Ase's Perpetual Fun With Coco

Sorry just checked he is growing a tangie bt it might be similar

Yeah Tangie is the more Sativa dominant part of Tangerine Dream. His leaves are very thin and mine definitely look to be more 50/50. I also think I trained mine way lower. It does seem like Tangie is an incredibly stretchy strain though and I am getting incredible growth. Now you can see why I train the way I do. It works for my grow area better. Others can just let them grow taller but If I had a plant like his I'd have problems with getting too close to the light. I have to aim for wider and more colas so it doesn't get too vertical but rather it spreads over all the colas in little bits.
Hey check out ditchweed424 he has a journal of a tangerine dream that stretched soooo much it's insane. He just put up an update. Don't know if u have the same exact strain but just a warning that I've never seen a plant stretch that much!
Ditch's Angie got way out of hand :rofl:
Day 67 Autos - Day 11 Flower Photos

For the most part nothing much has changed recently in what I am doing, pretty much just feeding on schedule and that's it. They are all just growing along now and all seem pretty happy. I am continuing to follow my feed schedule in the beginning of this journal and so far everything seems to be right on track. The plants now have noticeably stretched from 2 days ago. I think I said in that post that they should really go into high gear and they really have. I am hoping the Amnesiac or the Jack Herer stays within the same height as the Tangerine Dream so I can put them under the same light but who knows. I also bought some sticker ruler things to measure stretch but they will get here too late for this grow. Should be fun in the future though. If it gets here tomorrow it might still be useful I guess. For now here is a before and after.

2 Days ago



Veg (Auto) Tent is doing well. The Gorilla Glue was still a bit heavy from yesterdays feeding of plain water so I'm going to let it go without water for another day. Don't want to over-saturate everything now when the plant is finishing and the uptake just isn't as much. I think I've been pushing the Cherry Bomb and Headlights a little much so I might lower the ppm more this next feeding.

Distance shot for reference.

Headlights and Gorilla Glue.

Cherry Bomb

Headlights Cola

Cherry Bomb Cola
Cherry bomb got some donkey knocker sized colas

Crazy right? I have to be careful because she has some nute burn but the buds are looking nice and the hairs and perky and white. I just need them to fill out, long and skinny is not my style.
Definitely have to be careful bru. LoL do you prefer short and thick buds rather?

Yeah I prefer a plant that is probably inbetween my Cherry Bomb and Headlights. I think my Photos will end up something like that. I think the Cherry Bomb will fatten up though. It stacked pretty fast.
Yeah I prefer a plant that is probably inbetween my Cherry Bomb and Headlights. I think my Photos will end up something like that. I think the Cherry Bomb will fatten up though. It stacked pretty fast.
I think with the few weeks left for the swelling it should definitely get skme girth. You could always backbuild a few of those colas since they already so long, not sure if you will be able to already or should have. I am hoping this round I get a few decent 5-6 inch sized colas. Not aiming for huge stuff.
I think with the few weeks left for the swelling it should definitely get skme girth. You could always backbuild a few of those colas since they already so long, not sure if you will be able to already or should have. I am hoping this round I get a few decent 5-6 inch sized colas. Not aiming for huge stuff.

Yeah I am not really trying to do anything additional with my Auto's. I've seen and I've had some weird things happen to Auto's before. Might have been an error on my part at the time (memory is foggy and what I was doing), so now I just let them grow in flower.

People generally like Auto's because they are easier to grow but not me. For the way I like to do things it just isn't my style. I like to be more hands on and they only like that for a short period of time in veg.
Think he just had them laying about. Tbh if I had autos I would grow them, but not as a main project or grow. Not worth it for me

Some people grow them here and seem to get nice results, but I think I'd be the same. It seems too limiting, and I need the ability to let time take care of my mistakes! :laughtwo:
Some people grow them here and seem to get nice results, but I think I'd be the same. It seems too limiting, and I need the ability to let time take care of my mistakes! :laughtwo:
:rofl::19. I know that brother. I prefer photos since I can veg them for a while before flipping. Also if you make a booboo you can correct it. I constantly wrestle my GG, seems she is a bit less hairy now though
Why grow the autos at all then, Ase? Duration? Do you find the potency of autos any different from photos?

Pat is mainly right. I got some through free promos when I ordered my other seeds. At some point last grow I had two tents in flower mode. This threw off my normal 10 week schedule so I was actually able to squeeze an additional grow in utilizing my veg tent. Because I start new girls this weekend, the veg tent still will be 18/6 and the Auto's will continue doing what they do. If the Auto's needed 12/12 light it would have put me 3 weeks behind because I couldn't start my seedlings and I would have never grown them.

I'm not saying Auto's are bad either, I'm just saying I like full control and to be able to train them more. I have heard the potency is lower and scientifically it makes sense considering it is crossed with the more veg oriented reuderalis (low THC and barely any flower). I generally have focused more on strains and how they make me feel rather than actual potency %. I think people put too much value in that and I don't get mine tested anyways. I've heard they are only less potent by a few % and I just don't think that makes a huge difference. I think strain plays a larger role.

I am very happy with my Auto's and am glad I can do them but I am even happier with my photos. I would use Auto's outdoors. That would be really fun.
Friday Night Bake Session

A little impromptu edible baking night for me but I got a gallon of coconut oil in the mail and decided it was a good time to test out my Magical Butter machine I won for POTM. First off let me start by saying if there is anything I am more into than growing it's cooking. The fact I can take trim and turn it into something yummy and potent is the most ideal thing for my world. It combines the best of both worlds. I do intend on sharing recipes and ideas throughout this journal. Like Autos, edibles aren't really my jam but I am working to perfect them and maybe someday I can make them exactly how I want them.

In the past I have made lots of edibles using shake and stems and basically degraded junk that my friends saved. I used bubble bags and keifed it using dry ice. I then would take the kief and just put it in candies and recipes. I did make butter from time to time with cheesecloth and a crock put and have had some success. All in all edible always make me tired. I've had a few times where I have gone way overboard and been higher than ever but I rarely get the nice inbetween that. I would like to eat one or two and get high like if I smoked a bowl for a couple hours and I know its possible so it's my mission to figure out edibles.

This Magical Butter machine is awesome. Since I will be using tinctures, butters and oils in all sorts of foods it's nice it has settings for all them. It also auto mixes and stays at a consistent temperature which is really important. This time I used just the bud from the Ayahuasca plants. It is not degraded and it's all one strain. The Magical Butter machine also makes it easy to do all one strain because if only have a certain amount of trim you can adjust the recipe for it and it can handle it. Since I don't know my THC % on my Ayahuasca's I can't begin to figure out the real potency but here is the recipe I used.

3 cups coconut oil
41g good Ayahuasca trim (Kept in ideal conditions just like the bud since trim)
1/2 cup cocoa powder
4 Tablespoons honey
2 tsp vanilla extract

This is so easy with the machine. I put the oil and honey in a pyrex bowl and heated in the microwave just for 20 seconds to loosen it up. I then whipped it (I actually use an emulsifier) for 1 or 2 minutes so it stayed together. Next I put in the cocoa powder and vanilla and whipped for another 30 seconds. Put in the machine and set for oil. Strained using provided bag and then poured into molds, put into freezer and waited 20 minutes to harden. Easy as that!

MagicButter Machine and gear

Oil it made - put in fridge and starting to harden like coconut oil again which is just fine. Used some for the chocolate otherwise this was almost a full jar.

Chocolates - Taste a little like MJ but in a pleasant way and the chocolate just flakes and melts in your mouth due to coconut oil. Plus they are healthy. The middle is soft and moist as well. These came out so good for my first time ever making them!

Also to finish with some of the other sponsors gifts. The bubbler and bowl piece I got using the gift certificate from Water-bongs-glass-pipes website. Both work great!


The dab pen from VaporWarehouse I have used a lot. I don't have a dab rig but this thing is awesome for being discreet. The pen itself really does a great job and hits well. There is no smell at all and I am using it way more than I thought I would instead of bringing flower to places in public. Shows, events, sports games. I've always had a gripe about pens because they never can get me that high but this one has. Granted I'm using wax and it's super expensive so it better but nice to have and was a really nice surprise. I need to learn to make wax now. That will be on the docket this year at some point.


I will be planting 4 seeds all from the POTM orders for my next grow. Purple Envy, Purple Kush, Lost Coast OG and Cali OG Kush/Haze. Thanks again to all the sponsors for your support! It's allowing me to do some really fun things right now.
Ase, would you say the Magical Butter Machine is worth the price? I know yours was free, but now that you've used it for a while, would you have paid for it? I use small doses of edibles daily after dinner to help my stomach through the night. I use an Ardent Nova for decarb now but I'd like an easy solution for oil / infusion.
Ase, would you say the Magical Butter Machine is worth the price? I know yours was free, but now that you've used it for a while, would you have paid for it? I use small doses of edibles daily after dinner to help my stomach through the night. I use an Ardent Nova for decarb now but I'd like an easy solution for oil / infusion.

Ya know, my whole thing is to find out how companies like this make a machine and then replicate is as best as I can. You have to still decarb the ganja in the oven first (250F for 30 minutes). After that though this thing does everything else.

The advantages it has:
Ease of use - I've had issues with cheesecloth and squeezing it out many times. It's created messes and edible liquids are tough to clean up.
Silicon Glove - This was a huge help. Squeezing the bubble bag was so easy with this thing.
Bubble Bag - You can buy these online instead of using cheesecloth but it's nice this package just comes with it.
Temperature control - 5 temperature settings
Self Mixes - You have to mix whatever you are putting into it first but it constantly stirs throughout the process automatically
Self Clean - Dump in hot water and soap and hit a button and when it's done dump it out and it's clean!
Tinctures, Butter, oil can all be made with a push of a button. Since I make a lot of different kinds of edibles (candy and real food) that is another awesome advantage. Each one uses different ingredients to make but butter isn't appropriate for all edibles.

All in all those are advantages that I look for in a product. Will it pay itself back in time saved, ease of use and does it make quality product. In this case the answer is yes, which was kind of a surprise to me. It's $179.99 and I think there is a $30 off thing on their website. I don't know what they give for a sponsor discount but if they do then that brings this thing to a much more reasonable price. Either way if you use it a lot I think the advantages add up quickly and it is going to save me a ton of time and be more efficient. The easy cleaning is huge for me.

I haven't done research to see if there are similar ones and what their prices are. It is really a temperature controlled thermos with a spinner that stirs it so it's pretty basic. It's awesome though and since they are a sponsor I would say go with Magical Butter. It's a quality product and I know others who have won one really enjoy theirs too.
Great review Ase, thanks! I can get it a little cheaper locally than I can on the site - their shipping to Canada kills it. I'm really tempted. If my wife has success with CBD I'll definitely pick it up.
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