Seedlings 1st: Black Cherry Punch, Laniakea, Lemon Thai Kush

Hey seedling...hope your day was good bud. Just a reminder..DO NOT give those lil ones anything but pure, straight water...NO Tea , nothing but water for many weeks , and NOT until those pots are dry ok? The soil has loads and loads of goodies in it for those little things ok.
There's that MJ eating lad of yours.....has he seen where u hide your plants yet...:nervous-guy:
The BCP is none dry tonight....gonna dunk in some water. Everything else needs a bit more time. The cure is on it's issues. I have gotten over my fear of things turning to mold, and the RH is slowly dropping. I am gonna give another total weight when everything is closer to 62% RH.

Back: BCP and LTK
Front: Laniakea
Another quick one....dunked all 4 in straight water yesterday morning....things are looking up.

The cure has lost the grassy smell and are starting to develop that pungent one I am looking for. I have switched to the Blue Mystic for my daily use and the leftovers of the gifts from @Duggan are going into the vault for special occasions.

I had an interesting thing happen the other day I went to visit a friend that asked me to not bring anything to smoke cause they are trying to quit....of course the first thing they do when I arrive is ask if I want to smoke. They had what they called "gang weed" that they get from a co-worker. I got distracted in conversation and thought I hit the joint way too hard, and about 40 minutes later realized I didn't feel anything from it at all! :laugh: :rofl: :laugh:

I made them promise to never buy that again and just ask me. It was really, really sad. Especially for Canada....


Group shot






Yeah, I went a bit nuts topping. I had 8 mains on one and six on the other. It is not as dense as I would prefer, but I have no real complaints. I think if I had less tops, they would have developed better....I don't really know.
Well, i know!... Doesn't matter how many leaders, or long as the grower gives them plenty of healthy soil,...and plenty of light, period. They will develop to their fullest providing these limiting factors are satisfied.
Well, i know!... Doesn't matter how many leaders, or long as the grower gives them plenty of healthy soil,...and plenty of light, period. They will develop to their fullest providing these limiting factors are satisfied.
Well, the soil was definitely lacking on that last run...we know that right? I should be good with light after I grab another good LED.
Ok .....been a bit slacking here. The weight I am getting now is much lower! Surprised? 5.8 ounces is the final weight of the Blue Mystic harvest. :laugh: :rofl: weighing so early is advantageous for feeling good about your yields....but that was the trend with that first grow. I was itching to do everything and everything got done earlier than it should have.

Seriously though, I really wanted to see the difference between DBHBB and something else. All of that stuff was recommended by a local shop owner and for someone new just following was ok, but I wouldn't call it a success....just lots of trouble and confusion.

Coming into Doc's is much easier to follow....I haven't started with any products yet, but when I do I am going with 10 to 15 mls. per gal. of water with ALL of Doc's Drenches, Trans, CD, and GI.
I am just gonna sit back and see how the plant reacts to everything and soak it up.

Labour day weekend is just feeling great....enjoy.
Yup...u got it Seedling. I said between 10 and 15 for obvious reasons. Bigger plants , go with the bigger amount , understand?
Remember , your lil plants will NOT need a thing from the kit for some time OK.
Yes sir....I am trying to slow it down (my brain) plus these little plants are looking fantastic. Absolutely no need to pump them up at all. I am around 4 nodes and if I remember correctly Doc has said you can start foliars after 5.....still in no rush.
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