AutoPsycho's Indoor Soil First Grow Strains Chronic Headband MIndbender-2013

Urine, like all nutrients, should be diluted.

However, I have peed on several container plants with no issues.

I suppose it depends on how concentrated your urine is

and how often you use the plant pot as a urinal (don't do this).

Definitely agree with a lot of stuff posted. I will personally try and hit 2 if not 3 weeks flushing on my next grows to ensure a nice smooth meds, and keep my impatient hand from making the chop too early.. those extra weeks are where it counts! Definitely learned to wait because that bud is going to just get better and better! But don't flush too early, I think these girls are still a bit out :)

sweet! my serious 6 came down at 9 weeks from pistil, so I should have started flushing at 7 weeks from pistil. I think a weekly flush, starting at week 7 will do no harm to the plant at all. there's tons of nutrients left in the fan leaves (if you didn't cut them off) and the soil to hold her over for 2 weeks.

I would suggest using pure water every watering after the first flush till the end.
Would this cause your plants to taste like Urine ? just curious. I am thinking it would not. This is a great idea for sure, I actually may try this next time I water at a 1:10 ratio. I would think if your using Urine you would want to collect the Morning P for sure as its been collecting since you went to sleep, so a good brew it should be. I drink coffee in the mornings so..well you know...I P alot.

I would also think you would not need to "Flush" no pun intended as this is totally organic and most likely used before it gets a chance to evaporate.
Would this cause your plants to taste like Urine ? just curious. I am thinking it would not. This is a great idea for sure, I actually may try this next time I water at a 1:10 ratio. I would think if your using Urine you would want to collect the Morning P for sure as its been collecting since you went to sleep, so a good brew it should be. I drink coffee in the mornings so..well you know...I P alot.

I would also think you would not need to "Flush" no pun intended as this is totally organic and most likely used before it gets a chance to evaporate.

urine is a great way to obtain nitrates. there's a ratio on wiki, I think something like 1:5 urine to water as long as you don't have an infection. if your urines clean its good to go lol

I had a buddy on --------- that only used organic alfala meal teas and grew monsters lol. he grew the el dorado or the chemdawg to the ceilings lol
Just because you can use diluted urine for nitrates does not mean you should....


Remember: It's normal for marijuana leaves to start turning yellow as Harvest Time approaches

triple edit : During the last few weeks before harvest, marijuana plants starts pulling all the remaining nitrogen from her leaves as part of the bud-making process. This causes yellowing leaves starting towards the bottom of the plant. This is part of the natural flowering process and you don't need to fight it.You may notice that marijuana leaves are yellowing in almost all pictures of marijuana plants with big buds that are close to harvest. You tend to get smaller yields from nitrogen-toxic plants with dark green leaves at harvest.
Thanks autopsycho :ciao:

Actually, no. There are not a lot of bullshitters on here.

Who told you that human urine can kill plants ?

You're kidding right? The internet is full of bullshitters, and the last time i checked this forum is open registration to any of those said bullshitters. Take a piss on your plant and it won't do well.

and it will taste and smell like piss.

I have a feeling you are gonna show me yellowing girdle leaves and Im gonna say it happens... ;)

^^ Bullsh*tter

It happens....

The plant will self trim lower,older inefficient leaves sucking up all thier nitrogen then cutting them off. If its just lower growth, its 100% normal. Whoa, did I just go back to the future??

Bullsh*tter strikes again

Just because you can use diluted urine for nitrates does not mean you should....


Remember: It's normal for marijuana leaves to start turning yellow as Harvest Time approaches

triple edit : During the last few weeks before harvest, marijuana plants starts pulling all the remaining nitrogen from her leaves as part of the bud-making process. This causes yellowing leaves starting towards the bottom of the plant. This is part of the natural flowering process and you don't need to fight it.You may notice that marijuana leaves are yellowing in almost all pictures of marijuana plants with big buds that are close to harvest. You tend to get smaller yields from nitrogen-toxic plants with dark green leaves at harvest.


:welcome: to :420: Orez. ;)
+repd Looks beautiful. Also im guessing the reason why its only the mindbender plants turning yellow is because they are probably closer to the end of their flower cycle (56-61 days) and these ones might have even been shorter under how much light they have. Probably time to inspect the trichomes and look for good amber trichs. I heard that at somewhere around 50% amber is a good time, but i havent read into it too much

OMW to reading into it ;) :peace:
You do relize I can read correct?

How about we address this on your thread?

Ask me why i said it and quit beating around the bush and cursing me out.

p.s. sorry autopysch :)

This wasn't even aimed at you ...
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