AutoPsycho's Indoor Soil First Grow Strains Chronic Headband MIndbender-2013

Sounds like a well planned primo location. :bravo:
I like the sliding wall idea that will be BA, can't wait to see it! Being less cramped will better a lot of aspects for them for sure.
Yeah I agree on the veg space, in a couple weeks they are going to start getting quite bushy! Not that it's a bad thing they might just appreciate some space :laugh: With a bigger room do you plan on a c02 supply?
yes i do plan on getting a co2 set up, and some type of ac unit, to keep the temps down,
the yellowing started at the bottom, but seems to be moving up, it is mostly toward the center of the plant, not affecting the outer part of the branches ... yet....

this is only on the 2 Mindbenders, the chronic and headband are not really affected

i dont know if this is normal 5 weeks in to flower on this strain, or an i doing something wrong
It happens....

The plant will self trim lower,older inefficient leaves sucking up all thier nitrogen then cutting them off. If its just lower growth, its 100% normal. Whoa, did I just go back to the future??
Yeah.What Spimp said :)

the ladies are looking good, the yellowing has not spread, the soil is still moist , so not gona feed them yet, maybe tomorrow, still seeing groth on the buds, so all is good in that part of the world, ill feel better when i can feed them again, , but its better to wait a day or so than to over water, come on big buds!!!!!

Have you fed the plants since this post?
All your leaves look yellow under HPS light :)

Can you turn it off and illuminate the room with something else for photos?

yes, i fed yesterday, and saw more yellow today, i fed again today as the soil was dryish and when i lifted the pot it was quite light

You fed them 2 days in a row?
It happens....

The plant will self trim lower,older inefficient leaves sucking up all thier nitrogen then cutting them off. If its just lower growth, its 100% normal. Whoa, did I just go back to the future??

ok maybe im just a nervous nelly, but i would hate to kill em this close to the good part
Don't overfeed them, just give them a slightly higher Nitrogen is all, it happens as they mature, just started seeing this same thing in my garden. Like Spimp and others are saying its the plant self pruning because it's looking for more nitrogen and getting it from the stores in the fan leaves. Don't kill em by giving them too much. You should be getting ready to start flushing them soon if your approaching 6 weeks.
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