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notice a yellowing leaf at the very bottom of my plant and i have two more yellowing under as well they look like this
this is from this plant
i should not be that worried but just making sure

It's perfectly normal for lower leaves to yellow as she flowers, especially the ones receiving very little light. It's not a concern if it's just a few leaves low down.
I have a plant I would like to finish up outside. I live in Michigan I've bean looking it up and outdoors it finishes late Sept early oct. Right now it's in my tent and in about week 2 of bloom almost. Would it be safe to move it outdoors.

If daylight hours are short enough and no light can get to it during the night then yeah she'll flower outside fine. I'm not from the US however so I can't be sure of the Michigan climate but I can almost guarantee it's better than the UK's lol
Good day diligent growers,
I seem to have a problem with my canabis sprouts.

They're in 8inch pots, decided to transplant straight into big-ish ones.
Gave water to the whole pot straight after, didn't water again for almost 10 days... Top Soil dried about 2 knuckles deep so I watered along the plant only. Haven't fed any nutrients. I have a 3:1 ratio of potting Soil to Perlite.

Anyway here they are... Anyone who has an idea what could be wrong here?

Drooping, dark spots, slow growth (at 17 days now) yellowing leaf.


Close up



Also, for a sprout less than 2 inches tall, it has a root coming out an 8inch pot?
hello all!

im using canna, advance nutrients and mother pukka.

all these are to 1 litre.

canna aqua 3ml.
canna boost 3ml.
cannazym 2.5ml.
bud candy 2ml.
bud factor x 2ml.
overdrive 2ml.
budwiser 2ml.

my ppm was 2900, is this normal? first time iv done hydro in a wilma system.
Good day diligent growers,
I seem to have a problem with my canabis sprouts.

They're in 8inch pots, decided to transplant straight into big-ish ones.
Gave water to the whole pot straight after, didn't water again for almost 10 days... Top Soil dried about 2 knuckles deep so I watered along the plant only. Haven't fed any nutrients. I have a 3:1 ratio of potting Soil to Perlite.

Anyway here they are... Anyone who has an idea what could be wrong here?

Drooping, dark spots, slow growth (at 17 days now) yellowing leaf.


Close up



Also, for a sprout less than 2 inches tall, it has a root coming out an 8inch pot?

its okay, they grow towards the water so as the top dries i imagine they travel to the wetter bottom parts of the pots.
Quick wash ISO with Everclear... Any one with some experience? I read to only let the Everclear be mixed with the plant material for 30 seconds then drain. So that I get the trics off with out getting the chlorophyll.
Posted this on here before but here are recent pictures of my plant I am a bit worried about if the buds will stay that small i love the smell and the frost they have but to be honest you guys think they will actually swell more ??? plant is a white widow growing outside its been flowering since at least 6 weeks easy i see lots of orange but someone here told me not to bother about it so its cool with that will have a scope this week so I can have a good look at the trichomes so yeah those are the pics

That's what I thought, thanks Streze. Could it be possible that out of 20 plants I got all females? I started with 20 thinking half were gonna be males but now I got 20 females lol
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