Advice on dealing with lurking people

May as well just save time and use the lurker‘s body parts since they’re already there ready to go- you just need to separate them?
Ohh myyy. Imagine walking into someone's yard at night and seeing several big sticks in the ground with Fake, bloody heads on top of them...

Excuses me while I go cry in the corner.
Set up some Bear Traps & Private Property / No Trespassing Signs. They will most likely come at night .... Ha Ha ... They get what they got coming. Yeah, Id do booby traps of some sort to make them pay for their stupidity. Even a fishing line with cow bells would probably scare them off when they tripped over it.
If anyone gets hurt in these traps, the police will be called in.

Just saying...
If anyone gets hurt in these traps, the police will be called in.

Just saying...
Probably, but these dudes was trespassing and attempting theft while getting a bear trap. Is this not reasonable force ? I mean you could just shoot them for the same reasons can't you.?
I usually call the cops on them it’s just crazy I have nothing growing yet outside. I’m just over panicking at times but it’s better to be alert at all times to prepare myself for fast action. I’m ready it’s my 3rd week taking kickboxing class.
I’m sure nobody is even aware of your grow. You are probably just paranoid. Make sure to set up a camera so if you do get ripped you might have an idea who done it. It’s almost always someone you told... I think it’s awesome you are taking kickboxing classes but now what if they know when your class is and blam... cameras detect motion and your busy play fighting....
I’m sure nobody is even aware of your grow. You are probably just paranoid. Make sure to set up a camera so if you do get ripped you might have an idea who done it.
She said her neighbors robbed her grow 3 times already in the past.
She said her neighbors robbed her grow 3 times already in the past.
I missed that. Girl, before you get robbed again. Go beat your neighbors ass. Or get someone capable if you can’t. Blam. Make sure to break bones, don’t kill nobody, and make sure they know why they getting beat... do that or probably move...
It sucks to say it but people pick their shots. Your neighbors are not scared of you. At all. They found out the first time they took your stuff, they could, and you will grow it for them again? And again. Come on now.... you growing big ass plants like that! Nice work by the way. But for real you got skulls to crack. I don’t know why you didn’t claw their eyes out the first time. how you know it was them?
I usually call the cops on them it’s just crazy I have nothing growing yet outside. I’m just over panicking at times but it’s better to be alert at all times to prepare myself for fast action. I’m ready it’s my 3rd week taking kickboxing class.
You go girl with the kick boxing. I got my 1st degree black belt in Taekwondo 8 years ago. It’s very rewarding! I am assuming these people are on your private property? Unknown cars that show up in my driveway get met with a gun, for real. We don’t play out here. We have never had a problem with crime since.
My neighbor was the one that robbed me 3 times from my previous grow. My whole back yard is fenced up so they can’t see but it’s hard to try and hide my plants last year it grew past my fence. I don’t really have much friends in my circle due to scaring them because I was a real witch living in a Mennonite town it’s not allowed. Here are pictures from my last year grow kinda hard to hide this time I will prepare myself to hide it with a farming mesh over it


Ok, this is probably a dumb question but don’t the police allow you to only grow or have so many plants or have a certain amount of weed at a time even in legal states???? That huge one has got to yield several pounds right??? Or is it your allowed so many plants and how ever big you grow them is your business?? Jump in folks and educate me.
People who steal from others usually wind up in jail or the hospital... just sayin from experience.

No way to hide a 20 foot tall plant though
Lead me not to temptation:laughtwo:
People who steal from others usually wind up in jail or the hospital... just sayin from experience.

No way to hide a 20 foot tall plant though
Lead me not to temptation:laughtwo:
Ok, this is probably a dumb question but don’t the police allow you to only grow or have so many plants or have a certain amount of weed at a time even in legal states???? That huge one has got to yield several pounds right??? Or is it your allowed so many plants and how ever big you grow them is your business?? Jump in folks and educate me.
I think someone said the OP is in Korea.
It sucks to say it but people pick their shots. Your neighbors are not scared of you. At all. They found out the first time they took your stuff, they could, and you will grow it for them again? And again. Come on now.... you growing big ass plants like that! Nice work by the way. But for real you got skulls to crack. I don’t know why you didn’t claw their eyes out the first time. how you know it was them?
I heard my alarm I put on my plants I was sleeping in the living room at the time I ran outside looked out the alley which I rake every day to see footprints. Nothing my neighbor came out because my alarm was loud being a horn from a Lincoln town car. I ran to the fence and hearing my plant bushes I ran to the front and saw a car waiting in the corner I went next door in their backyard I saw trail of my plant leaves they had no curtains in the kitchen I seen my neighbor sweeping up the leaves up I was yelling give me back my plant. I ended up calling the cops that night. They showed up pulled out a few guys questioning them about it no answer. My grandpa had it tied up with fishing wire and followed the trail my plant was beyond huge and didn’t make it over the fence it got caught. The police ended up telling them to give it back since it was on their side stuck. The whole time I kept my cool didn’t make a scene at all so the police can be on my side which I’m glad now because they make stops to check on me and check out my grow. I need to make a book about my other plants getting jacked it’s a very interesting stunt they pulled.
dear practitioner... might I suggest that along with obvious cameras, a binding and protection ritual in that space by a strong group of like minded people? That energy will not easily be crossed and not without a price. Done with the right intent it will fill your garden with lasting joy and prosperity as you harmonize with the natural beauty of your yard and nature. Have you ever noticed while drawing down the moon on a dark moonlit night that all the bugs fly away? :love:
I think my back yard is haunted a few times I caught some unknown objects around hopefully I can get extra storage space to save it so I’m able to show you next time.
Ok, this is probably a dumb question but don’t the police allow you to only grow or have so many plants or have a certain amount of weed at a time even in legal states???? That huge one has got to yield several pounds right??? Or is it your allowed so many plants and how ever big you grow them is your business?? Jump in folks and educate me.
I have my marijuana license from two county and my doctor wrote it to unlimited which is major cool. At longest I have everything locked up I’m allowed to grow in the city limits I’m not by a school which is not allowed to grow near one. The only problem I have if anyone complains about the smell then I have to take it down. I’m keeping my fingers cross my neighbors will move soon due to the father passing away not sure if they will able to pay rent which they don’t own the house.
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