Amy Gardner Of Eden v1.1: Outdoor 420 Featuring Star Pupil x WeaponX, PCK, Lilly & Purple Satellite

I'm sorry to hear about your sister's house, but I'm glad she and her animals got out in time! That was close :eek:
IKR - if she had followed their advice and left in the morning she may have burned in her bed!
She had to put one horse down. It got left behind at the second evacuation (she was racing ahead of the fire front for a few hours) and was too badly injured/burnt afterwards. Very sad. Very glad she still has herself and two of her darlings - and that she had taken the grandchildren home earlier that day because she ‘felt like something’. You do.

Coffee and cannabis! How I love thee! :love: :surf:
Oh we will! That was just the exhaustion talking :passitleft: :hug:

I’ve been lying here feeling like I can smell coffee for about an hour. Better go make one! I took my oils (1:1) at about 7am, like usual, so it’s definitely time for some Bubba Hash with a touch of DDA in the bubbler... and to then make the coffee!
My house always smells like drying buds growing buds burnt pot and coffee!
Right there with water and oxygen.

:thumb: :passitleft:

My house always smells like drying buds growing buds burnt pot and coffee!
This too! I’m in a processing frenzy right now so the MBII and the Nova Decarb’er are running nearly all the time :D

And welcome @BeanTownFan420 ! :welcome: :passitleft:

Sorry about the fires but happy everyones ok!:hug:
:thumb: :circle-of-love:Sorry for your sisters loss, glad you didn't lose her, More prayers and positive energy headed your way. :party: Rain dancing :party: :meditate:
Thank you my friend :Namaste: We are all glad about that as well.

Yeah! :party: dancing along the waterways... that’s what does it :party:
Hi Amy - sending good thoughts your way. :circle-of-love:
Thought of you today and had a wonder thru your Predators thread.
Soon, when the time is right, you'll be back in there giving 420mag more fine photos and info talks with Pterostychus.

What can I say for your Sister.......I feel for her, I know that.
I have a nephew over there somewhere, he had the good sense to keep well away from my so-called 'family' here.
I do hope he's getting through as boldly as you, Amy.
Lots and lots of Love, Light and Peace to you.
Hi Amy - sending good thoughts your way. :circle-of-love:
Thanks Luiz! :circle-of-love:
I do hope he's getting through as boldly as you, Amy.
Lots and lots of Love, Light and Peace to you.
Thanks so much Mark. It is well appreciated. Thanks for stopping by, welcome! :welcome:

fan-flipping-tastic bird.
Isn’t it! :thumb:

They’re one of my faves (Gray Fantail). Have a beautiful trilling song.
cherry bomb made to third place ... Good to hear positive about the Bomb growing.
I have some cherry bomb seeds too. It’s Berry Bomb these folks are running. @Agemon grew it and cloned it and folks have been keeping it going ever since (Age and Shed and Doob i think).

I can only assume this Cherry Bomb will be as good. Like you, I don’t know when I’m gong to be able to run it.
I can only assume this Cherry Bomb will be as good. Like you, I don’t know when I’m gong to be able to run it.
My daughter in law seems to like the cherry flavor cannabis varieties. So it caught my eye this morning for sure.
... If it is an easy grow, I will be the lazy gardener at your service.
:thumb: :circle-of-love:Sorry for your sister's loss, glad you didn't lose her, More prayers and positive energy headed your way. :party: Rain dancing :party: :meditate:

I'm sorry about your sister's house, too but like dynamo, I'm just glad that she's okay. :hug:
Bringing an ongoing conversation here (w history over at HashGirl’s) from over at Sue’s, about combustion or not...

@Amy Gardner .

I know we talked about kicking the smoking habit and getting back to our normal vaping. So, I thought I should let you know that I've been vaping some Moroccan Habibi with my Arizer Solo and it's oh so good. It may be the push I need back to vaping. :battingeyelashes:
I know - i did enjoy the vapes I’ve had during the last few months. A lot - the flavours especially and there are nuances and subtleties in the high that I dont get when I combust. I think that’s because vaping gives you the best access to the full spectrum of the terpenes. If you research the vaping points of different terps, you’d see they come out at different temps. Cannabinoids do that too. WIth a vape that’s really controllable you can totally tailor your hit. :hmmmm: This really has me thinking now....

2 reasons the combustion has hung around: 1, it’s fast - I can do a loose grind in the grinder and take a quick hit in about 30seconds. The vape involves a much finer grind and is quite a bit more time consuming to use (that really shouldn’t matter tho - tells me I’m a bit stressed ;) ); 2, it hits pain really well and because I’ve had to be more active, and wanted/ needed to be more active than my ‘baseline’ and also got cranky with the roller-walker (b/c, sore arms), my pain has increased a lot lately. So I’ve been toking on the bubbler more ‘n‘ more and doing more ‘n‘ more and that’s not necessarily a workable plan going forward - as things go downhill when I keep doing that for long periods. I also have an intensive physical therapy program about to begin, once all the preliminary assessments and stuff are done (but ball is rolling! :woohoo: ). That’s going to mean a pain increase most likely (I’m told) - in different ways so I might do well to reset in some way if I can. Not a full resensitisation protocol - last time the pain levels killed that - but I can reduce to one pathway, just the 1:1 oil for a while and see.

So this now has me thinking about upgrading my vaping and trying to work with more specific parameters temp wise (the solo is just 6 levels - not digital temp input) and actually aim for the right terps and cannabinoids.

And save the combustion for occasionally.

To quote myself tho... “2 reasons the combustion has hung around”... to be honest there’s now 3 - it’s been a very stressful summer!

Seriously tho - I will. And thanks HashGirl :D for being the spark that sent me down that path. And to brain420 too, for even raising the whole combustion question again over at SUe’s :Namaste:
I’ll check that out old salty, thanks! I don’t do CCO because of the alcohol factor and the intensive processes involved - but I’ll look at that nonetheless. Easiest access with least amount of physicality involved in processing is my ideal. And my vaporiser is a dry-herb vape, not a cartridge type. SO a different kind of vaping :)

Speaking of processing, I’m in the middle of a whole lot of oil runs and currently doing a fresh batch of topical oil. Primarily for pain.

My oils in the past have worked well, by all reports, and that’s at the 1g of flower per oz of oil ratio I got from Dave Groomer’s recipe via SweetSue :). It works out about 8mg/ml with potent buds and decent production efficiency.

This time I’m aiming for something closer to Shed’s oil which aim for 15mg/ml. So about double. (Ooh now that I’ve checked that, I may have over compensated :cheesygrinsmiley: )

ANyhoo - this is what I have going.

34g CBD Critical Cure (8%CBD and 5%THC)
25g AlreadyVapedBud (probably about 4% THC and 1%CBD)
26g White Widow about 16%THC

This was all decarb’ed in batches in the Nova (not the AVB obviously), and has gone into the MBII with 750ml of oil (mix of grapeseed and pumpkinseed oils). At first i only had 650 ml and ther was just so much plant matter in there I hesitated a bit, into wanting to break the machine and added another 100ml.

@InTheShed and/or @BeezLuiz - I’m hoping one or both of you will crunch some numbers for me on that to see what the ballpark mg/ml is. I think using teh Nova and teh MBII makes my production efficiency better, not sure how to account for that - I know you both have ways with the numbers :Namaste:

In further notes from the apocalypse ... this week, I kid you not, we experienced the first 24hr period since November without an emergency fire warning dropping into our phones. That sound will trigger a heart-rate spike for sometime we think.

Then, yesterday teh emergency sting music came on teh radio becasue there is sever weather warnings for much of teh state due to teh rains that are now landing. FOr some people this is going to be, already is, a whole different kind of intense.

Thankfully for us it means many many mm of rain over the next few days - no flood warnings for here.

So I can safely say :woohoo: again. We’ve had 17mm in the last 20hrs, about 12 of it in the last few hours - so it gotsome nice light stuf for a while.

Some fires elsewhere and not far inland are still burning out of control but here, in our little neck of the woods, this feels like fire-quenching rain already. And there’s more, much more, to come.

In a little bit of garden news, while they are all drooping and dripping post-rain right now, first thing this morning the lovely Lilly was looking mighty perky with all leaflets lifted towards the light :love:

All good about combustion and vaping, but congratulations on getting hooked up with the PT! :party:

... ball is rolling for the mobility assistance too - that and the PT go hand in hand really :high-five: :high-five:
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