AutoPsycho's Indoor Soil First Grow Strains Chronic Headband MIndbender-2013

Pee in a bucket and dilute it 7 times.

Give that to the affected plants :thumb:

Is this for Nitrogen ? never heard of this one. Autopsycho you can see what LST does to plants if you check out my current grow. It is not a balls to the wall approach of LST , however it did produce in my opinion a nice bushy girl with multiple fat colas without the need for screens and things, plants are supporting themselves thru everyday strengthening with moderate air movement. I also used FIMing and Topping combined with LST.
wait ... what??? really??

Yes. Cheapest Nitrogen source ever. And very bioavailable.

From Wiki: (emphasis mine)

Main article: Fertilizer

Urine contains large quantities of nitrogen (mostly as urea), as well as significant quantities of dissolved phosphates and potassium, the main macronutrients required by plants, with urine having plant macronutrient percentages (i.e. NPK) of approximately 11-1-2 by one study[20] or 15-1-2 by another report,[21] illustrating that exact composition varies with diet. Undiluted, it can chemically burn the roots of some plants, but it can be used safely as a source of complementary nitrogen in carbon-rich compost.[22]

When diluted with water (at a 1:5 ratio for container-grown annual crops with fresh growing medium each season,[23] or a 1:8 ratio for more general use[22]), it can be applied directly to soil as a fertilizer. The fertilization effect of urine has been found to be comparable to that of commercial fertilizers with an equivalent NPK rating.

Urine contains most (94% according to Wolgast[20]) of the NPK nutrients excreted by the human body. Conversely, concentrations of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, commonly found in solid human waste, are much lower in urine

Urine typically contains 70% of the nitrogen and more than half the phosphorus and potassium found in urban waste water flows, while making up less than 1% of the overall volume.

Proponents of urine as a natural source of agricultural fertilizer claim the risks to be negligible or acceptable. Their views seem to be backed by research showing there are more environmental problems when it is treated and disposed of compared with when it is used as a resource.[28

Increasingly there are calls for urine's use as a fertilizer, such as a Scientific American article "Human urine is an effective fertilizer".[29]
Don't overfeed them, just give them a slightly higher Nitrogen is all, it happens as they mature, just started seeing this same thing in my garden. Like Spimp and others are saying its the plant self pruning because it's looking for more nitrogen and getting it from the stores in the fan leaves. Don't kill em by giving them too much. You should be getting ready to start flushing them soon if your approaching 6 weeks.
the plan is to start flushing end of week 8, flush for a few days, then let the soil dry before choping
Pee in a bucket and dilute it 7 times.

Give that to the affected plants :thumb:

Rico and I differ on our opinions of this. But Even me, THE ANTI-PEE-PLANT ADVOCATE knows it works. :) Listen to Rico more, and yor grow will be just fine. :riskybusiness:
Definitely agree with a lot of stuff posted. I will personally try and hit 2 if not 3 weeks flushing on my next grows to ensure a nice smooth meds, and keep my impatient hand from making the chop too early.. those extra weeks are where it counts! Definitely learned to wait because that bud is going to just get better and better! But don't flush too early, I think these girls are still a bit out :)
Thanks autopsycho :ciao:

So there are alot of bullshitters on here ...
Again that was info from a fellow 420 ...

Actually, no. There are not a lot of bullshitters on here.

Who told you that human urine can kill plants ?

So there are alot of bullshitters on here ...

Again that was info from a fellow 420 ...


I think its if you pee directly on your roots base/top soil it could kill it if its in a container, in the ground probably not so much.
Ya just got to dilute it with some water, I think 1 part piss to 10 part water would be good :)
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