1st Try At DWC/Soil Grow - Huckleberry - Cherry Pie - Dogwalker OG - Malawi Gold

You can check with oldgrower's boss to see if their company have vacancy position:volcano-smiley:
My boss is a real slave driver. A bad ass mother f**ker that takes no shit. Would never dream of overpaying his staff, doesnt even pay himself sometimes. Some say he is Am4zin tho. :passitleft:
Not so much self employed but employed by myself. Small ish motor mechanic garage, I have 6 other staff also. :thumb:

Hey I have heard of you before, your one of those Job Creators I hear so much about on the news 6 today, a couple hundred thousand next year, you can do eettt ;)

Actually that is pretty cool. wish I had the balls to have gone into business for myself when I was younger
You can check with oldgrower's boss to see if their company have vacancy position:volcano-smiley:
I would give him a great recommendation if he did!:love:

I kinda fell into it. Family business you see. Mum and dad set it up 22 years ago, I've ran it for the last 6 with a little, all right all right, A lot of help from little brother and sister. It's hard tho, very hard.
I totally get it my friend, growing up my folks owned a family business, was in our family for 97 years before my mom finally sold it. She ran it for 6 years after my dad died, I was kind of hoping they could hang on till the big 100 but it was hard to keep it going. If you are ever really really bored, google Furstnows Saddlery, that was our family business, lots of history. Was kind of sad it had to end in my youth. I comend you for keeping yours alive, it may be hard but it is worth the effort. :circle-of-love::high-five:
Sometimes we just need to try something new:volcano-smiley:
I would give him a great recommendation if he did!:love:

I totally get it my friend, growing up my folks owned a family business, was in our family for 97 years before my mom finally sold it. She ran it for 6 years after my dad died, I was kind of hoping they could hang on till the big 100 but it was hard to keep it going. If you are ever really really bored, google Furstnows Saddlery, that was our family business, lots of history. Was kind of sad it had to end in my youth. I comend you for keeping yours alive, it may be hard but it is worth the effort. :circle-of-love::high-five:
As I always say, better late then never.
Welcome, pull up a chair, I am afraid I only have a little smoke left to share but what is left, help yourself.

I just got home from driving up north to visit my friend Growlow, was a fun road trip, even the wife had a good time. Only wish I had more time to hang out with him more, he is a lot of fun, and who doesn't love to hear an Australian accent :rofl:

In honor of your joining in on the fun I will be sure to get some current photos up tomorrow when I do my bucket switch. Guess that means I need to take a drive out to my brothers so I can get some current photos of my big girl.
Happy Fathers Day

OK so as promised I went a little camera crazy, but this time I get to blame Noob4x4 for so many pictures. He made me do eettt.

so anyone who has been following along already knows I was concerned about running out of grow space with the MG in my flowering tent. I was really hoping that once it started showing buds the stretch would be done with, well apparently I do not know JACK CHIT because it is still stretching. Each day this last week I would peek in hoping yep today is the day it stops, well maybe I can say that next week :laughtwo:
so this is where I was at this morning when I finally got motivated to do my bucket change, which took 2 pots of coffee by the way, man I had trouble getting moving today.

Those lights are raised as high as they can go without some sort of modification to them, which I was forced to do, so here was my redneck solution to the problem.

Winner winner chicken dinner I has kicked the problem down the road and bought myself another week to come up with a better solution.
So when I was doing my bucket change today, I took the plants out of the tent to get a few photos, well all except the MG, she is just to freaking big to move in and out of the tent, Starting with the smaller plants ..... here we go,

Here is the Dogwalker OG, has a few buds on her but being she is shaded by both the big Huckleberry and the MG it is not surprising she has so few and so small of buds. I had considered culling both small plants to make room but figured what the heck if I get any buds at all of them it will be a bonus.

Now this is the one that surprised me, I am not quite sure how to explain her because she literally only has one cola that even sees any light at all, this plant is my small Huckleberry and she is stuffed way in the back wedged in between the MG and the Big Huckleberry.

For what little light this gal sees I am very impressed with her.

Next we have my big Huckleberry, a bit more impressive then her little sister. I only wish she was closer to harvest since I am having space issues. Her hairs are all still white though I did notice a few buds did have 1 hair each that was turning brown, once they get further along I will concern myself with trichome color.

Now onward and outward... out to the back yard to see whats going on back there
The view from my back door... wish everyone could enjoy this in their back yards

So this is a MG I started out under my 3x4 SCROG

This is another MG just pretty much doing her own thing, I have tied her down a few times but I just do not have the time to get out there daily and tie them into place.

My outdoor Huckleberry seems to be doing ok

And finally we have the Cherry Pie, she is starting to show signs of new growth and I am blabber-gassed on how well she is doing outside, when she was indoors she was a total wreck

Almost forgot about poor ole Sinead stuffed away by herself.

While I have not gone out and taken a picture of my MG in her 200 gallon pot my brother did send me a pic of her so I could show her. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow I will make it out to have a peek at her.


I had the privilege of getting to meet 420's very own Growlow face to face yesterday. I have to say he is a very likable mate and every bit as genuine in real life as he is here on the board. I would have loved to have been able to hang out longer but needed to get back home to spend time with my son being today is Fathers Day. So I got a few goodies for fathers day which was pretty cool. the wife bought me a new 4x4 veg tent so now that I have a new one I will be giving my old one away to a gal who lives over in Hillsboro Oregon who use to be my neighbor and wants to start growing. The wife also said I can buy a new light :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: so I will either be ordering a new MarsII 1200 or two of the MarsII 900's, have not decided just yet.
All in all this was a good week for me. Hopefully Major Pita's sister is on her way to a speedy recovery, and Growlow will stop getting hit in the head, which by the way I almost drilled him in the head with the hatch on my canopy of my truck. Sorry Mate!! My good friend Shiggityflip is recovering from a cold and an infection he got from being bit by a cat. I truly hope everyone has a good reason to be thankful this Fathers Day and those who are either sick or hurting are on their way to a quick recovery.

With everything that is going on, I can not believe I have enough time to work as a design consultant for the evening gown competition of the MoTM, I really am blessed.

Dang I missed it! Someday I will make it out there. It's calling me!

My friend, if and when you ever do, you do know your always going to have a spare room at my house waiting for you.

But be fore warned. We do have CATS, though ours do not bite.
I know you said you were bit by one recently and have been have cold sweats at night from the nightmares of being viciously attacked by a ferocious feline. I know that feeling very well, I still wake up with cold sweats from dreaming about being attacked by those killer Hummingbirds.

Hope your feeling better :circle-of-love::hug::hug::circle-of-love:
As always OlderGrower :bravo::high-five::thumb:

It's good to be legal (State) isn't it? :cheesygrinsmiley:

Very nice plants everywhere and you just might've discovered good strain for your local outdoor. From my experience these good ones for indoor won't always pass outdoor grow and vice versa however the it's easier to find a good indoor strain in outdoor cultivars and rarely the other way.

And by the way evening gown comp design con sounds crazy :laugh:
I'm having trouble keeping my lights up high enough too. I have yet to still figure out how to get it pretty much parallel with the top of the tent. I thought 7ft would be more than enough, but not when you need 16/17 inches above...I'm hoping my stretch is near over as well, but there is only 1 way to find out! looking amazing :passitleft: cheers!
As always OlderGrower :bravo::high-five::thumb:

It's good to be legal (State) isn't it? :cheesygrinsmiley:

Oh yes it is, just wish everyone could enjoy the freedoms we enjoy, sometimes I feel guilty because I have those freedoms and so many still do not. Hope that all changes soon.:circle-of-love:

Very nice plants everywhere and you just might've discovered good strain for your local outdoor. From my experience these good ones for indoor won't always pass outdoor grow and vice versa however the it's easier to find a good indoor strain in outdoor cultivars and rarely the other way.

And by the way evening gown comp design con sounds crazy :laugh:
Crazy as a fox my friend :rofl:
The smoke off the Cherry Pie is going to have to be unbelievably good for me to ever grow that strain again, but until I smoke some, I guess it is not off the table just yet.

I'm having trouble keeping my lights up high enough too. I have yet to still figure out how to get it pretty much parallel with the top of the tent. I thought 7ft would be more than enough, but not when you need 16/17 inches above...I'm hoping my stretch is near over as well, but there is only 1 way to find out! looking amazing :passitleft: cheers!
Hmm 16/17 inches above, heck I was happy when I was more then zero inches above. My tent is only 6'6" I would give my hind teeth for that extra 6 inches in height
Wow OG that Malawi. May take you years to hack into that tent and extricate that monster. I can see to even hang the lights you have become a master in Japanese rope bondage :rofl: I love all the pics. Just fantastic. When I saw the four in a row outside I gasped with glee. They are green and full and they will be just monstrous! You may have to learn basket weaving for the Malawi by the end of the summer. Weave all the branches into a giant satellite dish!

"Oh what's that OG?"
"Nothin, just my new vegan satellite dish."
:goodjob:wow,i saw a big tree:goodjob:I guess she is taller than me :bravo:
Happy Fathers Day

OK so as promised I went a little camera crazy, but this time I get to blame Noob4x4 for so many pictures. He made me do eettt.

so anyone who has been following along already knows I was concerned about running out of grow space with the MG in my flowering tent. I was really hoping that once it started showing buds the stretch would be done with, well apparently I do not know JACK CHIT because it is still stretching. Each day this last week I would peek in hoping yep today is the day it stops, well maybe I can say that next week :laughtwo:
so this is where I was at this morning when I finally got motivated to do my bucket change, which took 2 pots of coffee by the way, man I had trouble getting moving today.

Those lights are raised as high as they can go without some sort of modification to them, which I was forced to do, so here was my redneck solution to the problem.

Winner winner chicken dinner I has kicked the problem down the road and bought myself another week to come up with a better solution.
So when I was doing my bucket change today, I took the plants out of the tent to get a few photos, well all except the MG, she is just to freaking big to move in and out of the tent, Starting with the smaller plants ..... here we go,

Here is the Dogwalker OG, has a few buds on her but being she is shaded by both the big Huckleberry and the MG it is not surprising she has so few and so small of buds. I had considered culling both small plants to make room but figured what the heck if I get any buds at all of them it will be a bonus.

Now this is the one that surprised me, I am not quite sure how to explain her because she literally only has one cola that even sees any light at all, this plant is my small Huckleberry and she is stuffed way in the back wedged in between the MG and the Big Huckleberry.

For what little light this gal sees I am very impressed with her.

Next we have my big Huckleberry, a bit more impressive then her little sister. I only wish she was closer to harvest since I am having space issues. Her hairs are all still white though I did notice a few buds did have 1 hair each that was turning brown, once they get further along I will concern myself with trichome color.

Now onward and outward... out to the back yard to see whats going on back there
The view from my back door... wish everyone could enjoy this in their back yards

So this is a MG I started out under my 3x4 SCROG

This is another MG just pretty much doing her own thing, I have tied her down a few times but I just do not have the time to get out there daily and tie them into place.

My outdoor Huckleberry seems to be doing ok

And finally we have the Cherry Pie, she is starting to show signs of new growth and I am blabber-gassed on how well she is doing outside, when she was indoors she was a total wreck

Almost forgot about poor ole Sinead stuffed away by herself.

While I have not gone out and taken a picture of my MG in her 200 gallon pot my brother did send me a pic of her so I could show her. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow I will make it out to have a peek at her.


I had the privilege of getting to meet 420's very own Growlow face to face yesterday. I have to say he is a very likable mate and every bit as genuine in real life as he is here on the board. I would have loved to have been able to hang out longer but needed to get back home to spend time with my son being today is Fathers Day. So I got a few goodies for fathers day which was pretty cool. the wife bought me a new 4x4 veg tent so now that I have a new one I will be giving my old one away to a gal who lives over in Hillsboro Oregon who use to be my neighbor and wants to start growing. The wife also said I can buy a new light :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: so I will either be ordering a new MarsII 1200 or two of the MarsII 900's, have not decided just yet.
All in all this was a good week for me. Hopefully Major Pita's sister is on her way to a speedy recovery, and Growlow will stop getting hit in the head, which by the way I almost drilled him in the head with the hatch on my canopy of my truck. Sorry Mate!! My good friend Shiggityflip is recovering from a cold and an infection he got from being bit by a cat. I truly hope everyone has a good reason to be thankful this Fathers Day and those who are either sick or hurting are on their way to a quick recovery.

With everything that is going on, I can not believe I have enough time to work as a design consultant for the evening gown competition of the MoTM, I really am blessed.

Howdy neighbor. Nice looking girls you got agrowing. Hopefully you'll get them in before the fall rains. Keepem Green
:goodjob:wow,i saw a big tree:goodjob:I guess she is taller than me :bravo:
Hey Sara,
thank you for the compliment, but perfect timing, I am assuming if I was to order 2 Mars II 900's that they would be in stock?
I really like that the pro-series uses Cree diodes but the rest of the bells and whistles for me is not worth the extra cash, I would never use it and the wife will tell you me and remote controls do not get along. She actually has all of our remotes for the TV tied on long tethers to keep me from loosing them.
By chance will you be running any kinds of sales on them in the near future? say for 4th of July? I really will not need them till next fall though I do not want to wait that long and give her the chance to change her mind :rofl: She keeps a pretty tight grip on the purse strings.
Howdy neighbor. Nice looking girls you got agrowing. Hopefully you'll get them in before the fall rains. Keepem Green

Welcome to my little garden,
Thanks Neighbor, I managed to get my Sativa finished up last year but I only had one, this year I am running 3, the others I am not worried about at all.

Like the quote in your signature, I say that ALL the time.
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