Alien Hydroponic EasyFeed System

Your amazing bro I'm so glad I found this journal I'm in soil but after 10 pages I think I'm gonna be a convert to coco I've always been outside heirloom and organic but a move to the tropics has changed all that. What I knew about growing doesn't work here so I'm inside now running autos I've got lights on the way as I'm setting up a room that's 7x7x9 and I'll be running 2 600watt led and 2 300 watt led for peripheral lighting that's a total of about 1000 watts true pull Id like to get 6-8 plants in there but as I'm building new I'm trying to find the best way to water I've got drip systems that I used outside from rainbird and I like those but what I mean is the runoff when I water I now only have two plants for the head and every time I water I gotta take em to the tub and with 6-8 plants I don't see how that will be possible at week 5 let alone week 9 so do you have any suggestions? I love all your work man thanks for all that you share#global420

Ohioboy can't stop!! Ohioboy With Fast Buds - Let's See How Fast Exactly

Just dont water to run off mate. Only on the start of flush give them 20% run off then allow to dry out and start just water.

Spot on mate cheers! I have dual spec bulbs but still always ran MH.
I've had the plants under t5s for a while, well rooted but up top they have been slow, mainly due to space but just cut down my last crop so they have went under 250w HPS today, then I'll push it to 400w, then 600w don't really wanna light shock them

just get them straight under 600w. as long as light is a few feet away they will be fine and will take off.

Hey cult quick question had a good read on dual spec bulbs. There r so many people that r saying they r a ripoff, but instead of listening to people that never owned a dual spec bulb thought I would ask someone that has much experience with them. What brand do u favor and did u notice any real difference when u switched from regular hps? Also do u think dual spec bulbs would b better then running two reg hps to a reg mh bulb. Separate ballast n bulbs. Seems like the dual spec does that for u. Jus thought I would chat with experience and not peoples made up thoughts! Thanks for all the help.

Ive used dual spec bulbs for years and they work perfectly well, ive also used full red hps, mh, cfl, t5, led so im in a postion to clarify that they absolutely do work perfectly well. Infact the quality of the dual spec bulb weed is better than the red only spec.

I used to start flower under duals then switch to full red spectrum but its not worth the xtra cost at all. You can run dual spec bulbs start to finish from seed or clone with excellent results.

I use Lumi bulbs at the moment but any dual spec works. Ive used cheap bulbs that give exact same results but just burn out faster. The most expensive bulbs are no different from cheaper ones in my opinion. I used to pay stupid money for sunmaster and philips bulbs but its not necessary.

The only diff using dual spec bulbs is that the plants stretch a little more but its barely noticeable.
Hey cult how u feel bout the double ended bulbs m hearing claims if 30% mor yield n dont cost what the LEDs r costing these days. Jus thought I would ask cause i m seeing great results wit them.
Nuke is a misspell for nute. Sorry !! I started growing inside, in 2004, the same yr. I retired . Before that, I drove truck for a living and never had time for anything but outside, and I had it growing in several states that I knew I'd be going back to. So what brand of coco should I buy in usa ? Right now I'm using the one that you say Monsanto owns, (Botanicare) so If you can enlighten me what to buy ? Complete is a brand name for a nutrient made especially for coco. hydro shop says it's not true organic, but is as close to organic as I'll get ? My bloom tent is in 1/4 coco, 1/4 ffof, 1/4 vermifire organic mix, and 1/4 perlite. i guess the thing I'm having a problem with is the water comes out in one location in the 3 gal fabric pot, I'd feel better about if the water was being distributed around the pot more evenly. i got timer set for 3 times a day for 3 mins ( about a guart) each. Gives just a little runoff, how much runoff is good for coco?
I'm taking a new light for a test drive. 630w lec cmh . What you think about it ? I know it's putting out way more heat than advertised !!
Hey cult how u feel bout the double ended bulbs m hearing claims if 30% mor yield n dont cost what the LEDs r costing these days. Jus thought I would ask cause i m seeing great results wit them.

I dont know a bout 30% extra yield but you may get a slight increase. I dont have enough experience with double end bulb to give a solid opinion on it.

Nuke is a misspell for nute. Sorry !! I started growing inside, in 2004, the same yr. I retired . Before that, I drove truck for a living and never had time for anything but outside, and I had it growing in several states that I knew I'd be going back to. So what brand of coco should I buy in usa ? Right now I'm using the one that you say Monsanto owns, (Botanicare) so If you can enlighten me what to buy ? Complete is a brand name for a nutrient made especially for coco. hydro shop says it's not true organic, but is as close to organic as I'll get ? My bloom tent is in 1/4 coco, 1/4 ffof, 1/4 vermifire organic mix, and 1/4 perlite. i guess the thing I'm having a problem with is the water comes out in one location in the 3 gal fabric pot, I'd feel better about if the water was being distributed around the pot more evenly. i got timer set for 3 times a day for 3 mins ( about a guart) each. Gives just a little runoff, how much runoff is good for coco?
I'm taking a new light for a test drive. 630w lec cmh . What you think about it ? I know it's putting out way more heat than advertised !!

Any quality coco thats been buffered work. In Europe I use plagron, Atami B'cuzz or Canna Professional. Just dont buy the cheapest stuff because its usually not prepared correctly and it can give you issues. As for nutes, i havent heard of that line of nutrient. I have a list of what i generally use here:


Any coco specific base nutrient will do though. Just make sure you keep an eye on the EC/PPM when you mix nutes. Also a quality root stimulator and some great white mycorrhizae is recommended. Use a quality flower boost too. If you can find what i use in my list just substitute for an equivalent product but the important thing is a quality base nutrient. In your current mix a small amount of run off each feed is fine, there doesnt need to be much but when using pure coco dont give any run off at all.

As for he LED i dont know is the answer. They arent all created equally. Some are great and ome are not. Almost all inflate the values on wattage and heat, i guess the only way to know is to use it and then compare against what you used previously.
yes, it is supposed to take you to my grow, but I've had others say same as you, It dont work !! So I'm all alone over there in my grow room. Title of journal is (4 strains 630w lec cmh), so maybe you can find me in, 420 magazines list of current journals. i posted new pics. last night, so I shouldn't be to far down on the list. Thanks a bunch for taking time to try and help me .
Taken last night . 3 weeks in bloom. They're looking pretty good for surviving a mite attack in late veg. !!
Hey cult slowpuffer is using a lec light not led lec lights i have heard great things. Some say its the closest to the sun spectrum. But every new light sales pitch is the light spectrum. It intrigue me m gonna follow slowpuffer. Great work slowpuffer and wanted to clear that up for cult. Hope all is green n good n everybody world!! Hope to hear from u soon cult!!
Hey slowpuffer ur ladies look very healthy btw. How u linking them lec cmh lights. Heard a lot of people use as supplemental light looks like ur testing to c what they can do by themselves. Gonna follow!!
I don't know yet pino0911. Owner of the local hydroponics store highly recommended it, and i bought it in august, and was to hot to use it. I fired it up in mid sept. and that's when I found out that it runs much hotter than advertised !! No way could I run it without an air conditioner going, so that's what I did, but dam, that's expensive weed !! Ha ! let it get within about 2 foot of my plants, and toasted a few buds. When they say 3 feet from canopy, they mean it !! So jurys out, and let's wait and see ? i'm sure things will get better for me, as soon as cult get's me changed over to coco !! Right cult. ??
I'm thinking about a 40 count sea of green, in 2 liter plastic bottles. Coco & perlite under 400w hps. Nutes are undecided as of now, but may try the complete, that I mentioned previously. So I have about 20 clones to start with and plan to supply 20 more within 3 weeks. I have 2 potent strain of blue dream mother plants, and just started a pineapple chunk. Will be emptying the aero cloner tomorrow and reload with blue dream (25 cuttings). And just try & time it to where every month there's a harvest. Drain to waste, top feed with drippers.
Unless you, someone who know's so much more than me, tells me not to do it. But I need to cob together a lean to for a veg. room, until I can buy another tent, as sea of green is going into current veg room (4x4x6.5 tent) I'm stoned on my ass right now and hope this is making sense to you ?? If you tell me I can grow more another way, then that's how I'll do it. How do you do what you do and have time for guys like me ?? Hope all is well ? I am in the process of uploading day 25 pics. to my journal, so take a look. Somethings eating on my veggys , and it's not mites.
The sea of green sounds fine to me. Its just a pain running lots small plants. Personally i like 4 larger plants per light but with the sog you can go clone to flower so basically no veg time. Pros and cons to every grow style really. You would need 2-3 weeks of veg under good light to run bigger plants.
I'm thinking about a 40 count sea of green, in 2 liter plastic bottles. Coco & perlite under 400w hps. Nutes are undecided as of now, but may try the complete, that I mentioned previously. So I have about 20 clones to start with and plan to supply 20 more within 3 weeks. I have 2 potent strain of blue dream mother plants, and just started a pineapple chunk. Will be emptying the aero cloner tomorrow and reload with blue dream (25 cuttings). And just try & time it to where every month there's a harvest. Drain to waste, top feed with drippers.
Unless you, someone who know's so much more than me, tells me not to do it. But I need to cob together a lean to for a veg. room, until I can buy another tent, as sea of green is going into current veg room (4x4x6.5 tent) I'm stoned on my ass right now and hope this is making sense to you ?? If you tell me I can grow more another way, then that's how I'll do it. How do you do what you do and have time for guys like me ?? Hope all is well ? I am in the process of uploading day 25 pics. to my journal, so take a look. Somethings eating on my veggys , and it's not mites.

I'm looking and can't find your journal slow puffer? But how the hell are you gonna run 40 plants in a 6x6? AND add a veg side to that I've got to be missing something link to me is in my signature I would love to see your set up as the cultivator has me ready for the coco medium switch also

Ohioboy can't stop!! Ohioboy With Fast Buds - Let's See How Fast Exactly
Cult i see u been setting up dwc systems. U use Coco as u medium or hydroton mix. I know ur all bout Coco and cause of u i am also ur growth is amazing. Plants explode and u have taught me worry bout whats going on with the root system not whats going on up top. I know u run big grows but when u started Coco did u hand water to get a grasp of it?
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