Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

Nice job Lady G! Sounds like about a half pound of top shelf smoke from two inside ladies. Very nice! I'm sure you and friends will be happy with that. I know I would be. Cheers
Nice job Lady G! Sounds like about a half pound of top shelf smoke from two inside ladies. Very nice! I'm sure you and friends will be happy with that. I know I would be. Cheers
Thanks Bode! Yup...sharing is caring. A lot of folks that are too embarrassed to ask their Dr. for a card will benefit. It has been 2 years that it has been legal recreationally. If you don't have a card, you still can't buy it. They are still ironing out all the political "details". I can help my family and close friends, but what about those who are still left out in the cold after 2 years? It's still a huge stigma. People are afraid still. It's so sad. This needs to be legal in all states. Frustrating for sure. Haha! Sorry. That damn soap box is chained to my ankle...:rolleyes::rofl:
Great Sunday mornin to ya LadyG. What a nice sexy lookin harvest ya got there. very Sativa lookin colas and buds. Hubby doesn't like the smell??? Bahhh!! Anyhow , u have done well woman...cheers to ya.:passitleft:
Thanks Duggs! When I grow up, I want to pull in what you do from yer harvests! Dropped some Girl Scout Crack and Afghan Kush yesterday. :slide: Life is good! :surf:
Congrats on the harvest sis!! Sounds like about 4 zips a plant when its all said and done. Great job....looking forward to your smoke report on them!
Thanks Van! Looking forward to that myself! lol:rollit:
Playing around with a new app...Looking back on my favorite photos of these two Mauis...and looking forward to a smoke report/comparison on both.
Great looking harvest there LadyG! Really enjoyed watching these girls grow!
Thanks Magoo! Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for being here!
Be careful with that, right now probably not an issue, but after some of my soil had cooked for about a year they started eating the seeds.
Now I do what Doc recommended and crack in a root cube which is placed in the 1 gallon pot, no problems since.

Literally was cracking seeds directly in the soil, then 2 months later went to crack more and all the seeds were gone except 1.

First, just found the thread. I'm waiting on some Maui Wowie seeds fro Pua Mana Ohana. This is my firSt purchase from Pua Mana Ohana and my first attempt at MW so I'm really excited to follow this journal!

I'm only on page 5, so please excuse the interruption with this older posting.

Ive experienced the same issue of the soil eating the seeds. I've settled on soaking the seed for less than 24 hrs, moving them to moist paper towels until the taproot shows, and then to one gall pots. Much better germ. rate. I find that starting the seed first (paper towels, for ex.) gives them enough of a start that the soil doesn't get them!

Here's something else that has worked well for me:

When I first started growing I tended to over water the seedlings resulting in them falling over, wilting and eventually dying. Now, I do the following:
1) fill a one gallon pot about ¾ full
2) soak thoroughly with ¼ Tp.
3) fill up the pot with dry soil (cooked soil out of the container so it's slightly moist)
4) make a small hole and place the seed
5) sprinkle soil over the seed/hole, water with 2tbsp straight water which moistens the soil and compresses the soil over the seed slightly

From here I just let it be. If the top soil drys out before it pops, I'll add a couple of tbsp of water in a circle keeping the water away from the seed. Once it's up, I'll only water when the top soil is dry or it looks like it's drooping too much. Again, when I add water, I do so in a circle approx. 3" away from the stem.

I've found that this drives the roots sideways to seek out water from the "circle" as well as driving them deep seeking moisture from the moist soil deeper in the pot. Since I started this method I haven't lost one seedling from being overwatered. I find that I get roots poking out the bottom of the pot much sooner than before. I then let the pots get light as a feather (well, almost) before I give them a good soaking. BTW, I use Doc Bud's HB nutes and follow his method for the most part.
You must be bustin’ for a taste LadyG!!

I exchanged some messages with Mel Frank recently - a growing legend and awesome canna photographer with a great insta account - as I was keen to see if he had any pics of MW growing from ‘back in the day’. Unfortunately he doesn’t have any pics but was happy to tell me he did grow it once and saw it growing many times. Said that the structure of the plant and Buds was always very standard hybrid looking. Not overly sativa like or lanky, and with nice tight buds.

So I’m curious ladyG now you’ve been up close and personal would you say they both sit within that description? I know the taste and effects test will be the real test for you, I’m just curious what you think.

First, just found the thread. I'm waiting on some Maui Wowie seeds fro Pua Mana Ohana. This is my firSt purchase from Pua Mana Ohana and my first attempt at MW so I'm really excited to follow this journal!

I'm only on page 5, so please excuse the interruption with this older posting.

Ive experienced the same issue of the soil eating the seeds. I've settled on soaking the seed for less than 24 hrs, moving them to moist paper towels until the taproot shows, and then to one gall pots. Much better germ. rate. I find that starting the seed first (paper towels, for ex.) gives them enough of a start that the soil doesn't get them!

Here's something else that has worked well for me:

When I first started growing I tended to over water the seedlings resulting in them falling over, wilting and eventually dying. Now, I do the following:
1) fill a one gallon pot about ¾ full
2) soak thoroughly with ¼ Tp.
3) fill up the pot with dry soil (cooked soil out of the container so it's slightly moist)
4) make a small hole and place the seed
5) sprinkle soil over the seed/hole, water with 2tbsp straight water which moistens the soil and compresses the soil over the seed slightly

From here I just let it be. If the top soil drys out before it pops, I'll add a couple of tbsp of water in a circle keeping the water away from the seed. Once it's up, I'll only water when the top soil is dry or it looks like it's drooping too much. Again, when I add water, I do so in a circle approx. 3" away from the stem.

I've found that this drives the roots sideways to seek out water from the "circle" as well as driving them deep seeking moisture from the moist soil deeper in the pot. Since I started this method I haven't lost one seedling from being overwatered. I find that I get roots poking out the bottom of the pot much sooner than before. I then let the pots get light as a feather (well, almost) before I give them a good soaking. BTW, I use Doc Bud's HB nutes and follow his method for the most part.
Thanks muchMedMan! I'm always up for advice. Happy to have it in fact! That Pua is a wild child! @TurboBucket was growing a slew of them....I need to get over there and check his out! Keep the advice coming if ya got it! :thanks:
You must be bustin’ for a taste LadyG!!

I exchanged some messages with Mel Frank recently - a growing legend and awesome canna photographer with a great insta account - as I was keen to see if he had any pics of MW growing from ‘back in the day’. Unfortunately he doesn’t have any pics but was happy to tell me he did grow it once and saw it growing many times. Said that the structure of the plant and Buds was always very standard hybrid looking. Not overly sativa like or lanky, and with nice tight buds.

So I’m curious ladyG now you’ve been up close and personal would you say they both sit within that description? I know the taste and effects test will be the real test for you, I’m just curious what you think.

I am going to say with the most sincere honesty...I smoked pot in junior and senior high. It was dirty crappy weed until an old boss gave me a bud his brother sent him from Hawaii. Wow! Until I started growing it, I had NO IDEA what the plant looked like in flower.

The sativas I grew initially were wispy leafed with fluffy buds and weak stems. I chalk that up to my inexperience. The Pua is very dense with good stalks and the Nirvana, a bit less on both accounts. Now that I am growing some indica prominent will add to my experience. I still consider myself a "lucky" newbie. I got my parents green thumb. :thumb:

My brother thought he could grow some weed in his closet in the 70's when he was in high school. He lined it with foil and put a light in it. My Mum went in while he was at school and replaced them with some other seedlings from the garden. Brilliant! Makes us laugh every Thanksgiving. I miss my parents, but these memories I cherish! What was he going to do?...go to my parents and say, "What happened to my weed?":rofl:

My first sativas that I grew were wispy and beautifully composed like a ballerina. I harvested to soon, but they were enchanting. I was a goner.

I love this plant! It's beautiful and exotic. I'm here to get to know it better, and to make my life and others better as a result. Green, blue, fruity, skunky, sativa, indica, kush, gold, or fruity pebbles...I am seduced by the very thought of everything about it. It's a resource that we need to learn more about.

So much to learn! My observations are just that...not an experienced grower...just enthusiastic!
My brother thought he could grow some weed in his closet in the 70's when he was in high school. He lined it with foil and put a light in it. My Mum went in while he was at school and replaced them with some other seedlings from the garden. Brilliant! Makes us laugh every Thanksgiving. I miss my parents, but these memories I cherish! What was he going to do?...go to my parents and say, "What happened to my weed?":rofl:
Perfect :rofl:

I had brothers who did that too! Don’t think my folks were quite that cool tho. I was young. I only remember seeing the foil lined cupboard once, and the police coming to the door once caus one of my brothers was growing weed in the roof of a cubby house ;)
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