Oh No - It's A Green Hole! - Reverse Thrusters! - Dammit - Too Late!


A little beat but I'll catch up later Weasel.

"Curled tacoed leaves that got brown and crispy at the ends" I could be wrong but it sounds and looks like a classic case of Potassium deficiency.
Wow, alot to catch up on here. I've been in dem islands for a week. I've been on the faq's a little, but I never found time to keep myself updated on everyone's journal. Everything is looking awesome Wease. Looking forward to results in the clone experiment.
Stupid question:

You cannot attribute tacos to heat every time?
No question is stupid except the one's not asked. I don't believe so Pigeons. Here's a clip from the Potassium section of our Cannabis Troubleshooting thread:

Having to little of Potassium in your plants causes the plants leaves to show retarded growth and show a scorched tip and edges around the leaves. Plants may stretch and your branches can be easily broken or weak. Don’t get this deficiency confused with iron, because it almost acts like iron but to tell the difference in the two is: for potassium the tips of the leaves curl and the edges burn and die.

Wow, alot to catch up on here. I've been in dem islands for a week. I've been on the faq's a little, but I never found time to keep myself updated on everyone's journal. Everything is looking awesome Wease. Looking forward to results in the clone experiment.

You're back!!!

You've been missed!
K deficiency is accompanied with dark spots next to the burned edges and not a lot of curling.

The "taco"/"canoe" effect is classic over-nuting and internal temps building up in older leaves first then progressing into the bud leaves. Nasty tasting buds is the end result.

You just may be right OldMed. I'm no expert diagnoser and you're definitely more experienced but I've been using 420's
for quit some time now with a 100% success rate rectifying my problems.
Just recently I saved a plant from a Potassium deficiency that looked pretty much like Weasel's before it got worse by using one of the suggested remedies. My temps were in range and she was on nothing but tap & Cal/Mag under an LED panel.
Go figure.

EDIT: You can address me directly without any hard feelings on my behalf. I'd hate to give anyone bad info without being corrected.
No hard feelings on my part at all B A R.

I've seen that list of symptoms and cures dozens of times and it's repeated almost word for word in the grow bibles I've read back to front since Dr. Alexander Sumach's "Grow your own Stone" guide I bought in '75. I even filled out and mailed in the application to the Canadian gov't to grow pot and have a letter from Health and Welfare Canada personally signed by Denise Boucher, the Chief of the Domestic Control Division, Bureau of Dangerous Drugs dated July, 25. 1977 telling me that my application to cultivate Cannabis Sativa has been refused.

A couple of personal letters from Dr. Sumach in 1977 about some grow plans I had at the time will go with that refusal letter to my now teenage grandsons to be auctioned off 20 years from now at some pot memorabilia fund raiser I'm sure. :)

You, as well as any experienced grower knows there is a lot more to diagnosing plant problems than pointing at a picture and calling it the problem. Just read through half the things and relate them to other things and there is so much overlap of symptoms that it's the subtle differences that tell the whole story.

Some guy asks about a yellow leaf at the bottom of his 12" plant and 10 guys scream Mg, Ca, root rot, the end is nigh! Poor nOOb kills his plant when just a, "One leaf does not a crisis make", would prevent the crisis he's now in trying to fix a non-existent problem.

Well more than half the problems with plants are due to lousy water/pH/toxic salts buildup caused by lousy water in the first place. All those micro nutrient problems are generally fixed if caught early enough by flushing out the crud and a finishing the flush with a half strength dose of well balanced fresh nutes.

I'm the first to admit that I'm no expert but just an advanced home grower with a real drive to ferret out and fix problems before tossing in the towel and flushing my troubles away. Even my own grow right now has a yellowing problem that eludes me and defies repair. Please check it out and see what you think about it and what I've done so far to try to turn it around. I'm not overly concerned about it but if you see something I've missed I'll give it a shot. I just watered/fed them today with pH down to attempt to negate a previous pH up boo-boo documented in my journal.

I learn new stuff here every day. Learned all about tacking today and will be trying it real soon. Always thought it was how you laid carpet or steered a sailboat in a headwind. lol



Thanxx OldMed. That reinforces what I already knew; I'm still wet behind the ears.
I guess I've been lucky so far. The fact that I've only grown in soil, have always PHed to 6.5, never used anything but tap, and on nearly every grow up until my last completed one don't feed anything until plants ask for it may have something to do with it.
Unlike you, I had never even seen a cannabis plant in person up until a few days before I joined 420mag 2yrs ago looking for help. Long time smoker but oblivious to unbagged weed or the journey of how it got into bags. It was destiny to bump heads with you at this point in my growing curve; the point when I started to feel comfortable with my growing skills. 420mag has gotten me this far and someone like you can help me reach the next level.
I've met and also just observed a lot of long time growers here (20yrs or better) but you're one of the few who seem to be genuinely concerned about explaining why they feel the way they do in layman's terms about their beliefs and willing to admit they're not always right. Not putting down any of our other seasoned co-members but I feel a real vibe coming from you and I always follow my instincts.

So if you don't mind I'll start following your thread and probably meet others like you there as I start my Junior year at :420:
You two are great!

You two are two of my biggest role models and it's relaxing to hear that your both human and susceptible to real life problems.

Keep up the great work guys!
You just sent a chill up my spine Pigeons! I'm honored.
Hey there Weasel! :ciao:

Knew you were a bit of a dark horse - astonishing grow you've got going there and wow to the quantity. Just catching up after my time away.

Glad you got a journal going - we will all learn a lot from it.

Peace Weasel, :Namaste: and hugs to Weasel the younger :hug:
Dang Brother, I run off to work for a few days and you start up a journal! Glad you took the first step, it is a bunch of extra work but sounds like you are seeing all the benefits of a journal. Like you I think it really helps with tracking my jungle journeys & it does cut down on my garden log or semi double as one, along with my regular old calendar.

Wonderful looking room!

Anywhoo, just got off the boat back @ home, I'll be over here in the back with Wu :passitleft:
Im back and glad to see you are doing well. Tacoing persists I see. I learned so much from getting up to date with your journal WeaselCracker, Im happy to see you are progressing towards gardening mastery. That talk about trichomes was very interesting, it makes me wonder about my coming harvest. I will continue learning às much as I can, sorry if I cant teach you new stuff in return. It seems I am in the student role here haha
good luck my friend and best wishes! Have to go cause Mrs Roach is calling me for breakfast
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