King's Outdoor RD2 Open Journal

Alright well I guess we can close this journal @Amadeus Forzin my outdoor is done and all wrapped up . I want to thank you all for helping me and teaching me. New methods and helping me understand the plant better .

It’s been a fun ride again new challenges were presented this year but given what it was and lack of sun I didn’t do too shabby hauling away around 11 ounces of bud and about three of shake pop corn airy buds trimmings. So not bad now to start my path on making oil.

Until next time family :passitleft:
Fantastic Joe. Thanks for all the help.
I would not survive the Canadian winter, that's for sure!

Shed, you would be amazed at how much cold you can deal with if you are dressed in good cold weather clothes. I used to hate the cold when I didn't know anything about good cold weather clothes.....i mean what the hell would I have known about cold having lived my whole childhood in Florida. Once I learned about the right kind of clothes (Not 2 t-shirts and whatever jacket you might be able to find which wasn't much more than a High School Letterman jacket which in florida is a basically a wind breaker), it really changed my opinion of the cold. Now I love it...when properly clothed LOL.
Shed, you would be amazed at how much cold you can deal with if you are dressed in good cold weather clothes. I used to hate the cold when I didn't know anything about good cold weather clothes.....i mean what the hell would I have known about cold having lived my whole childhood in Florida. Once I learned about the right kind of clothes (Not 2 t-shirts and whatever jacket you might be able to find which wasn't much more than a High School Letterman jacket which in florida is a basically a wind breaker), it really changed my opinion of the cold. Now I love it...when properly clothed LOL.
I do know from cold! I grew up in NYC and went to college upstate in one of the least sunny places in the US! Got out at 30 years old.

That's why I live in LA :).
I do know from cold! I grew up in NYC and went to college upstate in one of the least sunny places in the US! Got out at 30 years old.

That's why I live in LA :).
Yes, not saying you don't know cold. But do you know good no shit real cold weather clothes? Not all cold weather clothes are equal. And I am thinking that the technology in the clothing is much better than when you were back there. Just saying.
As a kid/teen I used to travel from Florida out west to Idaho/Colorado/Utah areas for fall hunting. Man I loved hunting but I would get miserable sometimes with the cold. My feet would be frozen, my hands.....and I was a skinny thing back then. Hated if I drew the tree stand down in the Glen....but I loved if I was one doing stalk hunts. Anyways, we would have temps down as low as zero and highs near 60-65 if it was a warm fall. But those temps down in the single and lower double digits were nothing compared to the bone chilling cold we would get in Florida on the rare cold snap. Didn't matter what you put just hurt. I still hate the cold in florida compared to the cold here in the Northeast. I will take -10 here with no humidity over 35-40 degree Florida cold with that high humidity. People think I am crazy when I tell them that but I stand by it. That damp cold is brutal man.
Yes, not saying you don't know cold. But do you know good no shit real cold weather clothes? Not all cold weather clothes are equal. And I am thinking that the technology in the clothing is much better than when you were back there. Just saying.
Under armour I love
Yeah I have some really good thermal under garments that are life savers when the Nor'Easters roll in. Its amazing how much nicer they can make 3 hours of shoveling in the face of a blizzard. Man I love the snow! I can't wait for it to start arriving! Yep, I am that guy!
Bunch of little girls whining about the bitter cold .

Wait am I still talking about myself lol

Hey gang I will grab some pics of my autos tonight doing well but not reaching for the lights ?

Two thoughts. Quickly here ?


Do i lower lights since less power and since I aiming for 20-40 thou lux in veg ? So they are at like say 30” mars hydro 300 and 76.8 watt fusion board do I lower until I reach that 30 thou lux or will this cause issues ?

Oviously try to watch for light burn correct ? My new baby are happy but others seem sad I’ll grab pics in kings winter journal tonight .

Stay medicated life is more fun .
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