1st Try At DWC/Soil Grow - Huckleberry - Cherry Pie - Dogwalker OG - Malawi Gold

Looking awesome there OG! Looking very tasty :)
Thanks Wp, when I got home today and looked the MG is still growing but I may be seeing pre-flowers on her, One can only pray..:rofl:

Very good work you do OG! Wow
Thanks BA, I am hoping to have a nice finish with this inside grow and a good outdoor one as well. IT IS STILL EARLY THOUGH SO i have plenty of time to screw it up :)

Right back at you my friend across the pond :circle-of-love:

I talk about your FLUX grow almost daily with a few people at work, they are always asking about training plants so I tell them about your grow since you are doing such a wonderful job on it. I sure wish I had that kind of patience.
:cheer:cannabis sea:bravo:
Dang boss caught me at the end of the day and wanted to talk work for tomorrow, dang his hide, he put me 15 minutes ate getting home but I did have just enough time to water the girls and the lights turned off just as I was about to pour the last gallon.

When is this going to end, my lord this girl stretches like nothing I could possibly imagine, still not one bud yet. I should have named this one Armstrong. Apparently I will be tucking more branches 1st chance I get, maybe tomorrow.

Now this is more like it, buds galore and they are finally starting to fill in..... GO BABY GO!!!
Sorry about not getting anything posted yesterday, it was a bit crazy to say the least. I needed to do my bucket change, yet I had a ton of other things I wanted to do besides just that. My brothers pool still needs to be finished, my grower friends have been asking when I can get back out to help with a few things and my boss offered me pit passes to come watch him race at the Portland International race-way. Decisions decisions.
The buckets did get changed though I had to completely remove 2 of the lights out of the tent in order to remove the MG from its bucket, apparently I should have removed 3 because I still managed to break a branch off while doing it. The root system on the MG is as big now as the big Huckleberry and her stem is trying to catch up as well.
Both Huckleberries are starting to pack on some weight, the buds are starting to fill out, though they still have a long way to go yet. The Dogwalker OG is budding up nicely also though I am surprised that it and the small Huckleberry are doing as well as they are considering they get so little light because of the other two light hogs.
The bud picture are all off the big Huckleberry I originally planned on taking a few pictures of the smaller one and the Dogwalker OG but that just did not happen, maybe next week. The smaller Huckleberry is actually pretty impressive in her own rights considering how small she is compared to her sister. I am thinking before next week I will have to come up with some way to support her since she is so heavy with buds she is leaning pretty hard, for now I have her wedged in between the big Huckleberry and the MG for support.

Sorry about so many dang pictures but I tried to narrow it down but there was something about all of them that I liked so I had to keep most of them DOH what can I say, I enjoy buds
now off to the back yard, not nearly as nice but they are doing fine for what I am expecting from them.

Here is Sinead off doing her own thing all by herself

Next we have the Cherrie Pie, still the runt of the litter but starting to show some potential

Next we have the MG's since I missed the other Huckleberry, could have sworn I took a pic of her too

Now for the MG's here is the one that is under the SCROG

If you look past the 1st post you can see the Huckleberry, not sure how I missed taking a picture of her


I have been told no more overtime work for me, the wife says I am to tired all the time and I have to agree with her. I screwed up a couple of big times this last week because I have been burning the candle at both ends and it is time for me to get back on track. One night I left the tent opened up all night and did not notice it till morning, bad deal, then yesterday I flipped my lights to white lights and turned a couple off so I could get a few pictures, I did not notice I had not put them back to the right spectrum and turned the others back on until almost 4 in the afternoon which is almost lights out time.., then there was the overfeeding, just way to many screw ups even for me to be comfortable with.
Time to refocus and get serious, oh who am I kidding, I will continue to make screw ups and somehow recover from each of them, thats the way I grow :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: by the seat of my pants

Hope everyone is doing well, Hope the Majors sister is on her way to a speedy recovery, hope Heirloom is adjusting to his new life, hope Duggans wife is doing better, hope Growlow will stop smacking his head, hope we can go a few months when everyone is happy and healthy and no crazy people go on shooting rampages over stupid chit.
So maybe buds in that tent my friend, when is the trimming party?

I've made the same mistake with the lights, turned them off to take pics, woke the next morning to find lights off, thought my clock was wrong and I'd just missed it. It wasn't till I got in from work 4 hours after lights should have come on that I realised my wrong doing. They had a 20 hour dark period that day. :)
But they look fine now:high-five:
Sorry about not getting anything posted yesterday, it was a bit crazy to say the least. I needed to do my bucket change, yet I had a ton of other things I wanted to do besides just that. My brothers pool still needs to be finished, my grower friends have been asking when I can get back out to help with a few things and my boss offered me pit passes to come watch him race at the Portland International race-way. Decisions decisions.
The buckets did get changed though I had to completely remove 2 of the lights out of the tent in order to remove the MG from its bucket, apparently I should have removed 3 because I still managed to break a branch off while doing it. The root system on the MG is as big now as the big Huckleberry and her stem is trying to catch up as well.
Both Huckleberries are starting to pack on some weight, the buds are starting to fill out, though they still have a long way to go yet. The Dogwalker OG is budding up nicely also though I am surprised that it and the small Huckleberry are doing as well as they are considering they get so little light because of the other two light hogs.
The bud picture are all off the big Huckleberry I originally planned on taking a few pictures of the smaller one and the Dogwalker OG but that just did not happen, maybe next week. The smaller Huckleberry is actually pretty impressive in her own rights considering how small she is compared to her sister. I am thinking before next week I will have to come up with some way to support her since she is so heavy with buds she is leaning pretty hard, for now I have her wedged in between the big Huckleberry and the MG for support.

Sorry about so many dang pictures but I tried to narrow it down but there was something about all of them that I liked so I had to keep most of them DOH what can I say, I enjoy buds
now off to the back yard, not nearly as nice but they are doing fine for what I am expecting from them.

Here is Sinead off doing her own thing all by herself

Next we have the Cherrie Pie, still the runt of the litter but starting to show some potential

Next we have the MG's since I missed the other Huckleberry, could have sworn I took a pic of her too

Now for the MG's here is the one that is under the SCROG

If you look past the 1st post you can see the Huckleberry, not sure how I missed taking a picture of her


I have been told no more overtime work for me, the wife says I am to tired all the time and I have to agree with her. I screwed up a couple of big times this last week because I have been burning the candle at both ends and it is time for me to get back on track. One night I left the tent opened up all night and did not notice it till morning, bad deal, then yesterday I flipped my lights to white lights and turned a couple off so I could get a few pictures, I did not notice I had not put them back to the right spectrum and turned the others back on until almost 4 in the afternoon which is almost lights out time.., then there was the overfeeding, just way to many screw ups even for me to be comfortable with.
Time to refocus and get serious, oh who am I kidding, I will continue to make screw ups and somehow recover from each of them, thats the way I grow :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: by the seat of my pants

Hope everyone is doing well, Hope the Majors sister is on her way to a speedy recovery, hope Heirloom is adjusting to his new life, hope Duggans wife is doing better, hope Growlow will stop smacking his head, hope we can go a few months when everyone is happy and healthy and no crazy people go on shooting rampages over stupid chit.
So maybe buds in that tent my friend, when is the trimming party?

I've made the same mistake with the lights, turned them off to take pics, woke the next morning to find lights off, thought my clock was wrong and I'd just missed it. It wasn't till I got in from work 4 hours after lights should have come on that I realised my wrong doing. They had a 20 hour dark period that day. :)
the hairs have only just begun turning, some buds are still 100% white so I have not even bothered checking the trichomes yet my guess is at least 3 maybe 4 more weeks

Loving that scrog and everything else here.

Nice updates! Don't you have vacation time or something? You need a break. ;-)

Vacation? whats that? Oh you mean when I take a extended time off from work.. that will happen as soon as this grow is completed, then I am off to Montana for 2 weeks to work on my sisters and moms houses

But they look fine now:high-five:
yes they do Sara thanks to good quality lights :)
Lol OG if this is what you call screwing up I can't even imagine what would happen if you were 100% spot on. I have giggles thinking of that Malawi taking over the tent and you having to open the tent doors to have her spill outward and just lightproof the whole room she is in haha. Like a black banana tent with nugs pouring out all sides :rofl:
I just love the outdoor girls. I think I will start walking now and make it in time for the outdoor trim!
Lol OG if this is what you call screwing up I can't even imagine what would happen if you were 100% spot on. I have giggles thinking of that Malawi taking over the tent and you having to open the tent doors to have her spill outward and just lightproof the whole room she is in haha. Like a black banana tent with nugs pouring out all sides :rofl:
I just love the outdoor girls. I think I will start walking now and make it in time for the outdoor trim!
Well if I was 100% spot on I would be dealing with a whole lot stress, today as I was heading out to the truck to head to work, I thought, Hmmm I wonder if the girls need any water before I go, yep 4 and 1/2 gallons between the bunch, dang I am glad I double checked. I was so tired last night that I thought I had filled their water but apparently I was wrong. On the bright side I was not to late for work and then the best part was I told my boss about him over paying me by 10 hours last week and he said do not worry about it, go a head and cash it and enjoy. SWEET! Today was a very good day!
Now if I can just remember, "WATER THE GIRLS TWICE A DAY"
Your boss is good:volcano-smiley:
Well if I was 100% spot on I would be dealing with a whole lot stress, today as I was heading out to the truck to head to work, I thought, Hmmm I wonder if the girls need any water before I go, yep 4 and 1/2 gallons between the bunch, dang I am glad I double checked. I was so tired last night that I thought I had filled their water but apparently I was wrong. On the bright side I was not to late for work and then the best part was I told my boss about him over paying me by 10 hours last week and he said do not worry about it, go a head and cash it and enjoy. SWEET! Today was a very good day!
Now if I can just remember, "WATER THE GIRLS TWICE A DAY"
Your boss is good:volcano-smiley:
I agree, he is one of the best bosses I have ever had

Playing catch up over here OG. I just realized we make scrog cages with the same material ;)

Thats cool, my whole life seems to be, "Playing catch up"
Yes nothing but the finest space-aged materials will do for my SCROG's for this Oregon redneck :high-five:
How is your head doing? Getting any better?
Until my brother-in-law took a major hit to the head last summer, I never really considered how serious head injuries were, now the idea of a head injury scares the hell out of me!
Thats cool, my whole life seems to be, "Playing catch up"
Yes nothing but the finest space-aged materials will do for my SCROG's for this Oregon redneck :high-five:
How is your head doing? Getting any better?
Until my brother-in-law took a major hit to the head last summer, I never really considered how serious head injuries were, now the idea of a head injury scares the hell out of me!

To be honest it's put me on my arse. I hate being vulnerable and this condition seems to make me pretty vulnerable. Then the other side is how the dots connect. I'll be sure I'm making sense and catch myself afterwards and realizing it was nonsense. I'll be good mate. On the mend and still on the go. Happy to have another day on this earth with my loved ones... including my plants ;) Cheers mate
To be honest it's put me on my arse. I hate being vulnerable and this condition seems to make me pretty vulnerable. Then the other side is how the dots connect. I'll be sure I'm making sense and catch myself afterwards and realizing it was nonsense. I'll be good mate. On the mend and still on the go. Happy to have another day on this earth with my loved ones... including my plants ;) Cheers mate
Well we are happy you are here for another day too my friend :love:

My boss is a real slave driver. A bad ass mother f**ker that takes no shit. Would never dream of overpaying his staff, doesnt even pay himself sometimes. Some say he is Am4zin tho. :passitleft:
Self employed huh? :cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley: :love:
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