big. I would think that they will stretch a lot and then the new bottom of the canopy will be right on the screen at the top. I think they really wanted to flower hard and they realized that's not the best idea so they're just figuring things out and calculating the environment.

Really is a beautiful grow, I am excited to be following along! :cheer:
Aren't you sweet, Lester. Yeah, they are bulking up, but haven't put on height. Actually, I would think this is more desired than if I had a lot of really leggy growth. Mark opened up the 400 year old live oak a bit this morning. We had to wait for the right time to prune as live oaks get oak wilt and there is an insect vector which is not active from now through end of July. Oak wilt is really pervasive, but not in my immediate area and drought is wreaking havoc on the poor climax trees...which is weird.

That said, the idea of my scrog was for the plants to grow through everywhere, including the sides. I always intended to put that little mesh metal fence around the whole thing for this purpose. I think I saw that somewhere in Cervantes notes to grow through the sides to go more lateral.

I added a few elements to the privacy factor. Photos later.
Here is my method of keeping eyes out of my life. A friggin branch broke off a Paulownia tree in a heavy storm the other night and a dumb neighbor decided to just dump the whole branch (HUGE) back over the fence and onto plants which are now crushed. Ahole. I can't stand people sometimes. What happened to knocking on my effin door and asking us to clear it off? Anyway, calm down Miss Thing (talking to myself). As the season progresses I will make screening adjustments, but I think we're covered now.








As far as the sun is concerned, on June 21st the sun will start to descend back toward the horizon and when it does, will be ahead of where the tree is now shading the plants from about 4pm. Right now, they get direct sun from about 10am till 4pm which is enough, but some of it in the afternoon is dappled. We went out to cut the branch off the top of the tree and decided the sun will be back on the other side in a few weeks. It's all good.
Everything looks great, they blend in very well, at least right now they do. You have a lot of really good camouflage and everything blends in because everything is so green and lush.

I wouldn't be too worried about people noticing them, unless the plants were about as big as that adjacent "door way" with the climbing plant on it.

I'm real interested in your grow, I'm wondering when the last time you fed them was and what the major components were.

Anyway Keep Em Green GF :)
Haha, fetishes! That's me! Heh.

To answer Lester, when I prepared the soil I incorporated about 50% finished compost with actinomycetes, mycorrhizae, and pelletized fertilizer called Lady Bug Brand. It has every element you can think of, is certified organic and has a coating of dry molasses. Okay, so that feeds the soil. I watered two times since they have been in the ground. Mulch is an incredible thing. However, the last time I watered I did use Urban Farms liquid fertilizer. Not a sponsor. theurbanfarm dot com and I use the Garden of Eden formulation in both the powder as a soil amendment and the liquid, also Garden of Eden formula. I absolutely love this fertilizer for the entire garden. It is the first year I've used it and on some of my almost untreatable and chlorotic plants have started to green and recover. All other attempts in the last few years have failed.

I simply do not fuss very much. As for the size of the plants, I am not going to allow them any taller than 4 feet. They will go vertical in their S&M cages~ LOL
Things are looking great, I wish I could grow some outside, I wish I could grow some inside legally. Hopefully your thoughtful neighbor will keep his beady little eyes out of your business.
Load the dogs and the shots in the Mercedes and come for a visit, Dennise. I'll dump your azz into the hot tub and soak your pains away.

The next plan I have to keep any potential eyes from seeing my plants is to adhere a bunch of fake silk flowers to the stems. I bought a garland of fakery and will put those on. They will look just like they belong in my gardens.

Oh it's good to see you guys posting...hoping all is good and safe in your worlds.
Fake flowers? Brilliant! I think I'll add some to the plants out on my deck.

I KNOW! I'm a frickin genius! Hahahaha!

If you have a Hobby Lobby around you they sell tons of crap like that and every other week it is half price or you can download a 40% off coupon from their website or Michael's or they also sell that junk at Walmart.

I just came in from outside and the plants are flowering big time and really building thick buds from the center out. I separated the plants by pulling them over to let more light into the center in hopes of vegetation to support it through the end. I think I have 8 weeks and these will be finished. I wish I could squat over to photograph the buds. Maybe I can sit on a box or something. My new medical event is that, when I bend over or put my head back, I pass out. Ain't it fun! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Anyway, no complaints from this girl. I love my life. Fake flowers on the deck! Yes.
I'm tempted to head to Micheals right away. They have garlands for 50% off. Think I'll wait until I see how you attach yours and what flowers you choose before taking the plunge.. It makes perfect sense in a situation where prying eyes must work to get a glimpse. If the plant has colorful flowers on it, it won't register as cannabis from a distance.
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