Amy Gardner Of Eden v1.1: Outdoor 420 Featuring Star Pupil x WeaponX, PCK, Lilly & Purple Satellite

I’m hoping one or both of you will crunch some numbers for me on that to see what the ballpark mg/ml is.
I'm away from my spreadsheet currently, but I'll see what I can do (by hand) when things calm down here in a bit. :)
Oldbear's spreadsheet wasn't really designed for three strains in the same batch of oil (rather than 3 batches of oil), but when I try it with 250ml for each strain (to total 750ml), I get 9.96mg/ml THC and 4.62mg/ml CBD.

I don't know if this is an accurate way to do it, but I would say the low THC number does reflect the low number of grams of your highest THC strain as a percentage of the total.
And to brain420 too, for even raising the whole combustion question again over at SUe’s

Thank you! I'm sad for your sister :(

I'm thinking combustion a couple to few times a week should not do too much damage, I don't know what is your gut telling you is a good frequency? Life aint that easy though is it, pick a number and good luck sticking to it! lol
Thanks Shed. I've currently been in hospital visiting the mother-in-law so difficult to make math now. :hmmmm: But I'm pretty sure I can do a proper calc for both THC and CBD.
If I can get my 91 yr old mother-in-law to help me trim I will certainly post a photo of it. ;)
Amy... you’re entering PT. Have you considered some suppositories in advance of the sessions? I’ve been experimenting with low doses and one of the things I’ve noticed is after a little more than a week all the niggling pains around the edges have fallen away, and a couple of the more distracting ones that I keep ignoring have also disappeared.

My body feels younger and more flexible. :battingeyelashes:

It also seems that the simple use of 10 mg of THC through this pathway is healing my gut. I really wasn’t expecting that. Lol! I’ll be increasing the cannabinoid value with the next batch, and I’m thinking of making CCO and doing it all proper-like.

Geez... how glad am I to hear the fire season may be behind you? :hug::hug::hug:
I ran to math for you Amy. I use an 85% extraction efficiency standard. I love playing with numbers.

I figure you’re getting just under 8 mg of THC/ml and just over 3 mg/ml of CBD.
I got a chance to scribble some calculations on my end. My numbers are pretty much the same as SweetSue's.:high-five:
Here's my numbers and assumptions:
*First off I assumed your weights were before decarb. So total possible THC is 6860 mg, and CBD is 2970 mg.
*The Nova claims 95% decarb efficiency so that lowers the totals slightly: THC 6517 mg and CBD 2821 mg.
*You used 750 ml so divide by that to get 8.69 mg/ml THC and 3.76 mg/ml CBD
*I assumed 85% infusion efficiency for MB unit, so your final numbers should be: THC 7.4 mg/ml CBD 3.2 mg/ml.

Now, if your weights are post decarb, then assume approx12% weight loss so your concentration will be stronger by 1.12, so then your final numbers would be THC 8.3mg/ml and CBD 3.6mg/ml
I hope this makes sense and is helpful. :cool:
Thank you so much. All 3 of you! That would mean then that by using shed-tons more plant matter than I ever have is giving me an an oil about the same strength or maybe stronger by .5 At best - except with some added CBD :hmmmm: :laughtwo: I did lowball the THC estimate on WW A little, and while the breeder for CBDCC gave those numbers, I have seen a test result that was a lot higher. I didn’t think the lower strength would outweigh the increase in plant matter as much as that.

Still, even if i had checked beforehand, that amount of plat matter felt like a real lot in the machine, for the amount of oil.

I can always infuse more into it I suppose... dammit! Lol!

Hey what is new though, and this is a happy accident, is the strength of the CBD addition. Lots of CBD cosmetics I see (I’ve been window shopping/researching a bit) have about 3mg/ml in them and that’s what I’ll be aiming for with the face oil I’m making next (I’m in a zone :slide:). With this pain oil I was just aiming for “some” CBD so for starters it’s awesome to land there or thereabouts at the 3-4mg/ml and 2nd of all, because the increase in THC strength isn’t so much, I might get a clearer read on what the CBD brings to the party. I cant remember the approximate strength of my last batch, I should go back ad check.

+REPS and love to you 3 for throwing those numbers around :Namaste:

Thank you! I'm sad for your sister :(

I'm thinking combustion a couple to few times a week should not do too much damage, I don't know what is your gut telling you is a good frequency? Life aint that easy though is it, pick a number and good luck sticking to it! lol

LOL! Sounds great. Right now my gut is still telling me that hitting the bubbler whenever i feel like it is just fine!

:bongrip: There’s a shift in the works tho... it’s always preceded by musings about delivery methods and approaches... it’s an always shifting landscape with many levels!

Amy... you’re entering PT. Have you considered some suppositories in advance of the sessions? I’ve been experimenting with low doses and one of the things I’ve noticed is after a little more than a week all the niggling pains around the edges have fallen away, and a couple of the more distracting ones that I keep ignoring have also disappeared.

My body feels younger and more flexible. :battingeyelashes:

It also seems that the simple use of 10 mg of THC through this pathway is healing my gut. I really wasn’t expecting that. Lol! I’ll be increasing the cannabinoid value with the next batch, and I’m thinking of making CCO and doing it all proper-like.

Geez... how glad am I to hear the fire season may be behind you? :hug::hug::hug:
Thanks sweet :hug:

Actually yes - I have been reading your postings on this with some developing interest with the upcoming PT in mind. I will first introduce some edibles into the picture a bit more and see how that goes. But I am definitely considering it. I respond well to low doses so think your current recipe would work well. The positive effects on the gut sound good too.
LOL! Thanks! Yah. That’s why I usually aim for the strongest ones for topicals - but these buds are what I had and was willing to throw to it.

85g in that much oil must be a thick mix! Does the machine struggle with it? I’m assuming no because yours is still functioning.

And welcome to the garden @Brian420pm :welcome:
Interesting about the CBD.... I’ve been mixing Carn and Candida bud at about 1:1 for the past week, and this weekend I’ll start playing with the same combo in Dust (I’ve a thread brewing). I find I’m more inclined every day to choose the mix over the individual Carnival, and this intrigued me, as you can imagine.

Reading over the last day I’m thinking I’ll either have to start using the MB2 or making CCO to get my cannabinoid values up higher for the next batches of suppositories. :hmmmm:

Amy, what real benefits are you reading of when CBD is in higher ratio in cosmetics? I suspect we’re seeing more placebo effect than anything. I always remember greatwolf, who used high CBD oils to get off opiates, but that was internally. I still feel inadequately studied on the real world responses to CBD topically.

Dang! That Green Flower course would fill in so many blanks more quickly than I can flailing about......although I almost always flail in the direction I’m needing to go. That cosmic team amazes me sometimes. :circle-of-love:
Just to give you an idea of how many shed-tons of buds you need to get 16% THC weed to 15mg/ml in 750ml of oil, it's 85g (post decarb weight).
34g CBD Critical Cure (8%CBD and 5%THC)
25g AlreadyVapedBud (probably about 4% THC and 1%CBD)
26g White Widow about 16%THC
85g in that much oil must be a thick mix! Does the machine struggle with it?
So Amy, you actually used a total of 85 grams of weed in your batch of 3 different materials. I assume the MB worked fine for you. Problem with your batch was 25g had only 4% THC and 34g had only 5% THC. As Shed stated, if it was all 16% THC you would have been golden.
BTW I checked my notes and I have White Widow at 19% THC. I got that number from Dope Seeds website. :Namaste:
I went back to my numbers for the long term infuse I did last year. I had about 16 g of flower (~10 grams of the flower was second run. ) and 30 g of trim in grapeseed oil, I left it in the oil from march to november. I was worried it would turn sour but it came out ok. I find the oil to be very nice indeed. Mostly Zamaldelica flower.

SO, I wonder. About 50-60 g for 16 oz oil. I have usually run in 8 oz batch, then about a zip... Sounds about right to me.:hmmmm:
I am going to see if finances allow me to get a Nova this summer. Seems a right fit for me.
Mostly Zamaldelica flower.
How do you like the Zamaldelica? That one caught my eye recently and was thinking about getting some seeds for a future grow.
How do you like the Zamaldelica? That one caught my eye recently and was thinking about getting some seeds for a future grow.

Good Stuff. Spacey, kind of creeps up on ya.
My wife finds it easy to loose track of time with it. I like the oil incense-y woody smell. Probably the strongest stuff I ever grew.
It was reasonable to grow. I tied it up in a screen and spread it out best I could. My first full satvia.

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