GlimmerGrass's Maiden Grow - Crop King Seeds' Early Miss Auto Fem in Coir - 2015

The topped lady will turn into a beast mate as said above might get to big as in wide bushy she will branch out rather than grow straight up and she will do it all on her own without training.that's the beauty of topping and autos can take it as u will soon find of luck;)
Thank you so much, beast and Celt, for your kind words -- they are much appreciated by this total newbie :) Helps keep me calm, dontchaknow :)

I'm already having to deal with the difference in height between the two plants, so I'll have to think about the next stage re: lighting them.

Does anyone who grows autos have any ideas about the amount of time they generally spend in veg? I know each strain will be different. I'm just not sure when to start the transition nutes before pre flowering. Maybe I'll drift on over to the Crop King threads and ask them! And I'll search on this fine site for more info about pre flowering :)
Thanks for that, MJ -- really appreciate it.

I found (an) answer to my question in the thread I linked to in my sig :)


A common question I see is when to switch autos from veg to bloom. Many people are under the impression that as soon as they see the first flowers it's time to switch. Perhaps a little explanation of the life cycle of autos will help to clarify this.

Weeks 4 - 6. The plants are now entering a pre flowering stage. During this time the plants should exhibit explosive growth, often as much as a new set of nodes and 1" vertical growth a day. This is the time when they will gain most of their vertical height. Many people make the mistake of switching from vegetative to flowering nutrients at this point, assuming that since they see flowers it must be the proper time. This is incorrect. If the switch to flowering nutes is made at this time the vertical growth will stop and the plant will put it's energy into producing buds. If you need to keep your plants small, or want them to finish earlier, they by all means switch nutes at this point. But if you want to get the most out of your plants continue feeding vegetative nutes until you see the vertical growth slow and stop. Depending on the strain that will usually be sometime during week 5 or 6. "
Don't start bloom nutes until u see stretch has definatly stopped.but on another note and also said above.If u are restricted for height then soon as u see preflower hit with bloom and will keep her shorter.u found spot on advice mate.a good researcher is key in this job keep it up mate;)
Good morning! The girls are three weeks old today - and looking good.

Scylla's new tops are coming in and her overall veg growth is good:


Charybdis continues to do well - I see former undergrowth making for the light :)


Looking really healthy still man, great stuff. Also thanks for the pic, been trying to find how topping looked and how the new tops come in, now I know haha. Keep up the good work!
Looking good thus far keep up the good work figured I check out your grow since you stopped by mine these plants never cease to amaze. I've never grown autos so I am curious to see how this turns out. Im gonna tag along for the ride. Good vibes your way!
And if u want ur other plant sort of same height u could tie down her side branches and get the top cola on her side;) but rough but gentle at the same time .just a thought good luck;)
Atrain does have a great post about autos. Week by week what to expect. I've grown three CKS NL Auto's and they each started showing sex around day 28. I was hesitant to top but I am using LST. I've got 6 really solid looking colas - plus the main cola.

But I can also say If u top an auto at the correct time and let her grow no training.will still pull 4 ounce dry weight autos.been there done that.happy growing every;)
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