Gov's Pineapple Chunk Mars II Excursion

Girls are looking good and happy. Can't get enough of that hempy action!

Thanks PM. It really works well, and I opted for it out of convenience. ;)

Late sub, but Im in. Looking great by the way. Excited to see this progress to harvest.

Welcome, thanks and me too. This is a new strain for me (though common enough) so all stages are learning experiences.

I am loving what the marsII are doing in the hands of the Gov. Again loving the thread and thanks again for having me Gov.

They've been drinking! As it starts to unfold here, and the stretch gets into high gear, they're drinking quite a bit. I fed full regimen this morning and even upped it a skosh. I fed 3ml caliMagic, 5ml part A, 7ml part B, 2ml LK, 1ml F+, 755 ppm, pH 5.8. A couple branches have taken off and even surpassed the main tops. I'll snag some pics after lunch.
When I checked them this morning, Lolo was already pretty dry. I can't believe she drank all her soup yesterday (I raised the ppm by 100!), but it looks that way. I'll get in there much closer this afternoon to check their levels, but may likely need to water/feed again tomorrow.
Sorry about no pics everyone. I had a visitor yesterday and we had a nice vape session...and I forgot. Then when I finally remembered, the lights were off.
Well, I factor laziness into most things. I am often like water and take only the path of least resistance.

In fact, this is likely my favorite smily because it's the closest to actually laying down I can find. :rofl:

Thanks shaft09, and welcome. Here are a few pics from this morning. Got to the room late again last night so couldn't check them very well. They were dry AGAIN this morning so I fed and watered them again. I fed 3ml CaliMagic, 5ml part A, 7ml part B, 2ml LK, 1ml F+, 2ml flora nectar for 650ppm, pH 5.8. They must have been quite dry because after their soup had a chance to settle through the medium there was no DTW. I may need to up the volume later this week when I feed again. At this pace, that could be tomorrow...but more likely Thursday.

Here are the pics. They aren't great and I did a decent bit of defol this morning too, so they're looking a bit leggy. But they are bushy and I likely won't trim much more the rest of this grow.

Thanks guys. As far as supplements go, I just looked on the perforated cards the hydro shop had. It's online too. The flipside of this card was blue and was the "simple" guide that I used last time. Of course, I extend the times a few weeks and duplicate the last week's regimen (it says that on the card too ;))


How much water are they drinking? Hmmmm, The last 2 feedings I've mixed a gallon and split it pretty evenly between them. Paka, being smaller, still isn't metabolizing as quickly as her sister, Lolo, and she had some drain-to-waste last time. This time there was no dtw for either, so I will need to increase slightly, however I can't increase too much as the drain hole limits what the res can hold. I would say, based on simple math, they are drinking about 40 ounces/day as well since I feed them 128 oz, split it between the two (64 oz/ea) and they are dry before the second day.
Hie Governmentchz, appreciated for your review.
But look at Mars II 140x5W =700W cover such small cabinet, it is quiet low efficiency than HPS, so I guess people will not buy such none energy saving but expensive lights.
Hie Governmentchz, appreciated for your review.
But look at Mars II 140x5W =700W cover such small cabinet, it is quiet low efficiency than HPS, so I guess people will not buy such none energy saving but expensive lights.

140x5w=700w but only drawing just over 2w so actual draw is approx 300w. So 140 5w diodes= 300watts. :peace:
The ladies are looking lovely GovernmntChz!!! Great job so far, you are going to have some stanky stank very soon from them! :welldone::blunt:
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